Открытый урок по теме "Давайте поговорим о прошлом" (6-й класс)

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 6

Цель: совершенствование грамматических навыков по теме Past Simple (утвердительные и отрицательные предложения)


  • освоить образование и использование временной формы прошедшего времени;
  • научить составлять повествование о событиях в прошлом;
  • воспитать интерес к прошлому своих одноклассников, друзей, своей семьи.

Оснащение: картинки для игры «TIC-TAC VERB» карточки с заданиями (диктант, аудирование, пазл)

Ход урока

I. Сообщение цели урока

T: Today we’ll continue working with the Past Simple. You’ll do a lot of interesting exercises that will help you to understand this material better .

II. Грамматическая разминка «Turtle».

There was a turtle who lived in a box.
He snapped at a mosquito, he snapped at a flea.
He snapped at a minnow, he snapped at me.
He caught a mosquito, he caught the flea.
He caught the minnow, but he didn’t catch me.

III. T: Your hometask was to learn 10 irregular verbs by heart.

Let’s practice a bit before your dictation. Look at the blackboard. You should write the missing forms:

IV. Написание диктанта (10 irregular verbs).

V. T: Put the words in the correct order to make sentences (the words are mixed).

  1. year; He; a; built; last; house.
  2. 1998, they, a, in, bank, worked, in.
  3. broke, yesterday, my, a, brother, vase.
  4. ago, the, five, lesson, began, minutes.
  5. last, Ann, granny, visited, her, week.


  1. He built a house last year.
  2. They worked in a bank in 1998.
  3. My brother broke a vase yesterday.
  4. The lesson began 5 minutes ago.
  5. Ann visited her granny last week

VI. T: Now let’s play your favourite game“ TIC- TAC VERB”.

You should make positive, negative sentences or questions in past simple.

(Правила игры как в крестики-нолики. Таблица дается на доске. Группа разбивается на две команды. Ребята должны составлять предложения по очереди, если делают ошибки, то очередь передается другой команде. Команда не сделавшая ни одной ошибки выигрывает. [3].

“Peter’s day”

– break the vase ? be at school yesterday + have English at school
? visit his granny – help his father ? play computer games
+ live in London in 1991 + study music – listen to his favourite song


P1 – Peter was at school yesterday.

P2 – He didn’t live in London in 1991.

P3 , n…

VII. Подготовка к аудированию текста «Kate’s life».

T: Now you’ll listen to the text. Your task will be to answer some questions about this text. There are some new words in the text that I want to translate for you. Before listening to the text read the questions (перевод слов дается на доске и каждому ученику раздаются карточки с вопросами).

Be born
ballet lessons
theatre school
primary/secondary school
to cheer
to clap


  1. When was Kate born?
  2. When did she start ballet lessons?
  3. How old was she when she left primary school?
  4. Did she like her theatre school?
  5. What did she study there?
  6. Was her play of Aladdin bad?

T: Are you ready to start?


My name is Kate and I was born in 1975. There were four children in my family, three boys and me. My mother played the piano and my father played the guitar. My brothers and I loved singing with them. I started piano lessons in 1980. I also loved dancing and started ballet lessons in 1983. When I was 11, I left primary school and went to secondary school. I wasn’t very happy there but in 1987 I went to a theatre school. It was great! We had our lessons in the morning and in the afternoon we studied music, dancing and acting. In 1988 I was in my first play at the school. The play was Aladdin and I played Aladdin. My family came to the play. They all cheered and clapped. It was wonderful. In 1992 I went to University. After University my parents wanted me to be a teacher but I wanted to be an actress- and that’s my job now.[2].

VIII. Now let’s check your answers.

IX. T: Write/Make 5 sentences about things you did last week.

Use Past Simple forms of the verbs.

X. Подведение итогов урока.

Вопросы учащихся. Выставление отметок и объяснение домашнего задания.

Список использованной литературы:

  1. Virginia Evans, Jenny Dooley, Olga Podolyako, Julia Vaulina; “Spotlight 6”, Москва “Express Publishing”, “Prosvescheniye”, 2005.
  2. Patricia Mugglestone, Carol Skinner, Steve Tompson; “In touch 1”; Madrid; Longman, 2001.
  3. Джерри Стайнберг «110 игр на уроках английского языка», АСТ Астрель, 2003.