Телемост "Москва – Вашингтон"

Разделы: Иностранные языки


  • практический компонент: развитие умений монологической речи и аудирования;
  • образовательный компонент: расширение кругозора учащихся на основе с достопримечательностями стран изучаемого языка;
  • воспитательный компонент: воспитание уважения к историческим памятникам родной страны, стран изучаемого языка, к общечеловеческим ценностям;
  • развивающий компонент: развитие логического мышления, способности к выбору выражений адекватных ситуации общения, развитие внимания, памяти, коммуникабельности.


  • совершенствование лексических навыков говорения;
  • развитие умения читать, понимать на слух с общим охватом содержания, контроль уровня развития речевых умений.


  • грамматические структуры: The Passive Voice;
  • лексические единицы по темам: “Москва – столица России” “Вашингтон – столица США”.


  • книги, фотографии, картинки с видами достопримечательностей Москвы и Вашингтона, раздаточный материал (карточки с предложениями, текст для чтения), аудиокассета с записью текста для аудирования, аудиокассеты с записью песни “Это Москва”, “Америка”, модели российского и американского флага, кроссворд.



Сообщение темы, задач урока.

Т: Hello, boys and girls! We are going to have some fun today. We are going to practice Satellite Link “Moscow – Washington”. You have to imagine that you are Russian and American students on TV. It’s up to you how you develop your roles. Everybody has an opportunity to express his or her opinion. I hope you’ll find something interesting and new for yourselves.

Let’s start.


Т: So, welcome to Satellite Link “Moscow-Washington”. (Звучит песня “Это Москва”: Тухманов Д., Дербенев Л., Шаферан И.)

Let’s us take a sightseeing tour round Moscow. It is difficult to describe Moscow in a few words. And it is very difficult to see all the places of interest. Washington, you may ask you questions.

AP1: As we know, Red Square and Kremlin are most interesting places in Moscow, aren’t they?

RP1: Yes, you are right. The first place the tourists go to is the Kremlin. One can’t imagine Moscow without the Kremlin. It is the heart of the city. (Показывает иллюстрацию)

AP2: And which is the most important tower of the Kremlin?

RP2: The most important tower of the Kremlin is Spasskaya. It often serves as a symbol of the country. We can hear the chime of the Spasskaya Tower clock by radio.

AP3: What historical monuments are there in the Kremlin?

RP3: Among the historical monuments in the Kremlin are the famous Tsar-Bell and the Tsar-Cannon. They are the biggest bell and cannon in the world. The Tsar-Bell weighs over 200 tons and it was made by two Russian masters Ivan Motorin and his son Mikhail in 1733-1735.

The Tsar-Cannon is older than the Tsar-Bell. It was made in 1586 by Andrei Chokhov and it weighs 40 tons. The Tsar-Cannon is over 5 metres long. (Показывает иллюстрацию)

T: What can you tell us about Red Square?

RP4: Red Square is one of most important and beautiful sights. It is famous for the Historical Museum, St. Basil’s Cathedral and the Monument to Minin and Pozharsky. The monument was erected in1818 to commemorate the liberation of the Russian land from foreign invaders. (Показывает иллюстрацию)

AP4: And when did the history of Moscow begin?

RP5: The history of Moscow began in 1147; it was founded by Prince Yuri Dolgoruky.

Moscow appeared as a fortress and was a small town with the Kremlin in the centre.

Since 1918 it has been the capital of our country.

T: What can you tell us about Moscow nowadays?

RP6: Moscow, the capital of Russia, is one of largest and the most beautiful cities in the world.

The total area of the city is about 900 square kilometers. About 10 million people live in the city. Nowadays it is a political, commercial and cultural centre of our country.

AP5: What other places of interest can we see in Moscow?

RP7: The museums, art galleries, theatres and monuments make Moscow a global cultural centre. Every day thousands of people visit the State Tretyakov Gallery and Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts. Moscow theatres are famous all over the world. The best know of them is the Bolshoi Theatre. The highest building in Moscow is the Ostankino Television Tower. It is 533 metres tall. The Moscow Underground is very beautiful.

Many stations are like underground palaces. (Показывает иллюстрации)

T: Our tour round Moscow is over. Let us take a sightseeing tour round Washington. (Звучит песня “America, the beautiful”)

AP1: Washington, the capital of the United States, is situated on the Potomac River in the District of Columbia. This district is a small piece of land that does not belong to any state.

It owes its name to Columbus, the discoverer of America. This place was chosen by G.

Washington. The city was founded in 1791 and named after the first president. Now Washington is the residence of the president and the Congress. Washington cannot complete with Los Angeles or New York. Its population is less than a million people.

It does not produce anything either…

RP1: Excuse me. What makes Washington so important?

AP1: There is only one business in Washington and this business is the US government.

Washington is the place where the key political buildings in America are situated.

RP2: Are there any monuments built in honor of famous American presidents?

AP2: Yes, there are a lot of historical monuments and places of interest in Washington. Most of them are devoted to the history of American presidency. Among them are the Washington Monument, the Jefferson Memorial and the Lincoln Memorial.

