Урок "Welcome to Kosh-Agach" "Добро пожаловать в Кош-Агач"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цель урока: Обобщить знания, полученные на уроках истории Горного Алтая и уроках английского языка, способствовать воспитанию чувства патриотизма, гордости за свой родной край, прививать уважение к традициям и чувство сопричастности к жизни района и родного села.


– Совершенствовать умения использовать в речи информацию, полученную на других предметах гуманитарного цикла.
– Развивать у учащихся способность логически излагать свои мысли в процессе общения.
– Совершенствовать у учащихся навыки ведения обсуждения в рамках темы с использованием технологии сотрудничества,
– Развивать творческие способности учащихся,

Оборудование: наглядные пособия с видами Кош-Агачского района, магнитофон, интерактивная доска, опорные слова, выражения, цитата,

Ход урока

1. Greeting

На фоне алтайской народной мелодии звучит крылатая песня про Кош-Агач

Эту высокую землю открыл я
В песне чабанской,
Примчавшейся с гор.
Сказочной птицей
Расправила крылья
Чуйская степь-необъятный простор.

Здесь ты услышишь чудесные песни,
Здесь ты увидишь
Людей из былин
Тех, кто отары пасёт в поднебесье,
Тех, кто в труде достигает вершин.

Песня летит в Кош– Агач в Улан– Батор,
Песня о дружбе,
Что здесь я нашёл.
Каждый по сердцу
Считается братом
Русский, алтаец, казах и монгол.

2. Introduction of the theme of the lesson

There are a lot of wonderful places in our country and the most beautiful of them is our native land-Kosh– Agach. Today we are going to review some interesting facts about the place where we live.

(На доске картины с видами Кош-Агача и опорные слова и выражения: Motherland, beautiful nature, lakes, green fields, steppes, animals, forests, the Chuya, Kosh– Agach, hospitable people, friendly nationalities.)

On the blackboard you can see the words and the pictures. What ideas come to your mind? What is the word “Kosh– Agach” associated with? What is Kosh– Agach for you? Let’s do the summary.

3. Group work on the text “Ancient history of Kosh– Agach”.

Do you know the history of Kosh-Agach well? Give the main events in the history of Kosh– Agach.

3. Kosh-Agach

Far back in the past scientists and explores opened wide to the world a land of grandeur, rigorous climate and wonderfully beautiful and diverse nature– the Kosh– Agach Region. Since the 19th century, the Chuy Steppe had been a center of brisk trade of Russian, Altaian, Mongolian and Chinese merchants, which gave rise and the title to the well-known Chuy Route. It is “the crossroads” of religions – Buddhism, Christianity, and Islam; of cultures – the Tibetan, Asian, and European; of national frontiers – the state boundaries of Russia, Mongolia, China, and Kazakhstan. The region’s mountainous territory is elevated higher than 2,000 meters above sea level; its ancient culture that survived to our time in various forms is an important reserve of natural resources for future generations. In 1998, the Ukok Plateau was included in the UNESCO “World Heritage” list.

The Kosh-Agach Region is home for more than 17,000 people, and our booklet is designed for the people who live here, their guests, tourists, and holidaymakers.

Russian merchants from the town of Biysk founded the main built-up area of the region-Kosh-Agach in 1801. In those days, the Chuy Steppe became the place of brisk trade of Altaian, Mongolian, Chinese, and Russian merchants. Here ran the ancient trade routs connecting Russia with China and Mongolia. The fairs in Kosh-Agach attracted traders from the merchant town Biysk.

Retell the text briefly.

4. Presentation of projects on the topic “Modern Kosh-Agach”.

Учащиеся представляют рекламно-информационные буклеты, подготовленные дома о современном Кош-Агаче по различным направлениям:

– географическое положение Кош-Агача;

– природа Кош-Агача;

– достопримечательности Кош-Агача;

– традиции и праздники Кош-Агача;

The Kosh-Agach Region is the most highly elevated area in the Altay Republic. Its average height is 2,000 meters above sea level. It is also the largest area in the Altay Republic– its territory extends to almost two million hectares.

The geographic position of the region is unique. Here cross the state boundaries between Russia and Mongolia, China, Kazakhstan and Tyva Republic. 17 thousand people live in 14 settlements of the region.

Rich are the flora and fauna of the region; here grow medical herbs of special value,many species of which are included into the Red Book. The Altaian nature is lavish in offering its gifts: mountain cedar forests, golden thistle, aromatic herbs, sea buckthorn, blackcurrant, oxalis, gooseberries, mountain cranberries, wild strawberries.

The mountain-taiga forests of the region are inhabited by bears,sables, squirrels, marals(Siberian deer),musk deer, wild boars, Siberian mountain goats, wild sheep argali(arkhar),snow leopard.

The Kosh-Agach region unites three world religions-Buddhism, Christianityand Islam;three cultures-Tibetan, Muslim and European; several languages-Kazakh,Altay, Russian, Mongolian and Chinese.Here , in “the Altay’s sunniest place,” have long since lived in peace the Telengits,Kazakhs, Russians and other peoples. The original national culture has survived on this land.

The cultural heritage of the Kosh-Agach religion throws back to high antiquity, the evidence of which being numerous artifacts of the Scuthian and Turkic culture. Many of the traditions and the way of life have been shaped during centuries.

In the region there are museums of the Altay and Kazakh culture, national vocal and dance ensembles, competitions in the national wrestlingstyle”Kuresh”, horse races, guttural singing competitions”Kay”,national holidays “Nauryz”,Chaga-Bayram”,”El-Oyin” and others. Guests are always welcome to attend the celebrations and plunge into events’ jolly atmosphere.

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