Вечер английского языка "The English Town"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Ведущий 1. Good morning, dear friends. Ведущий 2. Good morning, dear guests. Ведущий 1. Hello everybody..

Ведущий 2. Welcome to our English town. Ведущий 1. Meet our citizens.

/На сцену выходят ученики 3"Б" класса. Кружок "Английский язык", руководитель - Резайкина В.В./.

Все вместе:

Good morning,
Good morning,
Good morning to you
Good morning,
Good morning,
We are glad to see you.

/The ABC/

Ученик 1.

A is for apples and apple-trees.
You can see apples on apple-trees.

Ученик 2.

В is for bird. Birds like to sing.
They start to sing when it's spring.

Ученик З.

С is for cat. My cat is grey.
And with me he likes to play.

Ученик 4.

D is for dog and for doggy.
I have a dog, not a doggy.

Ученик 5.

E is for eight and eleven.
How much is eight and eleven?

Ученик 6.

F is for five and for four.
Four little dogs and one dog more.

Ученик 7.

G is for girl and also for garden.
I see a girl, going to the garden.

Ученик 8.

H is for hand. I have two hands.
This is the way I clap my hands.

Ученик 9

I is for me. I am a girl. I am ten.
I like to play with my brother Ben.

Ученик 10.

J is for Jane. This is the apple jam.
Jimmy likes it, and so does Jane.

Ученик 11.

К is for Kite. Kate has a kite.
It is little and it is white.

Ученик 12.

L is for letter. This letter is for me.
It is from my sister, as you can see.

Ученик 13.

M is for mother. I love my mother.
And she loves me, too

Ученик 1.

N is for nine, nineteen and ninety-nine.
Children, how much is ninety and nine?

Ученик 2.

O is for one. One and two is three.
Three little birds are in a tree.

Ученик 3.

P is for pencils. With them I can draw
A red pen, a green tree or a blue door.

Ученик 4.

Q is for questions: How are you?
How old are you? How do you do?

Ученик 5.

R is for red. Many things are red.
What can be red? Do you know, Fred?

Ученик 6.

S is for spring and for summer, too,
When it's warm and the sky is blue.

Ученик 7.

T is for tick and for tock.
Tick-tock, say the clock.
Tick-tock, tick-tock,
Ticks Tommy's clock!
Tick-tock, tick-a-tock,
Ticks and ticks his clock.

Ученик 8.

U is for under, but not for at.
I'm under the tree, says Pat.

Ученик 9.

V is in Five and also in Seven,
It is in Twelve and in Eleven.

Ученик 10.

W is for Where? When? Who? And What?
Who is in the garden and who is not?

Ученик 11.

X is in six. Let's count to six:
One, two, three, four, five, six.

Ученик 12.

Y is for a yard where children play.
They play in the yard every day.

Ученик 13.

Z is for zoo. Let's go to the zoo.
I like to go to the zoo, and you?

/На сцене выступают ученики./

Четыре ученика в костюмах: лягушка, попугай, лиса, заяц.

Ученик 1. A flog is green.

Ученик 2. A parrot is bright.

Ученик 3. A fox is orange.

Ученик 4. A hare is white.

Четыре ученика с картинками в руках.

Ученик 1. One, one, one, little dog, run!

Ученик 2. Two, two, two, cats see you.

Ученик 4. Three, three, three, birds in the tree. Ученик 5. Four, four, four, rats on the floor.

На сцену выходит ученик с велосипедом. Звучит музыка, ученик поёт:

I want to ride my bicycle,
I want to ride my bike.
I want to ride my bicycle,
I want to ride my bike.

На сцену выходят пять девочек с игрушками: щенок, часы, цветные карандаши, цветы и мяч.

Ученица 1.

Puppy, puppy, come to me,
Let us play under the tree.

Ученица 2.

I can tell you all the day:
Time to sleep and time to play.

Ученица 3.

I have many pencils:
Red, and green, and blue,
I'll draw a picture
And give it to you.

Ученица 4.

Flowers here,
Flowers there,
Flowers growing

Ученица 5.

Oh, where is my ball?
Oh, where? Oh, where?
Is it in the box or under the chair?
Ah, here is my blue and yellow ball,
Under the table, near the wall.

