Moscow sights

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цели и задачи урока:

  • Обучающие цели урока:
    • Совершенствовать речемыслительную деятельность учащихся через различные формы работы с текстом.
    • Систематизировать ранее изученные сведения о столице России – Москве.
    • Активизировать лексико-грамматический материал предыдущих уроков в речи учащихся.
    • Закрепить грамматические навыки учащихся по теме: Предлоги направления, места.
    • Формировать умение работать в группах, парах.
  • Развивающие задачи урока:
    • Развивать навыки чтения с целью извлечения конкретной информации.
    • Развивать умения высказываться логично, связно, делать выводы, анализировать полученную информацию.
    • Развивать навыки диалогической речи, монологической речи.
    • Развивать языковую догадку и речевую наблюдательность.
    • Развивать мышление и память.
    • Развивать навыки аудирования с целью извлечения необходимой информации.
  • Познавательные задачи урока:
    • Расширить кругозор учащихся в рамках темы.
    • Обогатить словарный запас учащихся.
  • Воспитательные задачи урока:
    • Прививать учащимся интерес к истории, культуре, традициям своей страны.
    • Способствовать воспитанию у учащихся чувств патриотизма, любви к Родине.
    • Прививать интерес к изучению английского языка.
    • Способствовать воспитанию чувств коллективизма, взаимоподдержки, выручки, взаимопонимания.

Тип урока: повторительно-обобщающий.

Форма проведения урока: урок-игра.


  • раздаточный материал:
    • тексты о достопримечательностях Москвы с заданиями к ним;
    • фонетическое упражнение (стихотворение);
    • викторина «Об истории, культуре и достопримечательностях Москвы»;
  • магнитофон с аудиокассетой (диалоги: Как добраться до …?);
  • таблица с заданием по достопримечательностям Москвы и достопримечательностям городов других стран;
  • меловая доска;
  • фотографии с достопримечательностями Москвы (Приложение 1);
  • набор звездочек для подсчета правильных ответов студентов.


1. Организационный момент и приветствие

2. Введение в тему урока

– Good morning, everybody! I’m glad to see you again. I hope you are fine. Look at the pictures and try to name the places of interest in Moscow. Do you know any? (приложение № 1).
Ответы учащихся.

– Today we are going to learn some more about Moscow sights.

3. Фонетическая зарядка

Phonetic Drills

If I had a flying carpet
Carrying me through the air
I would make a lovely trip
Getting everywhere
What countries would I visit?
What cities would I see?
To learn new things in our country
How exciting that would be!

4. Деление студентов на 3 группы

– Please, take piece of paper. They are of different colours. Divide into groups according to the colour.

5. Составление таблицы  “Word Web” (ассоциативной) на меловой доске (Приложение 2).

6. Работа с фотографиями «Достопримечательности Москвы» (Приложение 1).

7. Работа в группах, парах

а) Работа с текстом

Чтение текста, выполнение заданий и подготовка к пересказу. Пересказ текста одним учащимся, коллективное выполнение послетекстовых заданий.

– And now your task is to read the text, understand it and let 1 pupil retell the text to other pupils. Some questions will be asked after the text, and if you give the correct answer, you will win 1 star for the group. The group, which will have more stars, will get 5s. So good luck and let’s get started.


It is the largest museum of European art in Moscow. The founder of the Pushkin Museum of Fine Art is Professor Ivan Tsvetayev (father of the poet Marina Tsvetayeva). The Museum was built in Greek classical style in 1898-1912 by Roman Klein. It was originally named after Alexander III. Since 1937 it has been known as the Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts. In 1918 thousands of works were transferred from St Petersburg’s Hermitage Museum. They were a basis for the Pushkin Museum’s collections of Western Art. Later the works by Impressionists and Post- Impressionists, including Van Gogh, Gauguin, Picasso and Matisse were added. The Museum also has one of the world’s largest collection of the ancient, oriental and classical art.
The Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts periodically holds exhibitions of the art of various countries. After the World War II the evacuated Dresden Gallery had been stored in Moscow for 10 years. There were exhibitions of the Tutankhamen treasures from Egypt, and Leonardo da Vinci’s world famous Mona-Lisa. Canvases from the American Metropolitan Art Museum, the paintings of P. Picasso, M. Chagall, French Impressionists were displayed here, too.
The International musical festival Svyatoslav Richter’s December nights are also held in the Pushkin Museum. The Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts contacts with the biggest museums and galleries of the world.

