Урок английского языка "Лондонский зоопарк"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цель урока: осмысление нужности существования зоопарков.


  • развивать умение говорения учащихся на уровне подготовленного монологического высказывания по теме «Animals»;
  • развивать умение говорения на уровне неподготовленного высказывания в рамках предложения;
  • воспитывать у учащихся умение коллективной творческой работы;
  • развивать культуру публичного выступления;
  • способствовать развитию познавательного интереса, расширять страноведческие знания, привлечь внимание к осознанию окружающей действительности, в частности, к зоопаркам.

Ход урока

I. Организационный момент.

– Good morning, boys and girls!

– I am glad to see you.

– Today we shall continue to learn the topic "Animals in our life". Animals live around us, but if you want to see exotic animals you should go to the zoo. Am I right? There are many zoos in the world, but we shall speak about London Zoo today. (Slide 1)

II. Фонетическая зарядка.

– But at first let's practice the English sounds.

[aia] –

giant animals
giant animals in the zoo

[θ] –

living thing
every living thing
every living thing in the world

[b] –

black bear
black baby bear

[h] –

help animals
help endangered animals

III. Речевая зарядка. Развитие умений говорения.


– Do you like animals?

– Have you got an animals at home?

– Where can the animals live? (They can live... at zoo, at home, in wild animal 's parks, in the wild.) Look at the screen and match the words and the descriptions (Slide 1).

– Can animals be our friends?

– What can you say about people who works in the zoo? (They should be friendly. They should be attentive. They should be kind.)

– What do they do? (They feed animals, repair the cages, take care of sick animals, look after baby animals, etc.)

IV. Активизация навыков диалогической речи.


– Every Zoo has some rules for visitors. Decide whether the following rules true or false. Timetable on the screen will help you. (Slide 2).

– You can feed the animals.

Pupil: I agree with it. Children and their parents can feed the animals.

– You can open the doors of cages. (...)

– You can shout at the animals. (. . .)

– You can take the animals at home. (...)

– You can bring along your own dogs or other pets into the zoo. (...)

V. Развитие у учащихся навыков аудирования и языковой догадки. (На экране по мере разгадывания загадок появляются фотографии животных.)

Teacher: OK. Let us have a guessing game. The task is to name the animal described by me. 1 . It can be very terrible and aggressive. It likes to eat meat and fish. It is very wild. It lives on the water. It is long and green. What is it? (a crocodile)

(– You can check your answers at the screen.)

2. It has a sweet tooth. It can swim very well but it lives in the forest. It likes to eat honey. What is it? (a bear)

3. It is a nice, cunning, clever. It lives in the forest. It likes to eat cockerels, hens and rabbits and other small animals. What is it? (a fox)

4. It has a beautiful yellow hair with black stripes. What is it? (a tiger)

5. It lives in the forest in the trees. It can run, climb, jump very well. It can be big or small. It is funny and clever. It likes bananas very much? (a monkey)

6. This animal is very unusual. It cannot walk, it cannot run, it cannot fly, it can only jump. It has a front pocket for baby. It lives in Australia. Name this animal? (a kangaroo)

VI. Развитие навыков монологической речи учащихся.

– Well done. I see, that you know the animals very well. And now I want you to tell about animals that you take care of.

(Каждый из учащихся подготовил рассказ об одном из животных, проживающих в Лондонском зоопарке. Свой материал они оформляют на страничке. На экране поочередно появляются фотографии животных, о которых рассказывают учащиеся.)

Thank you. Good work. I shall speak Russian. Мы соберем все странички с имеющейся информацией вместе и создадим буклет, который так и назовем – «Лондонский зоопарк». Также мы поместим сюда историческую информацию, а на последней странице напишем выводы о нашей работе и зачем людям нужны зоопарки.

VII. Физкультминутка.

Hands on the head,
Hands on the hips,
Hands on the table,
Hands like this. (Любое движение.)
Hands on the shoulders,
Hand up and down,
Hands behind the head
And sit down.

VIII. Активизация знаний учащихся по изучаемой теме. Презентация материала о Лондонском зоопарке. (Slides 3–26)


– Look at the screen, please. Read some facts and see some photos about London Zoo.

(Slides 3–26)

The London Zoo

The London Zoo is Britain's best known zoo, it's National zoo, and one of th most famous and prestigious collections in the world. It is the primary home of the Zoological Society of London, and it occupies thirty six acres of a Royal Park, less than two miles from the centre of the city of London. The Zoo began life in 1828 as a centre for the scientific study of exotic animals and only opened its doors to the public in 1847. Attractions, opening the world's first reptile house in 1849, the first public aquarium in 1853, the first insect house in 1881 and since then it has consistently been developing new the first children's in 1938. The Zoo is in a Regent Park, and many children with their parents and friends visit it every day. It is open every day from 9 o'clock in the morning to 7 o'clock in the evening. People who want to go there can go by bus or by the underground and bus. A lot of buses go to the different sides of the park. Many kinds of animals live there: elephants, giraffes, sea-lions and polar bears, brown bears and foxes, and big and little monkeys. There are many exotic animals at London Zoo. It is home to over one hundred species that are currently listed as threatened. There are many different kinds of birds there too. Some of them have very beautiful bright colors.

A good time to visit the animals is when they take their food. Then you can see how the sea-lions catch their fish. The man who looks after the animals sometimes throws a fish into the water, then the sea-lions jump into the water and get the fish there. It is also interesting to watch how the big birds eat their meat, and how the monkeys eat fruit. In the large monkey house you can see different kinds of monkeys. They jump, run and play with each other. In the park there are camels. Children love to sit on a camel's back. Then it walks in the a square and they sit high up on its back. They also like to watch the elephant when he washes himself in the morning. He puts water on his back and men with long brushes make him very clean.

In the Children's Zoo children can watch and talk to and touch young animals. Of course the people who look after the young animals watch the children too. If people want to see the fishes they must go to another house and pay a second time. The Fishes are in a great glass box. There are many different kinds of beautiful fishes there. It Is very interesting.

IX. Соорганизация смысловых выводов и организация их в пространстве.

– As you know thousands of visitors come to the Zoo every week. Why do people needs Zoos? What is good about them? (Ответыучащихся.) (Slide 27)


– People can see different animals there.

– People can feed the animals.

– People can watch the young babies.

– People can learn new things about nature.

– People can find new friends.


– But what do you think is better for animals: to live in the zoo or to live in the wild?

Why? Let's give some arguments for and against life of animals in the Zoo. (Slides 28–29)





People feed animals regularly
People wash and brush them
People play with animals
People clean their cages


People are cruel sometimes
Can't ran and jump as they like
Animals are afraid of people
People keep animals in cages

X. Подведение итогов урока. Рефлексия.

– The lesson is over. Thank you for your work.

– What do you think of the lesson?

– What was interesting for you?

– Who was the best at the lesson?

– 1 give excellent marks to ...... well – to .........

– At home: рабочая тетрадь, упр. 16, 17, c. 51–52

Приложение 1 Вы можете получить у автора статьи.

Литература: Газета «Первое сентября. «ENGLISH». № 4. 2009.