Урок-соревнование в 7-м классе по теме "Спорт"

Разделы: Иностранные языки


  1. Совершенствовать навыки говорения.
  2. Проконтролировать уровень знания изученного лексического материала.
  3. Проконтролировать навыки аудирования и чтения

Воспитательная задача: Способствовать повышению интереса учащихся к спорту и к изучению английского языка.

Оборудование: картинки по теме “Спорт”, плакаты, карточки.

Ход урока

1. Представление капитанов и их команд. (Объяснение названия команды.)

Т. – Good afternoon children. Today we shall have an unusual lesson. We shall have a lesson of merry competitions on topic “Sport”. Sport is very important for our health and it is the best cure. Let us begin our competitions. First of all let me introduce our jury to you. They are...(представляет членов жюри). Now captains, introduce yourselves and your teams, explain the name of your teams. (Капитаны представляют себя и свои команды).

2. Лексический конкурс.

Listen to the first task. Now you must name words on topic “Sport”.

We shall see who knows more words on this topic. (Члены команд по очереди называют слова по теме “Спорт”).

3. Расшифруйте слова:

I’ll give you cards with words written on them. In these words letters have changed their places. You must read them correctly. Who will be ready raise your hands:


(Жюри подводит итоги первых трех конкурсов.)

4. 3авершите пословицу:

Now you must finish proverbs. I’ll give you cards with the beginning of proverbs. You will show the cards to the opposite team, they will read and finish the proverb.

  1. Health is ... (better than wealth)
  2. A sound mind ... (in a sound body).
  3. Early to bed ... (early to rise, makes one man healthy wealthy and wise)
  4. An apple a day ... (keeps the doctors away).
  5. Good health is … (better than wealth).
  6. Eat with pleasure, … (drink with measure).

5. Задание капитанам:

Take the cards and look at these pictures and in three minutes be ready to describe them.

Задание первому капитану:

Make up a story:
the world championship
take part
to score a goal
to win (lose)
the score of the game
to get medals

 Задание капитану второй команды:

 Make up a story:
 a swimming pool
 take part in ...
 win (lose)

6. Практика в диалогической речи.

The next task is the following: you must ask questions to the pupils of the opposite team and answer their questions on topic “Olympic Games” (учащиеся задают вопросы ).

7. Монологические сообщения капитанов команд.

Listen to the stories of your captains (капитаны описывают рисунки по опорным словам).

8. Аудирование рассказа-загадки учителя

Listen to my short story and tell me what kind of sport it is.

a) It is one of the most popular kinds of sport. Both boys and girls, men and women go in for this sport. It is very beautiful. You can hear wonderful music and watch skating and dancing sportsmen. What sport is it? (Figure skating).

б) Рассказы-загадки учеников.

Now you must guess riddles to each other and tell what kind of sport it is.

P1: This is a ball game. It is played outdoors by teams of 15 players. They use an oval ball which is carried by a player. The players of the other team try to stop the man and take the ball from him. This game is usually played by men only (rugby).

P2: This ball game is very popular both in Great Britain and in Russia. It is usually played by two players, sometimes four at a table. They hit a small ball with a racket over a net. This game is played in nearly all schools. It is played by both boys and girls. The game can be played outdoors and indoors too (table-tennis).

P3: This is a ball game too. It is usually played by two or four players. They hit a ball with a racket across a net. The game is very popular with boys and girls, men and women in Great Britain. It is played in our country too and is well known all over the world. This is an outdoor game (tennis).

P4: This ball game is very popular not only in Great Britain, but all over the world. It is usually played by boys and men. Each team has 11 players: backs, halfbacks, outside, inside, centre forwards and one goalkeeper. In Great Britain every town has a professional team. In the U.K. there are both professional and amateur teams (football).

9. Чтение текста.

Now I'll give you a text about physical training lesson in English schools. You must read it, understand and choose the right answer to the questions. Who will be ready raise your hands (учащиеся читают текст самостоятельно).

Physical Education in English Schools”.

English schoolchildren have two types of lessons of physical education: gymnastics lessons and games, especially team games. At the lessons of physical education they run and jump, they do exercises on the horse, they play volleyball or basketball.

Team games are very important in English schools. Boys play football or rugby in winter, and cricket and tennis in summer. Girls play grass hockey in the cold months of the year and tennis, volleyball and basketball in summer.

Every team has game’s captain, who helps to the teacher.

Football is the most popular game in England because England is the home of football. English boys play football at schools and in the parks.

Задание к тексту.

Choose a correct answer to the following questions.

  1. How many types of lessons of physical education do the English children have?
    a). one
    b). two
    c). three
  2. What do the children do at the lessons of physical education?
    a). run and jump
    b). do exercises on a horse
    c). run and jump, do exercises on a horse, play volleyball and basketball
  3. What games do the boys play in winter?
    a). hockey
    b). snowballs
    c). football and rugby
  4. What games do the boys play in summer?
    a). badminton
    b). golf
    c). cricket and tennis
  5. What game is the most popular in England?
    a). football
    b). tennis
    c). cricket
  6. What country is the home of football?
    b). England

10. Put down your pens and exchange your answers Let's check up them (команды проверяют ответы друг друга).

11. Подведение итогов.

Stand up and parade please. You will be given special “medals" (объявление результатов и вручение наград). The lesson is over. Thank you for your work. Good-bye!