Социальное положение пенсионеров в России и за рубежом

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Трансформационные процессы во всех сферах российского общества изменили образ жизни всего населения, особенно социальной группы людей пожилого возраста.

  • В настоящее время из 145 миллионов 628 тысяч граждан России 38,6 млн. россиян являются получателями государственных пенсий, почти 30 млн. из них – пенсионеры по возрасту.
  • пожилые люди обретают самый низкий статус в социальной иерархии, превращаясь в наиболее дискриминируемую социальную группу.
  • Выход на пенсию приводит к снижению уровня жизни, социальной бедности, неравному доступу к социальным благам и услугам. Основным доходом пожилых людей является пенсия
  • Недоступность качественного медицинского обслуживания, плохие жилищно-бытовые условия, низкосортные продукты питания характерные явления в жизни пожилых людей. Все это формирует у пенсионеров социальный пессимизм, представления о социальной несправедливости общественного устройства.

Таким образом, актуальность исследования обусловлена:

  1. Анализом состояния образа жизни пенсионеров
  2. Необходимостью выявления и изучения социальных проблем людей пожилого возраста в РФ.

Основная часть

1. Объявление темы проекта.

На экране цитата: "О государстве судят по тому, как оно относится к своим старикам

"The state is judged as it treats its elders"

Today we are going to speak about the elderly in our country. We compare their position in Germany and in the RF.

So, our task is to determine social status and financial position of the elderly in Russia and conclude the way how to help them.

In our country there are many elderly people.

(Ответы учеников представлены в виде электронной презентации.)

How do the governments take care of veterans in Russia and in German?
What are good and bad points about being old?
How does the government care for the war veterans?
Do the elderly people satisfy of their health?
How do the elderly people spend their free time?
What could you buy for elderly people’s salary?

2. Фонетическая зарядка.

T.: Give me English equivalents to the following:

People who don't work because of their age.

Pt: The retired.

Т.: People who are not healthy.

P3: The sick.

Т.: People who have lost their husbands or wives.

P4: The widowed.

Т.: Old people.

Ps: The elderly.

T.: People who have serious problems with their health.

P6- The disabled.

3. Беседа о системе социального обеспечения России.

What are advantages and disadvantages of being elderly in Russia?

How do the governments take care of veterans in Russia and in German?

(Презентация учащихся.)

1. Some privileges the war veterans have in our country and in Germany.

In Russia

  1. Retirement pension+ invalidity pension.
  2. 50% reduced payment for housing, telephone and public utilities.
  3. Free medical care, wheelchairs, Free accommodation in a health resort.
  4. Free return passage by sea, by air or by railroad once a year.
  5. Housing, telephone, etc. without going on a waiting list.
  6. Free of charge assistance about the house for a certain group of people with disabilities.

In Germany

  1. No special privileges. Ordinary invalidity pensions. No increment to a pension. Retirement is possible at the age of 60 (not at 65)
  2. No privileges of this kind.
  3. Medical service at a reduced price. There are no health resorts in Germany.
  4. Air, railroad and other kinds of tickets at a reduced price.
  5. No privileges of this kind.
  6. Free of charge nursing and assistance in entertainment organizations only for people with disabilities living below the poverty level.

2. What could you buy for your salary?

The salary is about 8, 000 rubles.

The elderly people could buy:

In 2006: 80 per cent could buy bread

55 per cent could buy meat

75 per cent could buy milk

In 2007: 75 per cent could buy bread

46 per cent could buy meat

61 per cent could buy milk

In 2008: 65 per cent could buy bread

33 per cent could buy meat

56 per cent could buy milk

In 2009: We have no information, because this year was very difficult for the elderly people. This year was a year of crisis.

3. Good points about being old

The elderly…

  • Do not have to go to work
  • Have adult children, who are not a burden any more
  • Have a lot of time to meet with friends, read, travel, go in for sports, work in their garden
  • Get wiser, have more experience and the ability to help with advice  

Bad points about being old

Elderly people…

  • Become ill and disabled
  • Become a burden to children
  • Suffer the fear of death
  • Have financial problems
  • Become incapable of living independently, need regular care and nursing
  • Lose friends and spouses
  • Live a boring life

4. How do the elderly people spend their free time?

67 per cent watching TV

54 per cent reading

49 per cent listening to the radio

40 per cent walking

17 per cent habits

11 per cent friends

25 per cent telephone speaking

10 per cent church

5 per cent cinema

5. Do the elderly people satisfy of their health?



6. Do the elderly people satisfy of their health?

10 per cent-good

4 per cent- rather good

35 per cent- normal

46 per cent- rather bad

3 per cent- bad

7. Different sphere of life’s satisfaction. The elderly people satisfy …

74 per cent- housing conditions

32 per cent- financial position

44 per cent- medical care

48 per cent- foodstuff

4. Обобщение грамматического материала

The conclusion:

You have said about relationships in your families. Where do we find more warm relationships – in Germany or in Russia? As you can see some facts are for the Germany system, some are against. Life and values are different. But first of all elderly people need our love and attention.

So. Stop wasting your time speaking about all the-things-around.

Give you grannies just a little bit of your attention and that’s will make their days longer.

Don’t expect any feedback from them. Elderly don’t make a choice and all of us have to sip from this cup.

Just let you brain work.

Do you want to be honorable or stay in the line of people who forgot their own roots? Make your choice

5. Подведение итогов урока. Выставление оценок.


  1. Кузовлев В.П. «Английский язык» Москва, «Просвещение», 2007 г.
  2. Холостова Е.И. «Социальная работа с пожилыми людьми» Изд. «Дашков и Ко», 2007г.
  3. Личные опросы пожилых людей учащимися.
