- активизировать лексический материал по данной тематике в новой ситуации общения;
- применить ранее изученный грамматический материал (“Настоящее простое время” - общий вопрос, краткий ответ; местоимения: some, any, much, many, a, an);
- практиковать в восприятии речи на слух с опорой на наглядность;
- развивать умения и навыки в чтении (чтение про себя с полным пониманием прочитанного.)
- формировать коммуникативные навыки у школьников;
- развивать навыки культурного поведения за столом.
- развивать у учащихся речевые навыки, внимание, память, мыслительные процессы (выделение существенного, соотнесение зрительного образа предмета с его лексическим значением.)
Оборудование: компьютер, мультимедийный проектор, экран, магнитофон, рисуночная таблица по теме “Неопределенные местоимения”, CD с записью мультипликационного фильма “Crawford’s Good Table Manners”,” кроссворд “Fruits Words Search”, настольная игра “Do It Game”, кассета с записью песни “I Like Food”, мяч, шапочка Винни Пуха.
Ход мероприятия
1. Introduction.
T: It’s time to say “Hello!” (Hello!) It’s time to say “Hello!” (Hello!) |
It’s time to say “Hello!” (Hello!) And start our lesson. |
T: Good morning, smiling faces. How are you? OK?! I hope we'll have a wonderful time together. Listen! Somebody is knocking. Who are you? Come in, please. Oh, dear, do you know who he is?
P: He is our friend-Winnie-the-Pooh.
T: How are you, Winnie? Glad to meet you. What are you going to do now?
W: I would like to invite our children to my birthday party.
T: Really? When is it?
W: Just now.
T: Boys and girls, do you want to congratulate Winnie?
P: Of course, we do. Happy birthday, dear Winnie!
T: And now look at the blackboard, please. There is a tasty crossword on it. If you do it right, you'll know where you are going to have Winnie’s birthday party today.
- It’s green and you have it in salad (cucumber).
- Monkeys like the yellow fruit (banana).
- Apples, bananas, plums are ... (fruit).
- It’s a drink. In Russia people usually drink it hot, but in some countries people drink it cold (tea).
Написав правильно слова по горизонтали, по вертикали появляется слово cafe.
T: Well, children. It's the place where we are going today for Winnie’s birthday Party. But do you know good table manners? Let’s see video letter from Winnie’s friend Crawford’s Cat. First of all look at the table and read the expressions from the letter:
Practice my good manners.-Тренировать хорошие
манеры за столом. Everything was delicious and I like it very much.-Все было вкусно и мне очень понравилось. Good manners make good meals. - Хорошие манеры делают вкусной пищу. Table manners-правила поведения за столом. Napkin-салфетка Everything was tasty. - Все было вкусно. Wash your hands. - Мойте руки. |
True or false.
- Crawford’s Cat puts a napkin on his paws.
- Crawford’s Cat mustn’t wash his hands before eating.
- Crawford’s Cat doesn’t practice his good table manners.
- He thanks Crawford’s Cat.
W: Darlings, I don’t know what tasty things you like. Listen and learn a new poem about food you would like, or not.
2. Warming - up.
Содержание стихотворения “What do you like?” изображено на доске с помощью условных значков и картинок.
W: Do you like the poem? What food was mentioned in the poem? (Coffee, cheese, tea, cookies, porridge).
Учащиеся хором читают стихотворение за Винни, глядя на доску. 1–2 ученика читают вслух стихотворение. Затем все стирается, остаются только картинки и две последние строчки. Чтение учащимися стихотворения наизусть.
T: Let’s recite the poem for Winnie, please.
I like coffee, she likes tea.
I like porridge, he likes sweets.
I like cookies, she likes cheese.
I love you. Do you love me?
3. Lexical activities.
Т: But before going to the cafe we must refresh some words on the topic "Food".
Well. Now let’s play some funny games. And the first game is “Eatable-Uneatable” I’ll throw you a ball and say a word. For example: “carrot”. If we can eat it, you should say “Eatable”. If we can’t eat it you should say “Uneatable”. Then you should throw the ball back to me.
(Possible words: ham, cheese, carrot, ball, pencil, honey, jam, milk, fish, dog, elephant, juice …)
W: Choose fruits for dessert. Complete the crossword - Fruits Words Search
4. Speaking.
T: Children, are you hungry? Tell Winnie what you would like to eat.
Дети делятся на две команды и по очереди начинают говорить:
”I’m hungry. I would like to eat…”
В это время водящий показывает картинку с изображением рыбы, сыра и т.д. Нужно правильно закончить предложение.
V. Grammar activities.
T: For the birthday party you must have a lot of food. How much food do you, Winnie, have? Children, help him to make the menu. Fill in the blank spaces with “much”/ “many”/”some”/”any”/”a”/”an”.
W: I have an interesting game to play. Its name is “Do It Game” Be the first one to tick all the answers on your card and get to stop.
Тренировка коротких ответов на общие вопросы в простом настоящем времени.
VI. Physical pause.
T: Winnie asks you to learn the poem about him and to do some exercises.
Little Winnie, turn around.
Little Winnie, touch the ground.
Little Winnie, nod your head,
Close your eyes and go to bed.
VII. Reading.
T: Our friend Winnie is the famous English bear. Не knows well what English children like to eat. Do you want to know too?
Read the following paragraph and circle the correct answer.
“The eating habit of children”
We are in the twenty-first century but many young people today still have the same eating habits they had twenty years ago. They still eat too much fat and sugar because they eat too many crisps, snacks and sweets.
There are some schools that try to give students healthy meals at lunch time but there are still plenty of schools which serve mostly hamburgers and chips.
Children certainly do not have enough healthy food in their diet. It is difficult to say, why it is so, when there are plenty of fresh vegetables and fruit in the shops.
Another problem is - the food we throw away. Every day school kitchens in Britain throw away enough food to feed an Ethiopian village for a year! It’s time to do something, isn’t it?
- a. Children’s eating habits have got better.
b. Children’s eating habits have got worse.
c. Children’s eating habits have stayed the same.
- a. Children are not getting enough to eat.
b. Children get too much to eat.
c. Children are not eating the right food.
- a. A lot of schools serve healthy food.
b. Not enough schools serve healthy food.
c. The students are asking for healthier food.
- a. Children don’t eat enough fruit and vegetables.
b. Fresh fruit and vegetables are too expensive.
c. There are not enough fruit and vegetables in the shops.
VIII. Speaking.
T: Dear friends, what do you think about the eating habits of Russian children and healthy food?
P: We still eat too much fat and sugar because children eat too many crisps, snacks and sweets. Our school tries to give students healthy meals at lunch time.
P: As for me, I don’t like to eat healthy meals at lunch time I would like to eat mostly hamburgers and chips.
IX. The conclusion of the lesson.
T: Children, it’s time for Winnie to go home by plane to London.
I think you like Winnie’s birthday. Thank him for his party. Let’s sing the song for
I like food, I like food,
I like eating lots and lots of food (2times)
Bread and jam, and meat, and fish,
Cakes and biscuits too.
Beans and mustards, eggs and chips,
Mutton steaks, potatoes, peas,
And salted mushrooms too.
W: Thanks a lot. Good bye, children.