Открытый урок по домашнему чтению в рамках темы "Путешествия". "An emergency landing" медаль

Разделы: Иностранные языки, Презентация к уроку

Предлагаемый урок – это обобщающее повторение по теме “The World of Travelling”, что позволяет расширить словарный запас учащихся и систематизировать пройденный материал. В уроке представлены задания на совершенствование речевых навыков, навыков чтения, умений монологической и диалогической речи, а также задания по аудированию и грамматике. В этот урок входит презентация и раздаточный материал для учащихся.

Тип занятия: практическое занятие на материале аутентичного текста.

Вид занятия: комбинированный урок

Цель: совершенствовать аудитивные навыки учащихся и через коммуникативную практику обеспечивая “языковую атмосферу” для создания условий развития “чувства языка”.


1. Образовательные:

  • совершенствование навыков чтения и аудирования;
  • формирование навыков говорения с использованием новых лексических единиц;
  • создание условий для обогащения словарного запаса;
  • активизирование новой лексики в речи;
  • обучение опосредованному общению на материале аутентичного текста;

2. Воспитывающие:

  • прививать любовь и интерес к иностранному языку;
  • воспитывать умение работать в парах, группах, самостоятельно.

3. Развивающие:

  • развитие умений воспроизводить и интерпретировать содержание текста с опорой на языковой материал и аргументы текста;
  • развитие навыков пересказа на основе прочитанного;
  • развивать умение работать коллективно и самостоятельно, навыки устной и письменной речи, аудирования и чтения;
  • расширение лингвистического кругозора учащихся;
  • активизировать внимание учеников на занятии, создать благоприятный психологический климат;
  • способствовать развитию творческой деятельности учащихся
  • развивать умение сравнивать, обобщать.

Методический инструментарий:

  • Слайды (проектор).
  • Аудиозаписи музыки.
  • Раздаточный материал.
  • Интернет (видеоролик).

Учебный материал: методическая разработка; сайт Британского Совета, учебник "English VIII" O.V. Afanasyeva, I.V. Mikheeva;

План учебного занятия

  1. Организационный этап
  2. Сообщение темы и цели занятия (вводное слово)
  3. Этап предварительного обсуждения темы (Warming-up)
  4. Этап фонетической отработки текста. (Listening)
  5. Этап выполнения репродуктивных учебных заданий
  6. Видеоролик _ALF_" (использование элементов здоровьесберегающих технологий)
  7. Этап репродуктивно-продуктивных учебных заданий
  8. Этап выполнения продуктивных заданий
  9. Этап контроля
  10. Этап креативного контроля
  11. Подведение итогов занятия. Выставление оценок.
  12. Домашнее задание: подготовить интервью с главными персонажами текста (написать рассказ)

Ход урока

I. Организационный этап

Teacher: Good morning boys and girls! Delighted to see you! Sit down please.

II. Сообщение темы и цели занятия (вводное слово)

Teacher: The subject of our lesson is a story "Emergency Landing". Today we’ll speak about mean of transport, your preferences, read and listen to the story. We’ll also learn new words and repeat grammatical construction. I hope you’ll enjoy our English lesson. Please, be active, sociable and friendly to each other. Let’s start!

Dear colleges! I am glad to see you at our lesson. This lesson gives one of the way to work at the text.

III. Этап предварительного обсуждения темы (warming-up)

Teacher: I think it would be better to start the lesson.

Do you like travelling?

What means of transport do you know? Please, name them.
What are the advantage and disadvantage of each means of transport?
In your opinion, what will the vehicle of the future be?
How will passengers be protected in case of an accident?
How will the flying object affect the environment?

Thank you and now, let’s get down to the story. What is the title of the story. Can you think of some reasons for an emergency landing?

Good work! How clever you are

IV. Этап фонетической отработки текста

4.1. Listen to the first part of the text to get its general idea. In case you fail do not be too upset. We will listen to the text again and again to make things easier for you (after listening to the text)

Where does the action take place?

Who are main characters?

What is happening? What is the problem?

4.2. Now we open the text to translate it from English into Russian to get the exact idea of the text. Underline the prepositions, verbs or idioms to memorize them.

4.3. Now we listen to the text again to get the better idea of it in case you missed something before

4.4. Repeat the following words and combinations all together after the teacher. Mind your correct pronunciation and intonation

…an emergency landing

…to make an emergency landing

So we’ll have to make an emergency landing…

4.5. Now we read the text aloud. Mind your correct pronunciation and intonation

Then let’s do the same work with the second part of the text.

4.6. Listen to the second part of the text to get its general idea. In case you fail do not be too upset. We will listen to the text again and again to make things easier for you (after listening to the text)

Where does the action take place? Have you changed you opinion?

Who are these creatures?

4.7. Now we open the text to translate it from English into Russian to get the exact idea of the text. Underline the prepositions, verbs or idioms to memorize them.

4.8. Now we listen to the text again to get the better idea of it in case you missed something before

4.9. Repeat the following words and combinations all together after the teacher. Mind your correct pronunciation and intonation.


