Конспект урока в 6-м классе по теме "Музыка вокруг нас"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цель урока: развитие коммуникативных умений и навыков учащихся по теме "Музыка".

Задачи урока:

  • Активизация лексики по данной теме.
  • Совершенствование речевых навыков и умений по данной теме.
  • Формирование навыков диалогической речи.
  • Обучение изучающему чтению.
  • Воспитание толерантности к интересам и увлечениям других людей.

Материально-техническое обеспечение: магнитофон, аудиокассеты ; наглядный материал, раздаточный материал(задания по лексике); доска, мел ;плакат с кроссвордом, портреты композиторов.

Ход урока

Орг. момент.

Good morning our guests. We are glad to see you.

Good morning dear pupils. Nice to see you.

Good morning. We are glad to see you.

How are you? I'm fine thanks.

Are you fine today? Thank you. I'm fine.

Who is absent today? Nobody is absent today.

What date is it today? Today is the second of December.

What day is it today? Today is Friday.

What is the weather like today? Today is cold and frosty. The weather is fine.

Введение в тему, фонетическая разминка:

Today we will speak about music and about it's influence on our life. Look at the blackboard, listen and repeat words -expressions:

  • to enjoy music
  • to enchant somebody
  • to amaze somebody
  • to influence on somebody
  • to occupy an important place
  • to visit concerts
  • to go to the disco
  • dark
  • passionate
  • beautiful
  • deepest emotions
  • joy
  • happiness

Речевая разминка: translate sentences, using words and word-combinations from the blackboard.

1. Я люблю музыку, так как она наполняет наши сердца добротой, радостью, счастьем.

I enjoy music, because it fills our hearts with kindness, joy and happiness.

2. Произведения Моцарта очаровывают и удивляют нас.

Mozart's pieces enchants and amazes us.

3. Я и мои родители часто посещаем концерта татарских исполнителей.

My parents and I often visit concerts of tatar singers.

4. Многие молодые люди любят ходить на дискотеки.

Many young people like to go to discoes.

5. Музыка занимает важное место в моей жизни.

Music occupies an important place in my life.

Монологическая речь.

Where can we listen to music? We can listen to it everywhere.

For example, we can hear it in the

forest, at the seaside, at a concert

halls, over the radio, on TV, at a bus.

Can you think of a day without music? -Oh, it's impossible.

-I can't imagine my life without music.

What kind of music do you prefer to listen to? -Tastes differ. I like to listen to classical music.

-I enjoy listening to rock.

- I think that nature sounds, such as bird's singing, rustle of leaves, are the best ones.

-I see, that all of you are fond of music. I attend the musical school.

O'k, we are ready to listen. I want to tell you a little bit about one

of the greatest composers of the world-Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. His music enchants and amazes music lovers. He was only 35 when he died, but he had composed some 626 pieces:24 operas, 49 symphonies, over 40 concerts, 26 string quartets. His most famous operas are "The Magic Flute" and "The Marriage of Figaro". He started his career at a young age. He was a very talented person, because at the age of nine, four sonatas were published. I'd like to play a piece of music for you.

Звучит отрывок из музыкального произведения в исполнении ученицы.

-Thank you very much. Your execution is wonderful. Dear pupils, what kind of music do you prefer?

Высказывания учеников по заданному вопросу(What kind of music do you prefer?).

- My favourite singer is Michael Jackson. I like his songs very much because they are full of energy and very melodic. I like to listen to his songs and do something. In the morning I switch on my cassette -player, listen to his song and do my morning exercises. I also like the way he dances. I'd like to tell you few words about his life. His family was large, they were ten. Michael Jackson loved to sing and worked a lot. It is important to be industrious and only then you'll be successful in life.

-I don't have neither favourite group nor a singer. I'm fond of music, and I cannot live without it. Music can relax, treat, cure. It provokes our deepest emotions and fills our heart with joy and kindness, love.

- As for me, I'm Tatar by nationality, but I like to listen to popular Russian and American singers too. My parents prefer to listen to popular Tatar singers and composers. Most of all my mum is fond of Salavat, Zainab and Zufar Farhetdinov. We cannot say, which music is the best one, because tastes differ.


1. (для сильных учеников) complete the crossword puzzle;

2. (для слабоуспевающих учеников) complete the sentences.

1. Crossword:

1. a thing with the help of which we can play a melody;

2. A person, who writes a music.

3. Several sounds, combination of sounds.

4. Several people, who performs music professionally.

5. A loud and strong music /a style in music.

6. Something that replaces the cassette.

7. A round musical instrument with two sticks.


B. Fill in the gaps, using the group of words: classical music, composer, popular, enjoy, musical school.

1. Chaikosky was a well- known Russian:::::

2. I::::listening to pop music.

3. You can learn to play a musical instrument at a:::..

4::::helps us to relax, and it provokes our deepest emotions.

5. Sofia Rotara is :::.. singer.

Представление диалогов-расспросов.

-Now, make up dialogues between:

a) two friends;

b) a saleswomen and a buyer.

(Примерные диалоги).


+Hi! Nice to see you. How are you?

-Fine, thanks How do you do?

+O'K. Where are you going?

-Oh, I hurry to a leisure centre.

+Where? You are hurrying to a leisure centre, aren' you ?I can't believe!

-Why? What's the matter with you? What's wrong with the leisure centre?

+I'm fed up with that stupid leisure centre! It's all for kids!

-I can't agree with you. You can find a lot of interesting things there. There is a concert of young talents today at the leisure centre and my friend Victor plays the guitar there.

+Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't know, that it is possible to hold concerts there. May I go with you?

-Of course, I'll be glad. Let's go.

2. +Good morning! Can I help you?

-Good morning! Can you help me to find a disk with Mozart's music. I did't notice it on the shop- window.

+I'm sorry, but we don't have it. I can offer you another music, which is also good.

-What is it?

+It is a relax music: here are the pieces of different composers. Listen to it please.

Звучит запись классической музыки.

-Oh, that's wonderful! It rouses my best feelings. I'll buy this disk. How much is it?

+ Three dollars, please.

-That's it.

+Your charge, please. If you want to buy the disk of Mozart's pieces, we will bring it next Monday.

-Thank you. I'll come. Good bye.

+Good bye.

Чтение: текст "Buddy Holly"

1. Read the information about Buddy Holly.

2. Look at the list of dates and tell what happened at that time.

7th of September 1936

Summer 1957

February 1959

August 1958

2nd of February 1959

3. Here is the part of interview about Buddy Holly. Complete the questions.

Example: Where is::?

Lubbock, Texas.

Подведение итогов:

Write down your hometask.

You've worked hard today, it was real pleasure to listen to your dialogues and stories. We see that it is impossible to live without music and you can hardly find a person, who doesn't like or need music, who never sings or dances. (Now Julia will play the flute.)

Your marks for the lesson. Thank you.