Complete the sentences using the right information from the text:

  1. Professor … is the founder of the Pushkin Museum.
  2. It got its present name only in … .
  3. The Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts periodically… .
  4. The basis for the Pushkin Museum’s collection became … .
  5. The international … are also held in the Museum.


Most people are greatly fond of circus. Russian circus and circus actors are famous all over the world.
One of the Moscow circuses is located in the centre of the city, in Tsvetnoi Boulevard. It was the only circus in Moscow between 1926 and 1971. The circus building was opened in 1880 as Solomonsky Circus. A famous clown Yuri Nikulin managed the company for fifteen years. Now in front of the building is a remarkable statue of him. The Great Moscow State Circus is located at the Vernadsky Prospect. Its building seats 3,400 people. The circus has 5 different arenas: equestrian, water, illusionist, ice rink, and light effect. Its amphitheatre is 36 metres. Performances are held each day in the afternoon and evening.
In summer there is always a traditional circus in a tent in the Central Park. There are forty big circuses, thirteen small ones and eight zoo- circuses in Moscow. They are a good idea for going out.

Answer the questions:

  1. Where is the oldest Moscow circus located?
  2. When was it opened?
  3. Which circus has 5 different arenas?
  4. Are Tsvetnoi Boulevard Circus and Vernadsky Prospect Circus the only circuses in Moscow?
  5. What other kind of circuses are there in Moscow?


The heart of Moscow is Red Square. And the heart of Red Square is the Kremlin. The first wooden Kremlin was built by Prince Yuri Dolgoruky, then it was rebuilt in the reigns of Ivan Kalita, Dmitri Donskoy and Ivan III. By the end of the 15th century new brick walls completed the construction of the present Kremlin with its beautiful red walls and towers crowned with ruby stars. The Spasskaya Tower is the symbol of the Kremlin. It was built in 1491 and is 71 metres high. The tallest Trinity Tower, the Kutafia Tower, the Tower of the Senate, the St. Nicholas Tower are unforgettable for everyone. Near the Kremlin you can see Pokrovsky Cathedral which is also known by its folk name- the Vasili Blazhenny Cathedral. It was built at the end of the 16th century by architects Barma and Posnik in memory of Russia’s conquest of the Kazan Kingdom in 1552.
In front of this ancient Cathedral you can see a monument to Minin and Pozharsky. It was designed by I. Martos in 1818 to commemorate the Russian victory over the Poles in 1612. In the middle of Red Square there was a special place of execution- Lobnoye Mesto.
There are some other places to see in Red Square. They are Mausoleum, the State History Museum, the Great Kremlin Palace with its armoury and Granovitaya Palata, the Bell Tower of Ivan the Great, Annunciation and Archangelsky Cathedrals and some others.

Find the answers:

1. It is the heart of Moscow.
2. It is the heart of Red Square.
3. It was built in 1491.
4. It is the tallest tower of the Kremlin.
5. This cathedral was built in memory of Russia’s conquest of the Kazan Kingdom.
6. It was a special place of execution.
7. This monument was designed to commemorate the victory over the Poles.

б) Аудирование диалогов. Составление и рассказ диалогов в парах.


A: Excuse me, sir, I’m a stranger here. Will you tell me how to get to the centre of Moscow?
B: There is an express bus that will take you to the nearest metro station.

