Интегрированный урок (информатика + английский язык) "Великобритания, США, Австралия" кубок

Разделы: Иностранные языки, Презентация к уроку

УМК: Афанасьева О.В., Михеева И.В “English VI”

Продолжительность: 45 минут

Цель: обобщение материала по изученным темам.


  • совершенствовать навык устной речи;
  • повторить лексико-грамматический материал по теме;
  • развивать логическое и творческое мышление, память;
  • развивать толерантность и уважение к иноязычной культуре;
  • развитие способностей работать в группе, достигать согласия, приходить к единому мнению;
  • развивать умение работать в парах, индивидуально и группах.

Оснащение: доска, раздаточный материал, плазменная панель, подготовленная презентация PowerPoint, компьютер, карты трех стран.

Формы работы на уроке: индивидуальная, парная и групповая

Ход занятия

Организационный момент (1 мин).

T: Hello! I’m very glad to see you today, sit down, please. Today we are going to sum up all the material about Great Britain, the USA and Australia. We will remember the words connected with these topics and we will play.

Речевая разминка (3 мин).

T: But firstly, how are you today?

P: I’m fine thank you. And how are you?

T: I’m fine too. Do you like the weather today and why?

P: I like the weather today because it is…

P: I don’t like the weather today because it is…

T: Where do people like to speak about weather?

P: People like to speak about weather in Great Britain.

T: Right! And just now I want you to repeat the words connected with our topic.

Повторение лексических единиц предыдущих уроков(5 мин).

T: Look at the presentation and find the right English equivalent to the Russian word.

(компьютерная презентация “Vocabulary Work”)

P: “Находиться” is “situate”.

P: “Царствовать” is “reign”…

T: Well done! And just now complete the sentences with these words (choose the right variant).

(компьютерная презентация “Complete the sentences”)

P: Great Britain is situated in the British Isles.

P: The rule of the USA is the President.

T: Oh, sorry but think a little!

P: The head of the USA is the President…

T: That is good!

Повторение страноведческого материала (6-7 мин).

T: And now let us see how well you know the information about countries. I’ll give you the puzzles with the maps of some countries and you should make a picture and guess what the country is. (раздаточный материал в виде разрезанных карт Великобритании, США и Австралии см. Приложение)

Have you managed? And what can you say about these countries?

P: Great Britain is situated in the British Isles and washed by the Atlantic Ocean, The North Sea and the Irish Sea.

T: Very well! Any other information?

P: There are 50 states in the USA…

T: Well, and now we’ll check how rich you are in the knowledge about these countries.

Повторение страноведческого материала в игровой форме (25 мин).

T: Look at the presentation and work in pairs and choose the number of a question, if you answer it you will earn some money 10, 20 or 50$; no answer – no money. Let’s see who is the richest of you! (презентация “Let’s Check”, распечатанные деньги)

P: Number 21.

T: What is the capital of Scotland?

P: The capital of Scotland is Edinburgh.

T: Let’s see the answer… Yes, you are right and you earn 10$. The next pair chooses the question.

P: Number 3…

Подведение итогов (3мин).

T: You’ve worked very hard let’s count your salary for today, the richest of you has earned the right to be called “The Richest in the Knowledge”, and this is a Diploma (распечатанные дипломы) which proves it.

So you will have no home task. Thank you for your work, you may be free. Good bye!