4.10. Now we read the text aloud. Mind your correct pronunciation and intonation

V. Этап выполнения репродуктивных учебных заданий

5.1. Translate the following into English looking up the text. Be careful with the prepositions:

аварийная посадка, нет причины для беспокойства (тревоги, паники), извинять за неудобства, выглядывать из иллюминатора, приземляться, нечаянно услышать, неизвестно в каком месте; непонятно где, печально, уныло; с сожалением, экипаж, помахивать; покачивать, быть равным, равнозначащим; означать, оружие, включение питания, вращающийся, крутящийся, пристегните ремни безопасности.

5.2. No more reading, please. Now you only speak. In case you are not sure look up the text. There is everything in it. Paraphrase the following using the original text

1) We have problem with a machine
2) Don’t worry
3) Sorry for discomfort
4) His neighbor
5) You look at it very hard, usually because it is difficult to see clearly
6) Flight attendant
7) What if they’re unfriendly?
8) She giggled
9) Outer-space stars

5.3. Complete the following sentences by reproducing the original text. Do not forget to repeat the beginning


5.4. Explain the situation by finding the proper arguments in the text. Do not forget to repeat the beginning:

1) We’ll have to make an emergency landing because…
2) There’s no cause for alarm because …
3) One of the passengers said bother because…
4) They both peered out of the porthole because…
5) We’ll land down there because …
6) We won’t find a qualified mechanic there. But don’t worry because…
7) The passengers didn’t like the sound of that because…
8) The stewardess said not to worry because…
9) We’ll blow the planet up when we leave because …
10) Fasten your seat belts because …

5.5. Reproduce as many sentences by heart as possible to characterize

The stewardess,

VI. Videoclip

Do you know this character?

Is it an alien?

Fill in the gaps with the missing words

VII. Этап репродуктивно-продуктивных учебных заданий

7.1. Make up tag-questions. Do not forget to repeat the beginning

7.2. Ask different types of questions to get additional information

7.3. 1) Underline all the examples of ‘will’ or ‘won’t in both parts of the story. e.g. “…we’ll have to make an emergency landing.” (we will) What meaning do they have in common? Choose A or B.

A. Making plans

B. Expressing predictions

.Say which of the following events you think will or won’t happen.

1. Perhaps the crew _______________ manage to fix the plane.

2. Maybe the captain _______________ make the perfect landing.

3. I’m sure that the passenger ________________ be on time for the meeting.

4. In my opinion the captain _______________ blow up the planet.

2) Underline all the examples of all kinds of conditionals. Try to define the type of the conditionals.

7.4 Match the definitions with the words.

1. Flying vehicle with wings and one or more engines.
2. Railway engine that pulls coaches, cars or trucks and takes people and goods from one place to another.
3. Some people believe it comes from another planet.
4. A road vehicle with two wheels that you ride by pushing the pedals with your feet.
5. It carries people or goods by sea.
6. Road vehicle with two wheels, driven by an engine, with one seat for the driver and another seat for the passenger behind the driver.
a) train
b) flying saucer / UFO
c) ship
d) motorcycle
e) plane
f) bicycle

7.5. The following words are all in the text. Do you think they are positive or negative?

Worry; qualified; inconvenience; hostile; ruefully; danger; laughed; chuckled; silly; kindly

7.6 What are the feelings of the passengers and crew when they say the following things? Choose the best words from the box below.

  1. “Ladies and gentlemen, this is your captain speaking” mood___
  2. “There’s no cause for alarm…”
  3. “I apologize for the inconvenience “.
  4. “Bother…I don’t want to be late.”
  5. “We could be in danger.”
upset and impatient reassuring informative worried apologetic

VIII. Этап выполнения продуктивных заданий

8.1. Develop the life story as if you were

  1. the stewardess
  2. one of the passengers
  3. one of the crew

8.2. Work in groups. Retell the story in your own words. Take it in turns to say one sentence. Choose one member of the group to write the story and present it to the class.

8.3. Make up a dialogue between one of the passengers and a native using the active words and word combinations of the text. Role play the dialogue in class.

Passanger: Where am I?

A native: Planet Earth…


A native:

IX. Этап контроля

9.1. Choose the right alternative

1. Ladies and gentlemen, this is your captain speaking,’ said the voice ….. the intercom

a) over; b) in

2. so we’ll have to ….. an emergency landing.

a) make b) do

3) I apologize for the inconvenience

a) from b) for

4) They both peered ….. of the porthole

a) in b) out

5) It is rather … the middle of nowhere

a)at b) in

6) the crew have been trained to … repairs,

a) do b) make

7) We could be … danger!

a) in b) at

9.2.Phrasal verbs revision

out of down (2) up (2) of in

We can get …..quite safely

They both peered ….the porthole

I suppose we’ll land ….. There.

We’ve got weapons that no one there has even dreamed ….

We just power them …

We’ll blow the planet ….. When we leave

If you would kindly fasten your seat belts as we go …to land…

X. Этап креативного контроля

10.1. Make up a telephone conversation with one of the passenger.

XI. Подведение итого занятия. Выставление оценок.

Well I’d like to say that you were perfect. I like your active work at the lesson. You are really attentive and very curious.

We achieved all our aims: you spoke rather fluently

Your marks are...

XII. Домашнее задание. Write a short story.

If you meet one of the passengers” or What would you do if an Alien landed”

1. …how will you react?

2. …what will you ask him/her?

3. …what will you tell him/her about your planet?

4. …what will you tell him/her to do or not to do?

Приложение 1

Приложение 2

Приложение 3

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