Конспект открытого урока в 6-м классе по учебнику New Hotline elementary

Разделы: Иностранные языки


  • обобщить знания учащихся в употреблении структур в Past Simple.
  • учить детей связному рассказу на заданную тему.
  • продолжить обучение детей аудированию с опорой на текст.
  • расширить страноведческий кругозор и привить уважение к культуре изучаемого языка.

Оборудование: магнитофон, СD, доска.

Ход урока

I. Организационный момент.

What date is it today?

What day of a week is today?

II. Повторение лексики по теме. (Звучит музыка Elvis Presley - Love Me Tender.)

[Приложение 1]

Teacher: It's the voice of Elvis Presley. He was called "The king of Rock-n- Roll". His words: "My music is why I was put on this Earth". And it's true, because all his life was connected with music.

T.: Now, please look at the blackboard and say what had happened with him in these years? (на доске указаны только даты после ответов учеников заполняются пробелы)

1935 - was born

1956 - made his first film " Love me tender"

1958 - went to the army to Germany

1954 - made a record for his mother's birthday

1948 - moved from Mississippi

1955 - appeared on TV

1977 - died in his mansion in Graceland.

III. Развитие устной речи. Связный рассказ учащихся с опорой на даты жизни Элвиса Пресли. (Предполагаемый рассказ учащихся)

Pupil 1: In 1935 Elvis Presley was born in Mississippi. In 1948 his mother bought him a guitar and their family moved to Memphis. In 1954 he made a record for his mother's birthday. In 1955 he appeared on TV in New York. In 1956 he went to Hollywood and made his first film "Love me tender". In 1958 Elvis joined the American army. When he returned in the early 60s he became the King of Rock and Roll. Elvis was a millionaire, but he was a lonely man. He died of a heart attack on 16 August 1977 in his mansion at Graceland, Memphis.

IV. Аудирование.

Listen and complete the song. Выполнение упражнения 4 страница 21. [Приложение 2]

"Blue Suede Shoes".

Well, it's one for the many! Two for the show!
Three to get ready! Now go, cat, go!
But don't you step on my blue Suede Shoes.
Well you can do anything, but lay off my Blue Suede Shoes.
Well you can knock me down,
Step in my face,
Slander my name all over the place
Do anything that you want to do.
But oh, oh honey, lay off of my Shoes.
And don't you step on my blue Suede Shoes.
You can do anything, but lay off of my blue Suede Shoes.
Well, you can burn my house,
Steal my car,
Drink my liquor from an old fruit jar.
You can do anything that you want to do.
But oh, oh Honey, lay off of my Shoes
And don't you step on my Blue Suede Shoes.
You can do anything, but lay off of my Blue Suede Shoes.

V. Отработка чтения текста песни и исполнение вместе с записью.

T.: It's one song of Elvis and now let's listen one more song of him. Try to guess what song is it. (Звучит запись песни Elvis Presley - All shook up.) [Приложение 3]

VI. Past Simple.

T.: Let's remember how we make the Past tense form. (Ответы учащихся) Role play. We know a lot of facts about Elvis Presley, here are some information about his life. Write the questions and role play the dialogue. Выполнение упр. 2, стр. 21.


Where was he born?

He was born in Mississippi.

When ::::::::. to Memphis?

They moved there in 1948

Where ::::::::. his first record?

He made it at Sun Records recording studio.

How old :::::::..?

He was 19.

When ::::::::.. the army?

In 1958.

Where ::::::::.?

He went to Germany.

How :::::::::?

He died of a heart attack.

VII. Заключительная часть урока.

T.: Our lesson comes to the end and I hope that you like the songs of Elvis Presley and you know now why he was called the King of Rock and Roll.

Исключительный талант, уникальный стиль, редкая музыкальность, удивительное природное обаяние и магия личности сделали Элвиса популярнейшим артистом во всём мире и одной из самых ярких фигур XX столетия. После его смерти его слава не угасла и сегодня, Элвис Пресли популярен и любим во всём мире. И мы с вами сегодня прикоснулись к частичке мировой культуры.

Подведение итогов урока (выставление оценок)

VIII. Домашняя работа.

Творческое задание: попытаться сделать литературный перевод песни "Blue Suede Shoes"

IX. Урок заканчивается по песню Elvis Presley - All shook up.

Дополнительная информация взята с сайта официального русского фэн-клуба Элвиса Пресли - http://www.elvispresley.ru [Приложение 4].