Внеклассные мероприятия по английскому языку

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Вступительное слово.

The 1st of May was an important day in the Middle Ages, the celebration of summer’s beginning. For that day people decorated houses and streets with branches of trees and flowers. In the very early morning younggirls went to the fields and washed their faces with dew [dju:]. They believed this made them beautiful for a year after that. On May Day the young men  of each  village tried to win prizes with their bows and arrows.

People put a striped maypole decorated with flowers  and danced round it.

Сцена украшенная искусственными цветами, ветками деревьев, кустарниками, птичками, бабочками и т.д. В центре сцены – шест украшенный лентами и цветами.

Далее выходят чтецы с букетами цветов и в костюмах цветов.


1 pupil: There are twelve months
In all the year,
As I hear many men say
But the merriest month
In all the year
Is the merry month of May

2 pupil: Let us laugh and let us sing,
Dancing in a merry ring!
Winter hand in hand with spring
Dancing in a merry ring!

3 pupil: Spring is coming! Spring is coming!
How do you think I know?
The daffodils are blooming,
And I know it must be so.
(букет нарциссов)

4 pupil: Deep in the woods a song I hear
A robin is singing, “Spring is here”.
Then, at my feet, a violet blue
Is quietly saying, “I’m blooming for you”.
(букет фиалок)

5 pupil: Buttercups and daisies –
Oh, the pretty flowers!
Coming in the Maytime
To tell of sunny hours.
While the trees are leafless,
While the fields are bare,
Buttercups and daisies
Spring is here and there
(лютики, маргаритки)

6 pupil: Flowers here,
Flowers there
Flowers shining everywhere.
Millions of them
Stretching a far,
Each one like a tiny star.

7 pupil: The flowers are blooming every where
On every hill and dell,
And, Oh! How beautiful they are
How swetly do they smell.

8 pupil: Let us dance together,
Give your hand to me,
We shall make a circle,
Dancing merrily;
Listen to the music,
What a happy sound!
Let us sing together
And we dance around!

(Звучит ''Вальс цветов'' из Щелкунчика. Затем все цветы складывают в корзину.)

9 pupil: Make a basket just a small one,
And fill it with flowers gay,
Take the basket to your neighbour’s door
In honour of the month of May.

(Корзина с цветами ставится на авансцену.)

(Выходит девочка в костюме красной шапочки с корзиной. На сцене цветы, бабочки, птички)

Little Red Riding Hood

I’m walking throught the wood
I have a basket with some food.
But no flowers at all,
And Granny likes them so mush?
The first, the second,and the third!
Oh,what a pretty lady-bird!
Stop, wait for me, please don’t Fly!
Oh, what a pretty butterfly!

(На сцене девочка возле клетки с птичкой)

Mary had a pretty bird

Mary had a pretty bird,
Feathers bright and yellow.
Slender legs- upon my word
He was a pretty fellow.

The sweetes notes he’d always sing,
Which much delighted Mary;
And near the cage she’d ever sit
To hear her own canary.

(Песня про щенка)

(Выходит девочка с разноцветными шарами)


Red and yellow,
White and green,
The gayest balloons
I’ve ever seen!
See them bobbing
In the breeze,
May I have abigone, please?

(Девочка с зонтом, как радуга)


Violet, indigo, blue and green,
Yellow, orange and fiery red –
These are the seven colours
Of the rainbow overhead.

Shall I tell you how and why
You find a rainbow in the sky?
When rain and sunshine come together,
That makes for lovely rainbow weather.

(Сценка с зонтиком)

G: What a nice camera you’ve got.
B: Let me take your picture. Have you got your hat with you?
G: No, I haven’t.
B: You haven’t got your hat but you’ve got your sunglasses. Put them on and sit down there.
G: Is that all right?
B: Fine. Have you got your sunshade?
G: No, I haven’t but I’ve got my umbrella.
B: That’s fine. Put it up. Have you got a book?
G: No, I haven’t.
B: You haven’t got a book but you’ve got a newspaper. Open it. That’s fine.
G: What film have you got? Colour or black and white?
B: Oh!!
G: What is it?
B: I haven’t got any film.

(Песенка про щенка)

1. Oh, where, oh, where has my little dog gone,
Oh, where, oh, where can he be?
With his ears cut short and his tail cut long
Oh, where, oh, where can he be?

2. Oh where, oh, where is that nauty pup?
It’s nearly a quarter to eight.
He promised me, he would call me up,
If he was gone to be late.

3. And now it’s late and all lamps are lit,
And what, oh what what do I see?
Beneath the chair where I always sit
My doggy is smiling at me.

(Песенка "Three ships")

1. I saw three ships come sailing by,
Come sailing by, come sailing by.
I saw three ships come sasailing by
On Lew’s Day in the morning.

2. And what d’you think was inthem, them,
Was in them them, was in them, them?
And what d’you think was in them, them
On Lew’s Day in the morning.

3. One could wistle, and one could sing
And one could play on the violin.
That everything was at my wedding
On Lew’s Day in the morning.

В заключение праздника несколько участников проводят игры с уч-ся в зале. Например:

Clap, clap, clap your hands
Clap your hands together.

Bend, bend, bend your head
Bend your head together.

Step, step, step your feet
Step your feet together.

Shut, shut, shut your eyes
Shut your eyes together.

Touch, touch, touch your nose
Touch your nose together.