Тема урока "Ваш английский язык достаточно хорош?" (8-й класс)

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 8

Учебник: К. Кауфман, М. Кауфман “Happy English. Ru’’.

Тип урока: комбинированный.

Вид урока: урок-дискуссия.

Форма: групповая .

Цели и задачи:

- лингвистическая - формирование лексико-грамматических навыков;
- практическая - умение применять полученные знания, участие в дискуссии, защита микропроектов, формирование устойчивой мотивации к изучению иностранного языка;
- методическая - использование проектной технологии;
- психологическая – радость совместного труда, ситуация успеха;
- развивающая – расширение познавательного интереса к культуре, языку другой страны;
- воспитательная - воспитание толерантности, гордости за свой язык, свою страну посредством изучения английского языка как международного.

Оборудование: опорные лексические таблицы, карточки, аудиозапись текста, проекты учащихся.

Основные этапы урока:

  1. Приветствие. Поздравление с 8 марта.
  2. Постановка задач. Объяснение темы.
  3. Повторение лексико-грамматического материала (из предыдущего урока). Организация высказываний- советов изучающим английский язык - речевая разминка.
  4. Аудирование текста «Советы изучающим английский язык». (Textbook, p. 94)
  5. Обсуждение прочитанного. Высказывание своих мыслей.
  6. Чтение и обсуждение советов изучающим английский язык. (Ask Mr Help. Workbook, p.9) Работа в группах.
  7. Чтение писем школьников о том, что делать, если есть проблемы с изучением языка. Обсуждение. Советы учащихся. Работа в группах.
  8. Обсуждение темы “You live a new life for every new language you speak”. Работа в группах. Высказывание мнений по теме.
  9. Защита проектов учащихся “My native language”(о русском, бурятском, татарском, молдавском, якутском, украинском, литовском языках).
  10. Конкурс комплиментов-рефлексия.
  11. Подведение итогов урока.
  12. Домашнее задание - подготовка сообщения «Какова твоя главная проблема в изучении английского языка? Что тебе следует делать, чтобы решить ее?»

Результат планируемый:

  1. Повышение уровня мотивации к получению новых знаний.
  2. Применение коммуникативных навыков в процессе общения на английском языке.
  3. Применение полученных знаний для самообразования.

Развернутый план урока:

Teacher: Good morning! I’m glad to see you. Welcome to our lesson! Today we are having some guests; they are the teachers of English. Let’s greet them!

Pupils: Our dear, dear teachers, we love you very much, we want you to be happy on the eighth of March!

Teacher: The theme of our lesson today is “Is your English good enough?” We’ll try to discuss why people learn English, what the problems of learning English are, what we should do to know the language better. You’ll also tell about your native languages, as we have different nationalities. You’ll have a chance to compare all the languages.         

Teacher: Let’s review some phrases:
to study regularly;
to buy a very good dictionary;
to read adapted versions of English books;
to get a bigger vocabulary;
to do written exercises;
to listen to English tapes and repeat after the speakers;
to work on the ability to understand native speakers;
to learn texts and songs by heart;
to learn grammar rules by heart
Look at these phrases and give some advice to English learners:

Pupils: If you want to know English well, you will have to… (you should…).

Teacher: Now I’d like you to listen to the text. Try to understand what Mr Grams and Misha are talking about. Now let’s answer the questions in exercise 7. Read the questions and find the answers in the text. You should add your own opinion.

Pupils: Four years is more than enough to start learning English because… We should work regularly… We have to read adapted versions of English books… We have to listen to cassettes…

Teacher: Will you open your workbooks on page 9? There are some tips of Mr Help to English learners. Read the text. Are these tips important? What do you think? Do you agree with these tips?

Pupils: We think these tips are important… The most useful tip is to have a bigger vocabulary … I liked the advice to stick lists or cards of new words around my home because I don’t remember many words…

Teacher: Now let’s do exercise10 on page 96. There are the e – mails that Misha had got from the friends who have some problems with learning English. Read the letters and give your advice.

Pupils: I think Marina should read adapted versions of English books…. I advise her to listen to English tapes and repeat after the speakers ….

Teacher: Look at the quotation on the blackboard: “You live a new life for every new language you speak”.
What does this quotation mean? Why do you learn English? What other languages do you know? Is it important to know your native language?

Pupils: We suppose that the quotation is about learning languages… If we learn another language we have a chance to meet another cultures, different people… We’ll be more intelligent if we learn other languages… I learn English because it’s becoming a global language… English is used in many parts of our life nowadays… It’s no doubt that we should know our native languages because if we forget them, we’ll forget our culture and our roots…

Teacher: Will you tell about your native languages?

Pupils: We’d like to tell about our native languages… (Russian, Buryat, Tatar, Moldavian, Yakut, Ukrainian, Lithuanian).

