Инсценировка сказки "Снежная королева" (10–11-е классы)

Разделы: Иностранные языки


  • Активизировать познавательную деятельность учащихся, дать им возможность оценить свой уровень владения английским языком, применять знания и умения в новой ситуации;
  • развивать интерес к иностранной литературе;
  • приобщение к миру музыки известных мировых композиторов.


1-й этап – работа со сценарием сказки (распределение ролей, отработка произношения наиболее трудных фраз).

2-й этап – изготовление декораций.

3-й этап – репетиции сцен.

В среднем подготовка занимает от 1,5 до 2 месяцев, и к Новогодним праздникам вы их можете продемонстрировать учащимся 7, 8, 9-х классов.

Много времени занимает подборка записей музыкальных произведений к спектаклю – отрывки из “Метели” Свиридова Г., “Щелкунчика” Чайковского П.И., “Танец Феи Драже” Чайковского, различные звуковые эффекты (шум ветра, скрип лестницы и т.д.).

Characters: Story-teller, Kay, Gerda, the Snow Queen, the King" Counsellor, Gentleman-Crow, Lady-Crow, Prince Kay, Princess, The Old Robber Woman, the Litter Robber Girl, Reindeer, robbers, the servants of the King.


(На сцене появляется рассказчик).

Story-teller: If it were not for me, a story-teller, you would never learn what happened to a boy called Kay. But silence. Let's begin.

(Рассказчик исчезает за занавесом. Занавес открывается. На сцене маленькая, но очень уютная комната с пылающим очагом и окном, покрытым зимними узорами. На столе стоит цветущая роза в горшке. Кай и Герда находятся в комнате.)

Gerda: Hello, our Granny. My name is Gerda.

Kay: And my name is Kay.

(Дети подходят к огню, садятся на ковер у камина, и начинают рассматривать картинки в книге. Слышится скрип на лестнице.)

Gerda: What is it?

Kay: The stairs are creaking.

Gerda: Oh, yes, they are really creaking.

Kay: Here is our Granny. (Раздается стук в дверь.) Why is she knocking? Keep quiet! Let's frighten her and hide somewhere.

Gerda: All right!

(Герда прячется за креслом у камина, а Кай за креслом у окна.

Дверь открывается и в комнату входит высокий мужчина. Он одет во все черное.)

Kay: Bow-bow-bow! (Стремительно выскакивает из-за кресла)

Gerda: Miaow-miaow!

Man: What is going on in this house? Why are you shouting, you silly children?

Gerda: We are very sorry. We thought you were our Granny.

Man: What nonsense! As you can see, I am not your Granny! Where are the roses?

Gerda (смущаясь): Here they are.

Man: I see. They are rather beautiful. They are in blossom.

(Дверь открывается, и появляется очень приятная седая женщина).

Kay: Granny!

Gerda: Our Granny!

Granny: My dear children... (Внезапно она видит мужчину и прекращает улыбаться)

Man: Good evening, ma'am!

Granny: Good evening, sir! What can I do for you! And who are you!

Man: I'm the King's Counselor. I've heard about your roses, and I want to buy them.

Granny: Do you like flowers so much?

King's Counsellor: Not at all. I hate them.

Granny: Then why do you want to buy our roses?

King's Counsellor: I buy rarities. In winter flowers are rare. That's why I want to buy your roses.

I can see that you are very poor. Here are ten pounds for your roses.

Granny: I am not going to sell the roses. We like them very much.

Gerda: Yes, we enjoy them greatly.

King's Counsellor: Twenty pounds.

Granny: No.

King's Counsellor: Thirty.... Fifty.. .one hundred.

Granny: No.

King's Counsellor: Oh, I see you are very sly. Two hundred pounds for your roses!

Granny: No.

King's Counsellor: I don't think you understand who I am, ma'am. I '11 say it again! I 'am the King's Counsellor. I am very, very rich. I sell ice.

I know the Snow Queen herself. She helps me. I can buy anything. I'll say you a second time: how much are this roses?

Granny: These roses are not for sale.

King's Counsellor: Then... then you are a crazy old woman.

Kay: Don't shout at our Granny! Everybody respects her. She is so kind.

Gerda: Yes, yes, don't shout at her. We love her very much.

King's Counsellor: Well, I am leaving. But I take revenge on you. And it will be very soon. I'll tell about you to the Snow Queen. (Быстро выходит из комнаты.)

Kay: What an angry old man!

