Открытый урок английского языка в 9-м классе "Who is on the top of the pops?"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Задачи урока:

  1. Развивать навыки коммуникативной компетенции в монологической и диалогической речи, аудировании и чтении.
  2. Активизировать употребление лексики по теме, расширять словарный запас.
  3. Способствовать ознакомлению с иноязычной и русской культурой и расширению кругозора учащихся.


  1. Карточки с заданиями.
  2. Работы учащихся по теме “A cover for CD or a tapemate”.
  3. Магнитофон.
  4. Карточки-визитки.

Ход урока

1. Оргмомент. Приветствие.

Good morning, boys and girls! I’m very glad to see you. We are so pleased to see our guests today and we’ll try to make our lesson useful and interesting. Today we shall speak about people who enrich the world of music in this or that way, about pop stars.

2. Речевая зарядка

T: Answer my questions (Режим: T→ P1, P2, P3 .... .)

  1. Can we live without music?
  2. Where can we hear music?
  3. What instrument would you like to be able to play brilliantly?
  4. Why do people need music?
  5. What do you think of while listening to music?
  6. What kinds of music do you know?
  7. How often do you go to the concerts?
  8. Do you have an ear for music?
  9. How often do you buy cassettes or compact discs?
  10. Who is your favourite performer?
  11. At home you’ve done your TOP SEVEN. Who is on the top of it? Why?
  12. And what about you?

3. Работа над диалогом.

I am sure most of you buy musical magazines regularly. Do you want to know some more information about your favourite singers? Where can you get it? From interviews, of course. Let’s listen to one of them. But first I’d like you to look at the blackboard. There are some unknown words on it. Repeat them after me:

а) Чтение незнакомой лексики

  1. nickname
  2. conquer
  3. gossip
  4. attitude
  5. towards
  6. an ear for music
  7. an award
  8. joy
  9. adore
  10. perform
  11. depend
  12. mood
  13. compose
  14. yourself
  15. a copy
  16. pleasure
  17. by the way

b) Прослушивание диалога

Now you are going to listen to the interview. After listening you will have to answer my question.

– Hello! I’m James Martin from “The US Music, I’d like to ask you some questions.

– Yes, please.

– Thank you. Britney Spears is your nickname, isn’t it?

– Many people think so. But Britney Jean Spears is my real name.

– Sorry. You are so young and have already conquered the world, that’s why there are a lot of gossips around you. By the way, what’s your attitude towards them?

– It’s a part of my profession.

– Oh, yeah. When did you start singing?

– I have been singing since I was a little girl.

– Are your parents musicians?

– No, though my mum has an ear for music.

– Let’s speak about …work…. Is singing a joy or an ordinary work for you?

– Both. It’s a very hard work but I adore my profession.

– What kind of songs do you like to perform?

– It depends on my mood.

– Do you have any musical awards?

– Many. The last one was GRAMMY and the most important is your love.

– What public do you like?

– I don’t know. I love people- young and old, from big cities and from the country.

– Do you compose songs yourself?

– Sometimes I do.

– So you play the piano, don’t you?

– Yes, I finished a musical school.

– Who is your favourite composer?

– Bach and Mozart.

– Who is your favourite singer?

– I’m fond of Madonna, Whitney Houston. I also like “Backstreet Boys”. I’m very sorry but I have to go to the studio. My new album is almost ready. I’ll send you a copy.

– Thank you. It was a great pleasure to chat with such a beautiful and talented girl. Goodbye.

– Bye.

с) Ответ на вопрос

Answer the question: Who was interviewed?

d) Чтение по ролям, перевод диалога

Let’s read the dialogue in pairs and translate it.

