Молодежные субкультуры. 10-й класс

Разделы: Иностранные языки, Презентация к уроку

Класс: 10



  • формирование лексических навыков говорения по теме;
  • развитие умения читать (с целью извлечения конкретной информации):
  • развитие умения говорить на основе сопутствующего.


  • развитие способности к сравнению, обобщению, классификации;
  • развитие объема и концентрации внимания.


  • формирование терпимого отношения к попыткам самовыражения молодежи;
  • формирование терпимого отношения к мнению другого человека, потребности осознания права человека на собственное мнение.

Этапы урока:

  1. Организационный момент.
  2. Речевая разминка. (Этап всесторонней проверки знаний)
  3. Проверка домашнего задания.
  4. Работа по учебнику. (Этап усвоения новых знаний)
  5. Речевая деятельность. (Этап проверки понимания учащимися нового материала)
  6. Закрепление нового материала.
  7. Рефлексия.
  8. Выставление оценок.
  9. Домашнее задание, инструктаж его выполнения.

Оборудование: Учебник «English – 10-11», автор Кузовлев В.П., презентация, карточки с названия субкультур и их чертами (Приложение 1), цифры от 1 до 5 (14 экземпляров), песня «Evаnesсance», аудиоприложение к учебнику, карточки с заданиями (Приложение 2).

Ход урока

I. Организационный момент.

(Звучит музыка «Evаnesсance», звенит звонок на урок, учащиеся входят в класс, учитель выключает музыку.)

Good morning, dear boys and girls!
Sit down, please.
We can start our lesson.

It is difficult to find common language between teenagers and grown-ups. It is important to find universal language. Today we will use the cards for understanding each other. On the desk you can find the cards from 1 to 5. Use your cards and answer the question: How are you, today?

Thank you very much.

Today we will continue to speak about “Youth subcultures”, and at the end of our lesson you should answer the question “Why do teens join a group?”

(На экране слайд с темой и целью урока)

II. Речевая разминка.

During some lessons we are talking about subcultures.

What is a subculture?

(In a broadest sense, a subculture is any group within a larger complex culture who has interests that vary from those of the mainstream culture. In a more specific sense, a subculture is a group with a distinct style and identity. Different subcultures have their own beliefs, value systems, fashion, and favourite music.)

Look at the screen. You can see representatives of different subcultures. Name them, please. Why do you think so?

(На экране фотографии с представителями субкультур: Goth, punk, bakers)

(На доске развешаны названия субкультур и их особенности (музыка, одежда, особые черты) в хаотичном порядке, по мере называния идет сопоставление)

What subcultures do you know else?

At the beginning of our lesson you have heard music. What subculture does prefer this kind of music? (Goth)

You know, that the main features of any subculture are image, clothes, and music.

III. Проверка домашнего задания.

At home, it was necessary for you to prepare presentation about subculture. Let’s look your presentation. Who will be the first?

(Обучающиесяпоказываютсвоипрезентации – 2-3 ученика)

Thank you for your work. Your presentation is good because they are colored, short and informative.

IV. Работа по учебнику.

We have repeated some information about different subcultures. What do you think; in what age do people join the group?

Why do teens join a group?

You are teenagers too. Do you join the subculture?

Why? Don’t you want to show off? to differ from other people? to achieve something?

Subculture is a way of expressing individuality. How do you express yourself?

Now, we will read the text. There are some opinions of five people.


Open your book on page 342, Unit 3, Ex.2. Read it to yourself. Pay your attention to the new words from this text.

На доске слова:

  • to consider – считать
  • a generation – поколение
  • to pat itself on the back over – хвалить себя
  • an inspiration – вдохновение
  • to extend – продлевать, расширять

Do you understand the idea of this text?

What are these opinions about?

Well, now you will listen to the tape of these opinions. During listening you should do the task. On the blackboard you can see the ideas of each teenager’s opinions.

На доске:

  1. To the change the world to the best
  2. To show off
  3. To try out all sort of options
  4. To know who they are
  5. To identify with a particular subculture
  6. To protest against the parents

Your task is to match the idea and opinion of the teenager. Identify the passage with the idea on the blackboard. Then show me the number or numbers with the variant of answer.


  • Antony – 6
  • Dick – 2
  • Roger – 3, 4
  • Tracy – 1
  • Angela – 5

(Учитель включает поочередно запись с мнениями подростков, учащиеся показывают вариант ответа)

V. Речевая деятельность.

Now, some people will work in writing. Take the card number 1. You can choose the task and do the first or second task or the first and the second tasks. But Irina, Lena, Gabrilla, Stas, Yulya will be professors of The International University. You should discovery these ideas. What does it mean to the change the world to the best?

  • to show off?
  • to try out all sort of options?
  • to know who they are?
  • to identify with a particular subculture?
  • to protest against the parents?

Very good.

VI. Рефлексия.

During the whole lesson we have spoken with you about reasons of joining a group. It was the aim of our lesson. Now can we answer this question “Why do teens join a group?”?

  • Why? Name these reasons.
  • It is time to make a conclusion.
  • What have you learned today?
  • What did you like today?

VII. Выставление оценок.

So, our lesson is coming to an end. Everybody worked very well. I am pleased with your answers. Now take your self-evolution cards and give yourself marks from 1 to 5. And the marks for your written work will be given you at the next lesson.

What is your mood now? Show me the cards with numbers.

VIII. Домашнее задание, его инструктаж.

At home your parents will read this information about subcultures in Russian. Then you will ask the question them “Why do teens join a group?” and write down the answer in English.