Why do teenagers choose a subculture? (Почему подростки выбирают субкультуру?)

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Тип урока: обощающий урок по теме «Личность» (“Identity”).

Обучающая цель:

  • обобщить языковой материал по теме «Личность: Субкультуры»
  • найти ответ на вопрос «Почему подростки выбирают субкультуру?»

Развивающая цель:

  • развивать умения говорить о различных субкультурах, их характеристиках, ценностях жизни и месте в обществе
  • развивать навыки работы в парах и группах и умение презентовать мнение пары / группы всему классу
  • развивать умения заполнять лексическую карту (“word map”) и заполнять таблицу
  • необходимой информацией
  • развивать навыки чтения с общим понимание текста
  • практиковать навыки высказывания своей точки зрения по проблеме с приведенние аргументации
  • развивать навыки высказывания одобрения / неодобрения

Воспитательная цель:

  • развивать умение слушать и толерантно относиться к мнению других длюдей
  • развивать терпимость и уважение к представителям других субкультур

Оснащение урока:

  • Иллюстрации представителей различных субкультур
  • раздаточный материал с заданиями

Lesson Plan

1.  Greeting.
2.  Presentation of the topic and the aim of the lesson.
3.  Interpretation of the noyion “CULTURE” by completing the Web Chart. (Hand-out#1)
4.  Defining the meaning of “SUBCULTURE” and its main features.
5.  Matching subcultures to their features. (Hand-out #2)
6.  Filling in the table and speaking about subcultures. (Hand-out #3)
7.  Making up the word map “Why do teenagers choose a subculture?” (Hand-out#4)
8.  Giving opinions about groun-ups’ attitude towards the members of subcultures.
9.  Working in pairs “What do you associate with the word “Violence”?”(Hand-out #5)
10. Reading for gist and giving opinions by proving with arguments. (Hand-out#6)
11. Sharing ideas: “What do I do to express myself and change the world to the best?”
12. Commentary on the lesson.
13. Home assignment: to write an essay “Belonging to the group: for and against”.
14. Parting.

Lesson Procedure


– Hello dear friends and guests. Glad to see you. Welcome to our lesson.
– The topic we are going to discuss today is “Why do teenagers choose a subculture?”
– You’ll have to do different tasks today to answer this question.
– You’ll work in pairs and in groups as well as individually.
– You’ll work with texts, tables and schemes.
– You’ll share your ideas and do some written tasks.
– But in order to answer the main question of today’s lesson we should know such notions as “CULTURE” and “SUBCULTURE”.
– For this purpose I want you to take Hand-out #1 and in pairs complete the Web Chart of the notion “CULTURE”.

Учащиеся заполняют схему.

Teacher: Now, let’s check what you’ve written for “the way of life”.

Учащиеся зачитывают то, что записали в Web Chart.

Teacher: Now, using this scheme try to give the definition of CULTURE”.

Учащиеся дают свое толкование понятия “CULTURE”.

Teacher: Now, look at the blackboard (на доске прикреплено определение “CULTURE).
I’ll read you the definition of the word “CULTURE” given by Robert Kohls:
“Culture is an integrated system of learned behaviour patterns that are characteristic of
the members of any given society.
Culture refers to the total way of life for a particular group of people. It includes what a group of people thinks, does and makes-its customs, language, material artifacts and shared systems of attitudes and feelings.”

– Well, this is the definition of the word “Culture”.
– Now, tell me please how you understand the word “Subculture”.

Учащиеся дают свое толкование понятия “Subculture”.

Teacher: Now, look at the definition given in Macmillan Dictionary:
“Subculture is a group of young people whose beliefs and ways of behaviour make them different from the rest of society.”

– Well, what subcultures do you know?

Учащиеся перечисляют известные им субкультуры.

Teacher: You know that young people have a particular relationship with the world. There are many cultural groupings or subcultures which have interests different from those of the common culture. A particular subculture is a way for young people to express their individuality.
So, my question is: “What are the main features of any subculture?” (вопрос записан на доске вместе с Word Map. Учащиеся должны заполнить карту: Image, values, music,etc.)

– Now, let’s check how well you know the features of the well-known subcultures. I want you to work with Hand-out#2 (Individual Work) and match the subcultures with their most distinguishing features.

Учащиеся соотносят субкультуры с характеристикой.

– Now let’s check.
– Well, it’s time to speak about different subcultures giving their specific characteristics. For this purpose take, please, Hand-out#3 (Group Work).
You should fill in the table with the appropriate information on any 2 subcultures and then speak about these groupings.

Учащиеся заполняют в группах таблицу, а затем дают краткую характеристику группировок.

Teacher: Well, you’ve described the most popular and well-known subcultures. Now, please, try to answer the main question of the lesson:
“Why do teenagers choose a subculture?”
– Take, please, Hand-out #4 and make up a Word Map.

Учащиеся заполняют Word Map и делятся своими мнениями (возможные варианты ответов учащихся :

– They choose a subculture because they want:

  • to change the world to the best
  • to show off
  • to rebel against the older generation
  • to have their own values and beliefs
  • to be in a collective
  • to differ from others
  • to differ from social norms
  • to oppose to the society/regime
  • to express their individuality
  • to show protest against school
  • to protest against parents
  • to make other people know who they are, etc.

Teacher: OK, and what do you think about the attitude of the grown-ups towards the members of different subcultures?

Учащиеся высказывают свое мнение: (Possible answers: The grown-ups sometimes believe that members of subcultures are dangerous, awful. They all are criminals and they threaten people’s life.)

Teacher: Well, young people are often considered violent. Young gangs try to control streets. People are afraid of going out at night. They think young people bring violence.
– What do you associate with the word “Violence”?
– I want you to work in pairs with Hand-out #5.

Учащиеся заполняют схему “VIOLENCE” и делятся своим мнением: (Possible answers: killers, crime, gangs, vandalism, murder, crews, rebellion, criminals, etc.)

Teacher: Now, I want you to read 3 different opinions about groups and violence (Hand-out#6).
– Your task is to read the texts quickly and say whom these opinions belong to:
a teenager, a middle-aged person or an elderly person.
– Then tell us, please, which arguments you approve or disapprove of. You may use the language support given in the card.

Учащиеся быстро знакомятся с содержанием текстов и высказываются по прочитанному.


– Well, you’ve done a lot of work today, dealing with young groupings.
– My last question is: “What do you do to express yourself and to change the world to the best?”

Учащиеся приводят свои примеры.

Teacher: Thank you for your ideas.

Commentary on the lesson:

Teacher: Well, it’s time to complete the lesson. I’d like to say that I’m quite satisfied with your work at the lesson today. I’m pleased with the answers and activities of some students.
I hope the lesson was interesting for you. Thank you very much.

Home assignment:

Teacher: Well, it’s time to write down your homework for the next lesson.
– You should write an essay “Belonging to the group: for and against” using Ex.4 pg. 28


Teacher: Well, the lesson is over. Good-bye.
