Урок коммуникативного чтения в 9-м классе

Разделы: Иностранные языки

There are 17 students (9 boys and 8 girls) in the 9th form. The students are 15-16 years old. All students ( except 4 boys ) have high level of ability in English. 9 students visit English club and take part in Olympiads.
English lesson was held in the morning, it was the 3-d lesson (10.30 a.m.). The lesson was held on the 6-th of October, Thursday. It is the first term of the academic year.

Learning aim:

By the end of the lesson the students will have re-ordered the mixed up pieces of the text in order to tell they understand how a text fits together.


Enсуclopedia « Wonders of the World»
computer (CD)
text «The TAJ Mahal»


В тексте The Taj Mahal изменена последовательность его частей. Перед уроком текст разрезается на части для работы в группах.

A. He summoned the best artists and architects from India, Turkey, Persia and finally, the design was completed. It took more than twenty thousand men working over a period of 18 years to build the Taj Mahal, one of the most beautiful buildings in the world.

B. The emperor planned to build an identical construction of black marble for himself on the other side of the river connected by a silver bridge. But his son imprisoned him in the palace before he could finish, and for the rest of his life,,, he could only look across the river at the beautiful building of Taj Mahal – the tomb of his beloved.

C.  In the year 1630 this beloved wife of the emperor died. He was so broken-hearted that he thought of giving up his throne. He decided, out of love for his wife, to build her the most beautiful tomb that had ever been seen.

D. The building itself stands on a marble platform 313 feet square and 22 feet high. Minarets or tall towers, rise from each of four corners. The Taj Mahal itself rises another 200 feet onto the air. It is an eight-sided building made of white marble, and inlaid with twelve kinds of semiprecious stones in floral design as well as with black marble inscriptions from the Koran. The building materials came from many countries, including Arabia, Egypt, Tibet, and various parts of India.

E. Three hundred years ago, there lived in India an emperor called Shah Jahan/ His favourite wife was a beautiful and intelligent woman whom he loved greatly and made his counselor and constant companion. Her title was Mumtazi Mahal; its shortened from Taj Mahal, means “pride of the place”.

 picture №1 « the  TAJ Mahal» рисунок1
colored circles
textbook by Kuzovlev

New lexis:

to imprison

Anticipated problems:

1. Relationship between students in a group will be unfriendly.
2. Some students will not be able to understand my instructions, thy have difficulties in listening.
3. May be it will be noisy at the lesson while students will form the groups.


5 min
Answer the question using the information from your home task::
What ancient wonders of the world do you know?
Write the ancient wonders on the blackboard and in your copy-books.
SS will name the ancient wonders of the world extracted this information from home task.

SS will write them on the blackboard and in their copy-books.

2 min Look at the computer monitor and tell:
What is it?
What is the name of this building?
What shall we speak at the lesson about?
SS will recognize the picture with the topic of the lesson.
1 min Look at the blackboard and translate the words into Russian. SS will find the meaning of the words in the dictionary or guess the meaning of the words.
1 min Take cards with different colors (red, yellow, blue, orange, green).
SS with the same color make up the groups.
SS will make up 5 groups.
5min Students in each of 5 groups have texts with the letters A B C D or F
In the left top corner.
Read these texts carefully and get ready to retell them in English.
Don’t forget the letters on your texts.
Time is limited. You have 5 minutes.
Make some notes if you need.
SS will read the texts for complete, detailed information.
1 min Look at your colored circles, there are numbers 1, 2 and 3.
Students who have number 1 seat here, number 2- there and number 3 over there.
Students will make up 3 groups to retell texts A, B< C, D, E in those groups.
10 min Tell your texts to the members of your group.
Discus and put the parts of the text in logical order.
Write your answers on the blackboard.
SS will retell the parts of the text to each other and put these mixed parts of the text in logical order.
1min Look at the correct answer. SS will correct their answers.
5 min Skim the text again and get ready to retell it in 5 minutes. SS will retell the text.

14 min One student from each group (one by one ) goes to the blackboard to retell the text « The TAJ Mahal» in correct order.

Find extra material about modern wonders of the world and tell about them in 6-8 sentences.