Цель урока: обобщение и систематизация коммуникативных умений и навыков учащихся.
- Образовательные задачи: совершенствование грамматических и лексических навыков говорения, умений аудирования и чтения.
- Развивающие задачи: развитие внимания, воображения, памяти, умений запрашивать и сообщать фактическую информацию, обратиться с просьбой и выразить готовность/отказ ее выполнения.
- Воспитательные задачи: воспитание чувства ответственности, умения работать в команде.
Используемое оборудование: компьютеры для выполнения заданий на уроке, магнитофон, мультимедийная установка.
Ход урока
I. Организационный момент.
Т – Today we are going to have an unusual lesson. We are going to have a competition. Let's divide our group into two subgroups. Ready? So, let's start our competition.
II. 1. We'll start with warming-up.
Let's remember the Grammarchant about Present Progressive.
The Verb To Be + I-N-G
Remember me?
I'm the verb to be.Don't forget me!
I'm the i-n-g.We go together
Like ABC.The verb to be
And the i-n-g.
2. Make up sentences using Present Progressive.
III. Grammar exercises.
- Put the verbs in the correct column. /Appendix 1/
- Puzzle, /a picture/. /Appendix 2/
- Gap-fill exercise. /An exercise for each team/./Appendix 3/
- Make up a question. /An exercise for each team/. /Appendix 4/
- Using Present Simple and Present Progressive in comparison. /Appendix l, ex. 5/
IV. Vocabulary.
A presentation in PowerPoint "Do you know these words?" /Appendix 5/
V. Listening.
1. Game "A Magic box". What is there in the box?"
a/. Pupils have it in their bags. It may be red, blue, black, etc. Sometimes it is long, sometimes it is short. You write with it. /a pen/
b/. You can find a lot of texts, exercises, poems, pictures there. You use it at the lessons and at home while doing your homework, /a book/.
c/. It can be big or little. It is round. You can't play tennis, ping-pong, football without it. /a ball/
d/. You can see it in every classroom of our school. It has doors and shelves. Teachers keep books, pictures, pupils' exercise-books there. /A bookcase/.
2. What is Jane doing? Where is she?
Number 1.
(Sounds: cleaning teeth) Jane! Jane!
Number 2.
(Sounds: playing tennis) Fifteen forty.
Number 3.
(Sounds: washing up – drops plate – it smashes) Oh no!
Number 4.
(Sounds: rustling paper/books) Hmm. Four and fifty-three is fifty
seven, and nine makes sixty-six.
Number 5.
(Sounds: swimming pool sounds).
Number 6.
(Sounds: very loud pop music) It's a great disco.
(shouts) What?
(shouts) It's a great disco.
(shouts) Yes.
- Cleaning her teeth, bathroom.
- Playing tennis (or watching tennis on TV).
- Washing up, kitchen.
- Doing her homework.
- Swimming, swimming pool.
- Dancing, disco.
VI. Reading.
- Read the chant and draw some missing pictures.
- Look at the picture and read the letter. Six sentences are wrong.
Underline the wrong sentences. /Appendix 6/
VII. Speaking.
1. Guessing Game: Where am I?
What are you doing?
I'm cleaning my teeth.
I think you are in the bathroom.
Yes, that's right.
Variations: write a test, wash up, ride a bike, watch TV, read a book, swim;
2. Polite English.
Excuse me, can you open the window?
I'm sorry, I'm cooking.
VIII. Home task.
The students are presented a presentation in PowerPoint "My Family Album" as an example. /Appendix 7/
Their home task is to make a presentation in PowerPoint about themselves using sentences in Present Simple and Present Continuous.