Интегрированный урок по теме "Еда". 7-й класс

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 7

Оборудование: компьютер, картинки, карточки, раздаточный материал (таблица, тексты, тест)

Цель: создание условий для повышения мотивации в изучении иностранного языка посредством рассмотрения темы


  • изучить историю развития английского языка под влиянием французского языка;
  • сравнить привычки в еде в Великобритании и Франции;
  • составить рецепт традиционных французских и английских блюд;
  • развивать умение работать в группах;
  • повысить мотивацию учащихся в изучении английского языка посредством связи процесса изучения языка с реальной жизненной ситуацией;
  • расширить словарный запас по теме "Еда" и повторить уже изученные лексические единицы;
  • развивать навыки письма (описание и рецепт);

Ход урока

Т: Good morning, children!

Ss: Good morning, teachers!

Т: Please, look at the board and read the quotes. Guess what the topic of today's lesson is going to be.

Французская кухня - это галактика, состоящая из множества звезд, и каждую звезду предстоит открыть. "Never eat more than you can lift"

Miss Piggy, the Muppet Show

Ss: Food

Т: Look at the pictures of different foods on the board. Name them in Russian / English / French.

S1: Спагетти / Spaghetti /

S2: Суши / Sushi /

S3: Шоколад / chocolates /

S4: Хлеб / bread /

S5: Кетчуп / ketchup /

S6: Сыр / cheese /

S7: Кофе / coffee /

Т: Do you know why some of the words are similar in these three languages?

S: They came to these languages from other languages and sound similar in many different languages.

Т: Can you say which languages the words come from?

S1: "Spaghetti" is Italian.

S2: "Chocolate" is French.

Т: You see, English has been influenced greatly by European languages, especially French. Do you know any French words used in English?

S1: "Parliament"

Т: Now I will tell you a little more about how the French language has influenced English.

Slide 2: Britain has been often called a "multicultural society". The first conquerors were the Iberians and Celts. In AD 43, Roman Emperor Claudius made Britain a Roman province. In AD 410, the Romans left Britain and peoples from Scandinavia came to the islands. The Angles (who gave England its name) and Saxons began to settle from the VI to VIII centuries. In the X century, came the Vikings. The last were the Normans: they settled in Britain over the next three centuries and brought Latin as the official language.

Slide 3-4: Norman-French was used as the language of government: e.g. parliament, government, army, country, nation, people.

Slide 5: Latin words are longer and more formal than English ones. But they didn't enter English immediately: ordinary people still spoke old English.

Imagine a Norman feast. The English still called the animals they looked after and ate, their Old English names: e.g. pig (pigga), sheep (scep), cow (cu). The Normans came to the table to eat and called the cooked meat using French words: porc (pork), mouton (mutton), beouf (beef). This helped form Middle-English (Old English with thousands of French words).

Slide 6: In the XVI century, another period came - thousands of Greek and Latin words came to the English. That's why there are many pair-words which mean almost the same: e.g. base (Middle-English) - basis (Middle-French). It became popular to copy written documents into English: e.g. the Bible. In this way, some things can be described in English, Greek and Latin: e.g. book > library > bibliography; water > aqua > hydro. Since then we have seen many new inventions and ideas. New words have been created to call them using Latin and Greek in new ways: e.g. telephone = tele (Greek, far) + phone (Greek, sound).

Slide 7: Other languages have also added to the English language: e.g. algebra (Arabic), divan (Persian), chocolate and tomato (Native American), tea (Chinese).

Т: Now look at the board and match the pictures of the animals with their English names and English words for their meat. Then find their French equivalents.

pig sheep cow
pork mutton beef
porc mouton boeuf

Т: Donnez les equivalents russes et francais.

Please, look at the handouts. You have some Russian words. Complete the list with their English and French equivalents.

Give French and English words to match their Russian translation.

Колбаса a la saucisson a sausage

  French English
1. суп la soupe soup
2. салат la salade salad
3. сок le jus juice
4. кофе le cafee coffee
5. чай le the tea
6. курица le poulet poultry
7. соль le sel salt
8. сахар le sucre sugar
9. йогурт le yaourt yoghurt
10. шоколад le chocolat chocolate
11. банан la banane banana
12. томат la tomate tomato
13. огурец le concombre cucumber
14. морковь la carotte carrot
15. апельсин l'orange orange

T: Now let's see who has got more words. Read your lists out in turns.

T: Traduisez ces recettes de francais en anglais. Devinez de quel pays est ce plat.

Please, look at the second handout. You have got traditional English and French recipes. Translate them into the other language for your opponents to guess the dish and the country they are from.

La creme renversee est le pouding le plus simple a faire et la sauce sucree la plus populaire en : . C'est un melange jaune du lait, du sucre et des oeufs. On peut le manger seul ou avec le gateau. La creme (renversee) a la vanille est le meilleur plat en : . Le gratin dauphinois

Eplucher et couper les pommes de terre. Melanger les oeufs, le sel, le poivre et le lait. Verser le melange sur les pommes de terre, ajouter du fromage rape. Mettre au four.


Custard is pudding which is the easiest to cook and the most popular sweet sauce in :. It's a yellow mixture from milk, sugar and eggs. You can eat it on its own or with a pie. Vanilla custard is the best dish in :.

Potato Pie

Peel and cut potatoes. Mix eggs, salt, pepper and milk. Pour the mixture over the potatoes, add ground cheese. Put in the oven.

T: The final task is to make up recipes using the given ingredients and verbs listed. Guess each other's dishes.

un poisson

le riz

le sel



le beurre

le jus de citron

le lait

le poivre

un citron

des oeufs

prendre, mettre, ajouter, cuire, verser


ground cheese





salt and pepper

cut, fry, add, boil, fry, add, take away, cover, put.

fish with sauce. onion soup.

T: At home, please, complete the two tests about French and English eating habits.

French Test

Le mechoui est la viande de :




pas de reponse

Le plus celebre fromage de Suisse est :

le bleu d'Auvergne

La Vache qui rit

Le gruyere

pas de reponse

Qu'est-ce qu'on mange le 24 decembre?

des huitres, du saumon fume, de la dinde, la buche de Noel;

du foie gras, du poulet roti, de la dinde, la buche de Noel;

du saumon fume, du foie gras, la buche de Noel;

pas de reponse

Quand on fait le gateau de rois?

a Noel

a l'Epiphanie

a Paque

pas de reponse

Key: 1 - b ; 2 - c ; 3 - c ; 4 - b .

English Test

1 - How many London restaurants serve British food?

a) 2%

b) 15%

c) 60%

d) no answer

2 - What are the most popular cuisines in Britain?

a) Indian, Chinese

b) French, Italian

c) Mexican, Russian

d) no answer

3 - What does traditional British breakfast include?

a) muesli, orange juice

b) toast, marmalade

c) bacon, eggs, sausages

d) no answer

4 - How do the British cook potatoes traditionally?

a) boiled

b) jacket

c) fried

d) no answer

5 - What do the British call the most popular type of buns?

a) rolls b) croissants c) scones d) no answer

Key: 1 - a; 2 - a; 3 - c; 4 - b; 5 - c.