Урок по теме "Школа" с использованием интерактивной доски

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цель: Создание условия для монологического высказывания о школьной жизни в пределах 8-9 предложений на материале ранее изученных грамматических структур и лексического материала.

Задачи урока:


  • Развивать грамматических навыков, повторение структур have got, there are, повторить образование вопросов в Present Simple.
  • Расширить словарный запас учащихся
  • Развивать коммуникативную компетенцию.


  • развитие логического мышления, творческого воображения, развитие долговременной памяти, внимания, речевых навыков, коррекция произносительных навыков


  • воспитание эстетического вкуса, чувства прекрасного, умения выслушивать собеседника.

Ход урока

1. Организационный момент

2. Проверка готовности к уроку.

T: "Good morning, boys and girls! I'm glad to see you again!

Are you ready for the lesson?"

P.: "Yes, we are"

Today we have guests. Say: "Hello!" our guests.

3. Речевая зарядка:

T: "Students, answer my questions!"

На данном уроке идет повторение раннее изученных тем "Cемья." и "Школа".

1. How are you?

2. Are you pupil?

4. Do you study English?

5. Do you study German?

6. How many computers are there in the classroom?

7. Does your mother study English?

8. Do you have a pencil case?

9. Do you have a book?

10. Have you got a pen? Show me please.

11. Have you got an eraser?

4. Объявление темы и целей урока.

Today we will review new words. We will speak about our school.

4. Повторение

a) лексики.

Carina, come to the blackboard and choose a picture. (на доске под рисунками находятся фотографии детей, они выбирают очередность ответов у доски -Приложение 2, фото.)

Let's remember school subjects! (открыть документ "index. html", упражнение 1.- [48346]) Match the school subject with a picture.

Good of you! (A clever boy! Brilliant! Exellent!) - отметить флажком на доске возле фото.

Choose another picture.

Find the right variant! (упражнение 2.- [48347])

Choose another picture. - Good of you!- отметить флажком на доске возле фото.

Call the things and the people in the classroom!(упражнение3. -[48348]) - Good of you!- отметить флажком на доске возле фото.

Choose another picture.

How is it in English? (упражнение 4.- [48403]) - Good of you!- отметить флажком на доске возле фото.

Choose one more picture.

b) Повторение умения задавать вопрос и отвечать на него.

Read and act out (P. 9 Ex. 8)

5. Физкультминутка.

Are you tired? Let's sing!( Дети поют изученную ранее песню)

6. Обучение аудированию и чтению.

Read and listen to the text!( учащиеся слушают текст и читают вместе с диктором, упражнение - [48386])

School Is My Second Home

My name is Ira. I go to school.

I'm in year 7. (in the seventh form Br. E./ in seventh grade Am. E.).

Our school is not very big. It is a two-storey building. There are a lot of flowers in front of our school.

There is a headmaster's office, a cloakroom, a library and a dining-room (canteen, school- cafe) on the ground floor.

There are classrooms, a staff room, a music room and a computer room on the first floor.

Our classrooms are light and big.

There is a gym, sport grounds and a swimming pool at our school

There are 526 pupils at our school, (five hundred and twenty six).

We don't wear a uniform to school.

We go to school every day, except Saturday and Sunday.

Classes begin at half past eight and end at 2 o'clock.

In the middle of the day we have a break for lunch.

We study Russian, Literature, History, English, Biology, Math, Computing, and Art.

My favourite subject is Geography.

I like History too.

Gym is my best subject and math is my worst.

I like my teachers, especially my History teacher.

Our school is quite small, but we have wonderful teachers.

We have got a tradition at school.

Every pupil plants a tree he likes (best of all).

As for me, I've planted a cedar tree.

We want our school to be safe and beautiful.

I love school very much.

I always remember the proverb 'No pain, no gain'.

Make up the questions! ( ребята подтаскивают слова и строят фразы)

My name is Ira.

Ira goes to school.

Our school is not very big.

Ira likes History too.

My favourite subject is Geography.

I like my teachers.

We don't wear a uniform to school.

We have got a tradition at school.

What Is wear name? subject your at

Do is school have are a uniform to

Does ? a tradition she Your

Are are there you go like favourite

Try to compose and to tell a story about yourself and your school together.(на доске половина текста закрыта шторкой, открываю при затруднении)

My name is

I'm in fifth form.

Our school is big

There is a headmaster's office, a cloakroom, a library and a dining-room

There are classrooms, a staff room, a music room and a computer room on the first floor.

Our classrooms are light and big.

There are 800 pupils at our school.

We go to school every day, except Saturday

Classes begin at ...8..... and end at...half past 1... o'clock.

We study Russian, Literature, History, English, Biology, Math, Computing, Art.

My favourite subject is

I like my teachers, especially

I like too.

We have got a tradition at school.

Vanya, can you present the whole story?

7. Подведение итогов

Let's look at the photos. Sasha has 3 flags. Brilliant student!

Good work! It's o.k.

8. Your home task is to compose and to tell a story about yourself and our school. Thank you for your work. You were excellent! I like your work at the lesson.