е) Найти слова и словосочетания:

Now I’d like you to find the following words and word combinations:

я хотел бы задать, ваш псевдоним, уже завоевали мир, сплетни, часть профессии, музыканты, музыкальный слух, обычная работа, обожаю, исполнять, зависит от настроения, приз, публика, из провинции, пишите (музыку) сами, играть на пианино, музыкальная школа, любимый композитор, певец, я люблю, я должна идти в студию, новый альбом, экземпляр, большое удовольствие, талантливая девушка;

f) Ответы на вопросы:

Answer my questions:

  1. What is Britney’s real name?
  2. What is her attitude towards gossips?
  3. What is singing for her?
  4. Does she compose music herself?
  5. What instrument does she play?
  6. What public does she like?
  7. Did she go to a musical school?
  8. Who is her favourite singer?

Заполнение пропусков в диалоге (учащиеся получают карточки с диалогом, с одной стороны он дается с пропусками (см.ниже), а с обратной целиком с тем, чтобы ребята смогли проконтролировать правильность выполненной работы).

Now let’s fill in the gaps in this dialogue.

  • Hello! I’m _________ from “________”, I’d like to ask you some _______.
  • Yes, please.
  • Thank you. Britney Spears is your __________, isn’t it?
  • Many people think so. But Britney Jean Spears is my _____ name.
  • Sorry. You are so young and have already _______ the world, that’s why there are a lot of _______ around you. By the way, what’s your ______towards them?
  • It’s a part of my _________.
  • Oh, yeah. When did you start _______ing?
  • I have been singing since I was a little girl.
  • Are your parents __________?
  • No, though my mum has ______ for music.
  • Let’s speak about …work…. Is singing a ___ or an ordinary ____ for you?
  • Both. It’s a very hard work but I ______ my profession.
  • What kind of songs do you like to _________?
  • It depends on my _______.
  • Do you have any musical _______?
  • Many. The last one was GRAMMY and the most important is your love.
  • What ______ do you like?
  • I don’t know. I love people- young and old, from big cities and from the country.
  • Do you _______ songs yourself?
  • Sometimes I do.
  • So you play the ______, don’t you?
  • Yes, I _______ a musical school.
  • Who is your ________ composer?
  • Bach and Mozart.
  • Who is your favourite _______?
  • I’m fond of Madonna, Whitney Houston. I also like “Backstreet Boys”.…I’m very sorry but I have to go to the ______. My new album is almost ready. I’ll send you a _____.
  • Thank you. It was a great ______ to chat with such a beautiful and _______ girl. Goodbye.
  • Bye.

4. Игра. Пресс-конференция.

Модификация диалога проходит в виде небольшой пресс-конференции (все учащиеся-корреспонденты (на груди у них карточки-визитки с информацией об имени, фамилии, журнала или газеты, которую они представляют) задают вопросы двум звездам (учащимся, которые дома подготовили дополнительную информацию о звездах). Данный этап работы над диалогом проходит под руководством учителя, задача которого ознакомить с правилами прохождения таких мероприятий (представление себя и газеты\журнала, корреспондентом которой являешься – вопрос–благодарность – благодарность за заданный вопрос–благодарность) и ведение беседы.

Imagine one of you is a pop star and all the others are journalists from different musical magazines. I’ll give you the badges with your names and the names of the magazines you represent, look at them and present yourself before asking your questions. Look at the blackboard. There is an example:

– I’m … from … .I’d like to ask you a question. (Your question)…..

– Thank you for the question. (Your response)

– Thank you.

5. Представление творческих работ на тему: “A cover for CD or a tapemate” (домашнее задание)

I hope you enjoyed meeting these pop stars. But they are not the only guests at our press conference. You know everybody needs advertisement, even pop stars. So meet some producers who came to advertise the new albums of their stars. (Здесь проходит проверка домашнего задания: сделать обложку для нового альбома одной из звезд для CD или аудиокассеты, содержащую основную информацию об исполнителе и рекламу данного CD). You may use this sentence as an example: Hello. I’m …’s producer. I’d like to tell you some words about … and his/her/their new CD.

6. Итоги урока.

Thank you very much for the lesson. We’ve done a great work. I hope you’ll be able to lead a conversation on this topic when talking to a foreigner.

Your marks for the lesson:

7. Домашнее задание.

Tomorrow we’ll speak about your parents’ attitude towards the music you listen to. So do exercise 11 at page 54 at home.