This is the Jefferson Memorial built in honor of Thomas Jefferson. (Показывает иллюстрацию) He was the third president of the United States. The Declaration of

Independence was written by Thomas Jefferson. Inside the memorial is a 19-foot statue of Tomas Jefferson standing on a 6-foot pedestal.

T: What can you tell us about the Lincoln Memorial?

AP3: This is the Lincoln Memorial built in honor of Abraham Lincoln. (Показывает иллюстрацию) Abraham Lincoln taught himself how to read and write. He became the sixteenth president of the United States in 1861. Lincoln wrote the Emancipation Proclamation which freed the blacks in the South from slavery. Inside the memorial is a huge statue of the former president.

RP4: And what is the tallest building in Washington, D.C.?

AP4: The Capitol is the most famous building in the United States because this is where laws are made. American Senate’s sittings take place there. The Capitol is also the tallest building in Washington. There will never be any skyscrapers built in this city, because the Capitol should always remain the tallest building there. The Capitol is surrounded by a beautiful garden with many trees and flowers.

T: What is the official residence of every president of the United States?

AP5: The White House is the official residence of all presidents of the United States. The only president who never lived there is George Washington, because at the time of his presidency the White House was not built yet. This is the oldest public building in Washington, D.C.

RP: What other places of interest can we visit in Washington, D.C.?

AP6: Washington is a large scientific and cultural centre. There are 5 universities in the city. The National Museum, the old and new National Galleries of Art, John Kennedy Centre are among the city sights. The National Academy of Science and the Library of Congress are in Washington too. The Library of Congress is the largess national library in the world. It contains millions of books and manuscripts.

T: Our tour round Washington is over. I hope very much that you have enjoyed this Satellite Link “Moscow – Washington”. Thank you.

III. T: Let’s have a rest. Guess what it is.

1. It’s the historical monument in the Kremlin. LLEB-RAST

2. It’s the tallest building in Washington. LOTIPAC

3.He’s the discoverer of America. SUBMULOC

4. It’s the heart of Moscow. NILMERC

5. It’s the Television Tower. ONIKNATSO

6. This is the sixteenth president of the USA. NLOCNIL

7. It’s the most interesting place in Moscow. ERAUQS DER

8. It’s the residence of the presidents of the USA. ESUOH ETIHW

9. This is the name of the third president of the USA. NOSREFFEJ


T: And now let’s sum up what we know. I’ll give you the cards and you’ll fill in the gaps.(Учащийся заполняет пропуски в карточках, затем читает в слух по цепочке)

Fill in the gaps and read these sentences:

1. … … is the capital of Russia.

2. … … is the capital of United States.

3. Among the historical monuments in the Kremlin are the Kremlin are the famous … and … …

4. … … is the tallest building in the Washington.

5. Washington is on the … … river.

6. Moscow was founded by Prince … … .

7. … … is the large national library in the world.

8. The Kremlin, Red Square, St. Bazil’s Cathedral, the Bolshoi Theatre, the Tretyakov Gallery are famous sights of …

9. The Washington Monument, the Jefferson Memorial, the Lincoln Memorial, John Kennedy Centre are the famous sights of … … .

10. The highest building in Moscow is … … .

11. The Declaration of Independence was written by …….

12. The Tsar-Bell weighs over … … and Tsar-Cannon weighs … .


а) новые слова:

to belong     permanent site

to confuse     especially

north-west     battle


b) прослушивание текста “Washington, D.C.”

c) контроль понимания (вопросы на доске)

1. Who lives in Washington, D.C.

2. What does “D.C.” stand for?

3. Who was the first person to be elected the President of the United States?

4. Where is state of Washington located?

5. Where is Washington, D.C. located?

6. What is the name of the largest library in the world?

7. Where was George Washington born?


Т: Let’s read this text to know more about Washington. And now let us see who has the best knowledge of facts. Are these statements true or false? Correct the false statements.

1) All presidents of the United States live in the Capitol.

2) The Capitol is the tallest building in Washington, D.C.

3) The White House is surrounded by a beautiful garden.

4) The White House consist of 132 rooms.

5) The entrance to the White House is free.

6) The first president of the United States lived in the White House.

7) The Washington Monument is the tallest building in Washington.

8) The sitting of American Congress take place in the Capitol.

9) The Washington Monument is especially beautiful at dawn.

10) Eating is prohibited on the Mall.

11) The White House is 555 feet tall.

12) The White House is closed for visitors.

VII.T: We have some spare time. Let’s have a little fun and solve the crossword. (Кроссворд на листочках)


1. The famous Square in Moscow

2. The discoverer of America

3. The heart of Moscow

4. The capital of the USA


5. The tallest building in Washington

6. The sixteenth President of the USA

7. The capital of Russia

8. The historical monument in the Kremlin

9. The residence of the president of the USA

10. The Television Tower in Moscow


T: Thank you for your work. You were very active today. The lesson is over. Good-bye, my friends!