A: How long will it take me?
B: About half an hour or so.

A: Can I take a taxi?
B: Certainly, you can. The taxi stop is over there, in the square.

A: Oh, thank you very much.
B: You are welcome.


A: Excuse me, where’s the nearest metro station?
B: It’s about 200 metres down the road.

A: And how do I get to Red Square?
B: I’m sorry. I don’t know, I’m a stranger here, too. Ask the policeman.
A: Thank you, anyway.


A: Excuse me, do you know where the State Tretyakov Gallery is, please?
B: Go straight down to the traffic lights, then turn left and it’s the second street on your right.
A: Thank you.


A: Does the tram go to the centre?
B: No, it doesn’t. You’ll have to change for No. 10. It’ll take you right to the centre.
A: Where is the tram stop?
B: It’s right in front of you, across the street.
A: Thanks a lot.

в) Викторина

– And now I’d like to suggest you a quiz. The team which knows the answer will give it and get the star.

A quiz:

1. What circus is the oldest in Moscow?
2. What was Yuri Nikulin?
3. Most people are greatly fond of circuses, aren’t they?
4. How many different arenas are there in Vernadsky Prospect Circus?
5. Which tower is the symbol of the Kremlin?
6. What is the folk name of Pokrovsky Cathedral?
7. Who built Pokrovsky Cathedral?
8. What was Lobnoye Mesto used for?
9. Where is Granovitaya Palata located?
10. What museum is the largest museum of European art in Moscow?
11. Whose father was Professor Ivan Tsvetayev?
12. What was the original name of the museum?
13. What museum gave a basis for the Pushkin Museum’s collections of Western Art?

г) Заполнение таблицы «Символы, образы России и других стран» (Приложение 3)

Any country has its own symbols and images which are usually a part of its history and traditions, and I am sure you have heard many names out of the list given below. Look at the list attentively and try to arrange them in the right columns according to the countries they are located in. Be attentive and try to fill in the table as quick as possible.

The Elisseysky Palace;
Red Square;
The Louvre British Museum;
The Tretyakov Gallery;
Houses of Parliament;
South Carolina University;
Gorky Park;
The White House;
Moscow State University;
Hyde Park;
Times Square;
The Kremlin;
American Museum of Natural History;
The Sorbonne;
Bolshoi Theatre;
Central Park;
Metropolitan Museum of Art.

8. Подведение итогов урока. Домашнее задание

– Well done, thank you. Let’s count the stars. The best team is… . They will get 5s.And some pupils from other teams (the names of the pupils) were very active and their answers were correct. They get 5s too. The rest of the pupils get 4s.
Write down your home task. Find the information and tell us about your favourite place in Moscow.

Список литературы и интернет-ресурсов:

  1. Ф.М. Рожкова, С.В. Русанова “Добро пожаловать в Москву”, Москва “Просвещение”, 1997.
  2. Т.Б. Клементьева “Enjoy Teaching English” Методическое руководство для учителей, “КАРО” 2003.
  3. Н.К. Никонова “Готовимся к урокам английского языка” Методическое пособие, Айрис-пресс 2004.
  4. Учебник “SPOTLIGHT 6” Москва “Просвещение” 2006.
  5. Н.Г. Брюсова, Н.А. Лебедева «Города и столицы мира». Тексты для устных ответов и письменных работ на английском языке, 5-11 классы, издательство «Русский язык», Издательский дом «Дрофа», Москва, 1997.
  6. Virginia Evans, Jenny Dooley, Olga Podolyko, Julia Vaulina “SPOTLIGHT-6”, EXPRESS PUBLISHING, PROSVESHCHENIYE Publishers, Москва, 2008.
  7. Н.Н. Колесникова, Г.В. Данилова, Л.Н. Девяткина «Английский язык для менеджеров», Издательский центр «Академия», Москва, 2007.
  8. Интернет-сайты с фотографиями: