"Мы – часть вселенной". 8-й класс кубок

Разделы: Иностранные языки, Презентация к уроку

Класс: 8

Образовательные цели:

  • Обобщить знания, умения и навыки по теме “We are a part of the Universe” и обеспечить активизацию лексики в языковых и речевых ситуациях;
  • формировать умение пользоваться изученным языковым материалом в стандартных ситуациях реального общения.


  • развивать умение употреблять лексику в собственных мини-высказываниях;
  • развивать аудитивные навыки и умения учащихся;
  • выражать свое согласие и несогласие по поводу предмета обсуждения;
  • выражать и обосновывать свое отношение к космическим исследованиям.

Методы обучения:

  • наглядный;
  • практический;
  • метод применения знаний;
  • коммуникативный;


  • мультимедийный проектор;
  • файл презентации;
  • магнитофон;

We are a part of the Universe

1. Начало урока.

T: Hello boys and girls! Good morning dear guests. I am glad to see you at our lesson. Today we’ll have an unusual lesson because we have many guests.
So, let’s start. Look at the blackboard. You see some pictures. Now tell me what we are going to speak about.

P1: To my mind we are going to speak about space.

P2: I think we are going to speak about space exploration.

P3: In my opinion we are going to speak about the Earth and its problems.

T: Yes, you are right. Today we shall revise the material about space, exploring space, other planets, the Earth and its problems.

Phonetical Drill (Презентация)


  1. The Solar system
  2. The Universe
  3. Galaxy
  4. The Milky Way
  5. Planet
  6. The Earth
  7. The Sun
  8. The ocean
  9. An earhquake
  10. A tornado
  11. A flood
  12. A drought
  13. disasters
  14. A hurricane

2. Основной этап урока.

T: Traveling is always interesting without any doubts.
But what about traveling through space?

  1. Would you like to travel through space?
  2. What planet would you like to visit?
  3. Would you like to travel to the Moon? Why?
  4. Do the Sun and the stars we see travel through space?
  5. What galaxy does our Solar system belong to?
  6. Are there many stars in the Galaxy?
  7. Is the Milky Way the only galaxy in space?
  8. Is traveling to other galaxies possible nowadays?

T: Of course our planet is especial in the space world.
Every planet as a human may have its own passport.
And our planet has also the passport.

The passport of our planet

T: Now answer the questions


  1. Where is the Earth situated?
  2. How old is our planet?
  3. Why do people call the Earth “the blue planet”?
  4. Where is the most of Earth’s water found?
  5. How much water do the oceans contain?
  6. What is the closest neighbor of the Earth?

T: And now let’s revise the information about the Earth.

(Ученики рассказывают о Земле, опираясь на изученный материал.)

T: There are many stars and other planets in space.
How many main planets are there in the Solar system?
What are they?

(Ученики называют планеты.)

T: Let’s put the planets in the order of closing to the Sun.

  1. Mercury
  2. Venus
  3. The Earth
  4. Mars
  5. Jupiter
  6. Saturn
  7. Uranus
  8. Neptune
  9. Pluto

Which of these planets would you like to visit and why?

P: I would like to visit …..

Exploring Space

T: For thousands of years people have been dreaming of traveling through space. Do you know the first famous people who did a great research into space exploration?


  1. Who was the first astronaut?
  2. Who first invented the idea of space rockets?
  3. Who constructed the first ship?
  4. Who was the first man to take a walk in space?
  5. Who was the first man on the Moon?
  6. Who was the first woman in space?

T: These famous people made a great contribution in exploring space. What do you think about exploring space?

Use these expressions to give your own ideas.
You are divided into two groups. The first group will give arguments for exploring space and the second – against.

(На доске записаны выражения для использования.)


It seems to me that … – мне кажется, что…
In my opinion…. – по моему мнению…
I believe that… – я полагаю, что...
I think that… – я думаю...
It’s interesting – это интересно
For thousands of years people have been dreaming of travelling through space – тысячи лет люди мечтали о путешествии в космос

– (Of reaching and touching the stars) – чтобы достигнуть и дотронуться до звезд.
– (Of communicating with beings from other planets) – чтобы пообщаться с существами из других планет.
We can find a planet to live in – найти планету, на которой можно жить.
It will be interesting to learn a lot from space research – узнать многое из космических исследований.
With the help of space exploration we can solve different medical and scientific problems – решать разные медицинские и научные проблемы.
Make progress – делать прогресс.
Change people’s life for the better – изменить жизнь к лучшему.
It’s worth trying – стоит попытаться.


It’s a waste of money – это пустая трата денег.
It’s better to spend money on other (medical, scientific) research – потратить деньги на другие (медицинские, научные) исследования.
We have a lot of serious problems on the earth (dangerous diseases, pollution, a lot of crime, wars) – есть много серьезных проблем на земле (опасные болезни, загрязнение, много преступлений, войн).
It is not a key problem now – это сейчас не главная проблема.
We can ruin another planet – разрушать другую планету.
It’s a chance in a million.
Be afraid of – бояться (I’m afraid of traveling through space)
I have no idea – нет идей.
It’s useless to dream about space travel – бесполезно мечтать о космическом путешествии.
I don’t care – меня это не волнует.
We must solve everyday problems – решать повседневные проблемы.

T: So we see from your statements exploring space is a difficult question.


Ex.66. p.20.


  1. Let’s do the task. Put in “the “where necessary. (На слайде.)
  2. Match the words.
  3. Let’s work in pairs. Ex.35p. 13 (на карточке) дополнительно

The dialogues

T: Your home task was to prepare the dialogues.
1. Between the correspondent of the Teenager Magazine and an astronaut.

Dialogue 1.

C. Why are people so keen on space?

A. Space has always really been a romantic idea of people. They want to travel to see the world from outside the Earth. Now they can do it.

C. Which are the most advanced space countries in the world at the moment?

A. Russia and the United States have always been the two most important and advanced space countries working in space research.

C. How long have you been in space centre?

A. I have done my job for more than 15 years. And I love it. Anyone who saw the earth from space would never forget it.

2. Between the correspondent and the alien. (Ex. 7 p. 16 Work Book М. З. Биболетова)

The Earth

T: We live on the beautiful planet – the Earth.

But nowadays the Earth has many problems. What are they?

P: Wars, crimes, diseases, disasters.

T: Yes, I agree with you. Is the Earth a dangerous place?

P: Yes, it is.

P: Every year different natural disasters happen on our planet. They destroy cities and towns; they injure and kill people and animals.

P: Fortunately scientists can predict most disasters and warn people of possible danger in advance.

T: What natural disasters can happen on our planet?

1) an earthquake, 2) a hurricane, 3) a tornado, 4) a volcano, 5) a flood, 6) a drought

  1. Match the words and the texts.
  2. Write down what is typical of a tornado, an earthquake, a hurricane, a volcano, a flood and a drought. Use the phrases in the box.
  3. Guess the crossword.

3. Итоги урока.

Dear boys and girls. Our lesson soon will be over.
What interesting things did you know at our lesson?
What problems did we discuss?
Home task: to prepare the projects on the themes;
The passport of the Earth
The passport of Russia
The passport of Saransk

You were excellent today.
Your marks:
And so let’s listen to the song by Lois Armstrong.

Приложение 2