Урок коммуникативного чтения "Система социального обеспечения. Отношения взрослых детей и родителей"

Разделы: Иностранные языки


The 11th form consists of 19 students (8 boys and 11 girls ).To study at this form students had to pass special exams last year. Most of them have high level of mental ability in Mathematics, Chemistry and Physics, but they are not good at humanities, at English, too. One student was absent from the lesson.
It was the 3-d lesson (10-30 -11-15 a.m.).
The weather was bad. It was raining and snowing. It was windy.
The lesson was held on the 7-th of October.

« Is the System of Social Welfare Fair? »


By the end of the lesson students will have extracted information about stay-at-home post-teenagers in order to tell about their own attitude to living of adult children with parents.


Cartoon(painting) «The old woman in a shoe»,


Poem «An old woman in a shoe”.
4 sheets of paper,
4 felt-tip-pens.
Text “ The stay-at-home kids”


to have it made- достигнуть в жизни всего
laundry - прачечная
post-teenager – переросток, человек, которому уже за 20
sheer necessity – полная необходимость
perpetuation - сохранение
oppressor - притеснитель
parental - родительский
treat - использовать
moneybags – мешок с деньгами
yell bloody murder – кричать от злости
lout. – увалень, неуклюжий человек

Plan of the Lesson



  1min SS will name places where people can live Answer the question: Where people can live? Lock and step I think that the results of brainstorming will be knowledge of different buildings, language skills of speaking
  3 min SS will make suggestions about the reasons of living in a shoe Look at the picture, discuss it with your classmate:
« Why does this woma live in a shoe? »
Pairs I think that the result of making suggestions will be language skill of speaking and listening to the partner
  1 min SS will analyze the real reasons of living old woman in a shoe Read the poem « Old woman in a shoe” and make sure if you are right. S1 S2 S3…. I think that the result of analyzing the poem will be preparing for reading the text.
  1 min SS will predict the main idea of the text Read the name of the text and tell What this text is about. Individual Reading skills
  5 min SS will write advantages and disadvantages of living with parents from boy’s and girl’s point of view Make up 4 groups ( 2 groups of girls and 2 groups of girls)
One group of girls and one group of boys write down advantages on the sheets of paper/ The other two groups write down the disadvantages.
4 groups of 5 students I think that the result will be language skill of writing and intellectual skill of analyzing.
  2 min SS will work with the dictionary and explain the meaning of the words in Russian. Read the words on the blackboard and translate them into Russian. Individually I think that the result will be knowledge of meaning of new words from the text.
WHILE- READING          
  10 min SS will extract detailed information from the text. Read the text quickly to find answers to the following questions written on the blackboard.
Match these sentences with your pencils.
Work in pairs, please.
Pairs I think that the result will be knowledge of reasons for post-teens for staying at home, l anguage skill of reading for details, intellectual skill of comprehension.
  5 min SS will answer the questions from the blackboard using information from the text. Read the questions from the blackboard and answer them. Individually I think that the result of learning will be language skill of speaking and reading for details.
POST- READING          
  1 min SS will analyze the situation and make up decision what group to join. Make up three groups.
1-st-SS who want to live with the parents.
2-nd - SS who prefer to live alone.
3-nd- SS who don’t know what is better to live with the parents or not.
Individually I think that the result will be intellectual skill to analyze.
  5 min SS will skim the text and the information on the blackboard to express their point of view. Discuss in your groups your attitude to living of stay-at home post-teens with parents.
Don’t forget about information in your texts and on the blackboard.
Group work I think that the result will be knowledge about different words, language skill of speaking, listening and attitude to the topic of the lesson.
  9 min SS will express their ideas in oral form. Express your attitude to living of adult children with their parents. One student from each group I think that the result will be language skill of speaking.

Приложение 1
Приложение 2
Приложение 3