Pupil 1: Russian is the language of Russian people. Many people in the Russian Federation and in the world speak it. Russian is one of the official and working languages in the United Nations. Russian together with Ukrainian and Belorussian come from the Eastern Slavonic language group. I think many people should learn Russian because it is a very interesting and rich language.

Pupil 2: I want to tell about Buryat language. It relates to Turkic and Mongol language groups. The lexical structure of the language is described with the rich and distinctive vocabulary. The biggest contribution to the development of the language was made by a famous Buryat scientist Matvey Nikolayevich Khangalov. In 1878 he wrote “The first book of Buryat-Russian languages”; in 1904 he compiled the first Buryat dictionary. People speak Buryat in Ust-Ordinsky and Aginsky areas and in the Republic of Buryatiya. I think it is great to know a lot of languages! And I’m proud of my native language.
I’d like to present some words and expressions in Buryat and Russian: Эжи – Мать; Эсэгэ – Отец; Ши ямар hуранаш? Ты как учишься? Бэлиг - Талант; Ургамал – Растение; Замби Туби – Мир, вселенная; Доодо замби – Земля; Турушын – Первый; Нархан – Сосна.

Pupil 3: There are many nationalities in the world. They speak their own languages. My mother is Russian, my father is Tatar. I would like to tell about Tatar language. My grandmother, grandfather and father speak Tatar. As for me and my mother we speak Tatar but not very well. Tatar is much alike many Turkic languages: Bashkir, Kazakh, Uzbek, Kirghiz. There are many beautiful Tatar songs, legends and tales. The most Tatars live in the Republic of Tatarstan. The capital of Tatarstan is the city of Kazan, which celebrated its 1000th jubilee not long ago. I’d like to go there some day. I want to know Tatar better to communicate with native speakers. In my opinion, everybody should know his own language because everybody shouldn’t forget his roots. And I would like to learn the languages of my classmates. It’ll be wonderful!

Pupil 4: Moldavian language is from Roman group of Indo-European family of languages. There are French, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Moldavian, Rumanian and Macedonian-Rumanian languages in this group. In our family only my father speaks Moldavian. I’d like to speak Moldavian too. I know some Moldavian phrases:
Буна Диминяца – Good morning; Буна Зиуа – Good afternoon; Буна Сяра – Good evening; Мама – Mother; Тата – Father; Уша – Door; Вяце – Life; Мержэ анасэ – Let’s go home.

Pupil 5: The most people of the Republic of Sakha Yakutiya speak Yakut language. It’s about 8 percent of the Russian Federation. Yakut language comes from the Turkic language group. Its writing is based on the Russian language. Some Yakut words are:
Ийа – Мама – Mother; Аха – Папа – Father; Кыыс – Девочка – Girl; Уол – Мальчик – Boy; Ыт – Собака – Dog; Эхэ – Медведь – Bear; Куобах – Заяц – Hare; Ат – Лошадь – Horse; У – Вода – Water; Мас – Дерево – Tree; Отон – Ягода – Berry.

Pupil 6: The Ukraine or the Ukrainian Republic is the state in the south of East Europe. Its language is Ukrainian. My mother is Ukrainian, my father is Russian. We don’t speak much Ukrainian in our family. But my mum teaches my younger brother and me to speak it. Last year we went to the Ukraine to visit our grandmother. I had to speak Ukrainian with her and other relatives. It was great! Some Ukrainian words are:
Цукерки – Конфеты – Sweets; Пластивци – Хлопья – Flakes; Папир – Бумага – Paper; Полуниця – Клубника – Strawberry; Вершкi – Сливки – Cream; Смак – Вкус – Taste; Олия – Масло – Oil; Локшина – Вермишель – Spaghetti; Яловичина – Говядина – Beef; Чоловик – Мужчина – Man; Жинка – Женщина – Woman; Увага – Внимание – Attention.

Pupil 7: The Lithuanian language is one of the numerous languages in the world. It’s also an official language of Lithuania. My father is Lithuanian, my mother is Russian. In the family we speak Russian because it’s more convenient for us. And I always ask my father to teach me his native language. Unfortunately, I know only some Lithuanian words:
Ачу – Спасибо – Thank you; Прашам – Пожалуйста – Please; Лабас ритас – Доброе утро – Good morning; Лабас вакарас – Добрый вечер – Good evening; Подлагас – Мыть пол – Wash the floor; Ашта вя милю – Я тебя люблю – I love you.

Teacher: Thank you very much for your project work. I also think that these languages are worth learning.
Now let’s compliment each other. Try to say compliments about our work today. Don’t forget to give polite answers to compliments.

Pupils: Anya (other names), you speak English well, you are clever, you are nice, your information is interesting, you know grammar rules well, you study regularly, you are as good as gold, you are a workaholic, you are serious, hardworking, modest, intelligent…

Pupils: Oh, thank you. That’s very kind of you. Do you really think so? Thank you. I needed that.

Teacher: All of you worked well today. Good for you.
Your homework for the next lesson is to write a short composition answering the questions: “What is your main problem with English? What should you do to solve it?”