Урок английского языка "Здоровый образ жизни"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Задачи урока:

- тренировка произносительных навыков;

- закрепление изученной лексики по теме “Здоровый образ жизни”;

- совершенствование речевых навыков;

- развитие навыков диалогической речи;

- активизация грамматических навыков (перевод прямой речи в косвенную).


  • мультимедиапроектор
  • карточки с ситуациями
  • таблица “Direct and Reported speech”

Ход урока

1. Introduction.

Teacher: Good day, dear friends! Glad to see you. How are you getting on?

Today we are going about our health. We’ll talk about good and bad habits. And now.

2. Phonetic activities.

Pupils read the transcription of the following words:

Ache examine

Pain prescribe

Habit cure

Jog complication

Hurt to get a cold

Swallow weigh

Now look at the blackboard. Read the proverb. What does it mean?

An apple a day keeps the doctor away

(на проекторе высвечивается пословица, дети переводят пословицу и высказывают свое мнение)

3. Warming-up.

Teacher: Answer the questions using the prompter (подсказка)

What do you do

  • if you have an earache?
  • if you have a toothache?
  • if you have a sore throat?
  • if you have a bad cough?
  • if you want to take your temperature?

(На проекторе высвечиваются подсказки)

Prompter: put a compress, gargle your throat, call for a doctor, put a thermometer under your arm, take a medicine.

4. Lexical activities.

Teacher: Some people care about their health. What does the word “health” mean? (Дети высказывают свое мнение, затем на проекторе высвечивается табличка)


- exercising

- go for a walk every day

- dieting

- eat fresh fruit and vegetables

- do some sport

- sleep 8-9 hours a day

- eating low fat food

Teacher: Some people don’t care about their health: They have bad health habits. What can bad health habits can people have? Make a list. (Примерные ответы детей)

Pupils: Bad habits: smoking, drinking alcohol, taking drugs, snacking, eat high – fat food.

Teacher: What measures are taken against smoking in GB? (Примерные ответы учеников)


- smoking has received a lot of bad publicity in GB;

- many companies have banned smoking in their offices and canteens;

- smoking is banned on the London underground, in cinemas and theatres;

- a cigarette advertising is banned on television and radio.

Teacher: Do the British care about their health?

Pupils: A lot of British people don’t care about their health. They eat a lot high-fat food, fast food. Because a lot of them are very thick.

Teacher: What food is good for people’s health?

Pupils: Milk is good for our bones because milk is reach in minerals.

Garlic prevents heart disease.
Carrots are good for your eyesight.
Onion is good for your nerves.

Teacher: Pollution can influence on people’s health. Do you agree with me?

Pupils: (Примерные ответы детей)

Radiation is not good for health of people.

There are many kinds of transport in big cities, that is why we must pay attention to the protection of the health of the people.

5. Speaking (Dialog speech).

Teacher: Make up these dialogs. (Раздаются карточки с заданиями).

a) Have a problem
Call the doctor
Have a pain in my chest
Take your temperature
Go to the chemist’s
Buy a medicine for your cough

b) Hurt to walk
Fall down while playing basketball
Examine the leg
Stay at home
Write out a prescription
Rub the medicine in

c) Stay home from school
Stay in bed
Have a temperature
Come down with a cold
Cough and sneeze
Take a lot of medicines
Get better

6. Grammar activities.

Teacher: Report what they said. Use the verbs tell, explain.

  1. Lizzy said to Kevin: “I had a high temperature”.
  2. Mary said to Val: “Don has caught a cold”.
  3. Alice said to Betty: “I have put a weight”.
  4. Frank said to Val: “I go jogging every morning”.

7. The conclusion of the lesson.

Teacher: What should we do to keep healthy?

Our lesson is over.

Your homework is Draw a bar chart and decide how healthy you are.