Ученица 2.

Girls, let's play hide-and-seek.


OK! Let's play.

Ученица 5. /говорит считалочку/

One potato, two potatoes, three potatoes, four,
Five potatoes, six potatoes, seven potatoes, more.

Bad one!

Ученица 2. /считает/

One, two ... ten.

/девочки убегают со сцены прятаться/

Ученица 2.

I am coming. /Уходит со сцены/.

На сцену выходят три ученика с именами на груди: Ann, Nan, и Ben.

Ученик 1.

My name is Ann,
Her name is Nan,
His name is Ben,
Say it again.

Ученик 2.

My name is Nan,
Her name is Ann,
His name is Ben,
Say it again.

Ученик 3.

My name is Ben,
Her name is Ann,
Her name is Nan,
Say it again.

На сцену выходят два мальчика и инсценируют стихотворение.

Ученик 1.

Why do you cry, Willie?
Why do you cry?
Why do you cry, Willie?

Ученик 2.

I don't know.

Ученик 1.

Take a sweet, Willie,
And don't cry.

Ученик 2.

Thank you.

На сцену выходят все ученики .

Ведущая 2. Let's have a rest.

/Звучит музыка. Все поют и танцуют/.

Clap, clap, clap your hands,
Clap your hands together.
Clap, clap, clap your hands,
Clap your hands together.
Stamp, stamp, stamp your feet,
Stamp your feet together.
Stamp, stamp, stamp your feet,
Stamp your feet together.
Nod, nod, nod your head,
Nod your head together.
Nod, nod, nod your head,
Nod your head together.
Dance, dance, dance a dance,
Dance a dance together.
Dance, dance, dance a dance,
Dance a dance together.

На сцену выходит ученик и читает стихотворение.

White sheep, white sheep
On a blue hill,
When the wind stops
You all stand still.
You walk far away
When the winds blow,
White sheep, white sheep,
Where do you go?

На сцену выходят две девочки в костюмах мышки и кошки.

Ученица 1.

Where are you going to, my little cat?

Ученица 2.

I am going to town to buy a new hat.

Ученица 1.

What a hat for a cat, a cat in a hat? Who ever saw a cat in a hat.

На сцену выходят ученики в костюмах и показывают сказку

"The turnip".

The turnip: Hello. I am a big turnip.

Grandfather: Oh, what a big turnip! I want to pull it out. (Pulls the turnip.) One, two, three! Oh, it is too big for me. Granny, come here! Help me, please!

Grandmother: All right, Grandfather. I'm coming.

Grandfather and Grandmother (pulling together): One, two, three!... Oh, it's too big for us!

Grandmother: Granddaughter, Granddaughter, help us, please!

Granddaughter: All right, Granny. I'm coming.

Grandfather, Grandmother and Granddaughter (pulling together):

One, two, three!

... Oh, it's too big for us!

Granddaughter: Dog, Dog, help us, please!

The Dog: All right. Granddaughter. I'm coming.

Grandfather, Grandmother, Granddaughter and the Dog (pulling together): One, two, three! ... Oh, it's too big for us!

The Dog: Cat, Cat, help us, please!

The Cat: All right, Dog. I'm coming.

Grandfather, Grandmother, Granddaughter, the Dog and the Cat (pulling together):

One, two, three! ... Oh, it's too big for us!

The Cat: Mouse, Mouse, come here! Help us, please!

The Mouse (pulling together): One, two, three! ... One, two, three! ... One, two, three!

The Turnip (standing up): Here I am!

All (together): Oh, What a big turnip we have!

12. На сцену выходят шесть учеников с картинками - профессии: driver, teacher, pupil и student. Два ученика инсценируют стихотворение.

Ученик 1.

One, two, three! Who is he?

Ученик 2.

He is my father.

Ученик 1.

One, two, three! What is he?

Ученик 2.

He is a driver.

Ученик 1.

One, two, three! Who is she?

Ученик 2.

She is my mother.

Ученик 1.

One, two, three! What is she?

Ученик 2.

She is a teacher.

Ученик 1.

One, two, three! Who is he?

Ученик 2.

He is my brother.

Ученик 1.

One, two, three!