Gerda: He wanted to take our roses. And he said that he would tell about us to the Snow Queen.

Granny, who is she?

Granny: The Snow Queen lives in the North in her ice palace. She is very beautiful, but very cruel.

Kay: Granny, have you ever seen her?

Granny: No, I haven't .But I've heard a lot about her. Be calm, children!

(Внезапно в комнате появляется прекрасная женщина. Она одета во все белое.)

Kay: Oh, who are you?

Snow Queen: I am the Snow Queen. Good evening, you all.

Granny: Good evening, Your Majesty. Sit down, please. Would you like a cup of tea?

Snow Queen: No, no! It's too hot for me. I want to have a talk with you, ma'am. I was told about you. You are a very nice woman, but you are very poor. And you have two children. I suppose it must be difficult for you to bring them both up. And I am quite alone, but very rich. So, I will take this boy from you.

Kay: What?

Snow Queen: He will live with me, and he will be a son for me.

Kay: Granny, I don't want to go with her!

Gerda: Granny, don't give Kay to this woman.

Granny: Don't worry, children. I would never let him go.

Kay (обращаясь к Снежной Королеве): Did you hear my Granny?

Snow Queen: You must think, Kay. You will be my only son. You will live in the palace with me and Г11 give you everything you wish.

Kay: No, I want to live with Gerda and Granny!

Snow Queen: All right, Kay. Stay here. (Подходит к Каю и трогает его за подбородок волшебной палочкой. Обращаясь к Каю.)

See you soon, my boy. Good bye to you all.

Kay: Ha-ha-ha! Oh, how funny and fat you are, Granny! And you, Gerda, you are so ugly!

Gerda: What's the matter with him, Granny!

Granny: Kay, I don't recognize you.

Kay: Oh, I am sick and tired of you both. I hate everything here. I don't want to live in this poor house. I am leaving. Good-bye! (Выбегает из комнаты.)

Gerda: Kay! Kay! (Бросается в объятья бабушки и рыдает.)


(Перед занавесом находится большой камень. Ужасно уставшая Герда присаживается на камень отдохнуть.)

Gerda: Oh, how tired I am! I've been looking for Kay for so long, but nobody seems to know anything about him. Now I know what it is to be Lonely. I am very sad and tired, but I must go on and find my brother.

(Из-за кулис выходят Ворон и Ворона. Ворон говорит не очень понятно и не выразительно.)

Gentleman-Crow: Caw, caw! Good morning, young lady!

Gerda: Good morning to you.

Gentleman Crow: Where are you going, young lady?

Gerda: I am looking for my brother Kay.

Gentleman Crow and Lady Crow (вместе): Caw, caw, caw!

Gentleman Crow: Oh, we happen to this name. It's a name of our prince. We, my wife and I, live in the palace and if you want to see him,

We'll take you there. And you'll see your brother.

Gerda: Oh, thank you very much.

Gentleman-Crow: Let's go.

(Все вместе уходят со сцены).

На сцене появляется дворец Принца. Принц и Принцесса играют в лошадок.

Prince: Stop playing this game, Elza. I am tired of being a horse. Let's play another game.

Princess: Then let's play hide-and-seek, Kay.

Prince: All right! You hide now and I count up to twenty! I'll begin now: one, two, three... (Он отворачивается и считает. Принцесса кружится по сцене в поиске места, где она может спрятаться. Внезапно она замечает Герду и двух ворон. Принцесса пронзительно кричит и отбегает в сторону.)

Princess: Oh, who's there?

Prince: Is it a rat?

Princess: No, it's not a rat. It's a little girl and two Crows.

Prince: What are you doing here, young lady? How did you get here? And why are you crying?

Gerda: My name is Gerda. I am crying because you are not my brother Kay. He was carried away by the Snow Queen. The Crows told me that my brother had become a prince and he lived in a palace. That's why I am here. (Герда тяжело вздыхает.) But I see now that the Crows were mistaken!

Prince: Don't cry, Gerda. We'll help you. Where will you go from here?

Gerda: I'll go farther, to the North. I must find the Snow Queen.

Princess: But that's a long way.

Gerda: Never mind, I am not afraid.

Prince: I think I know what to do. We'll give her a carriage and four black horses.

Princess (хлопая в ладоши): What a brilliant idea! A gold carriage!

Prince: And you, Elza, give her a coat, a hat, fur boats and a muff!

Princess: With great pleasure. I have lot's of them. (Обращаясь к слугам) Bring my clothes for Gerda!

(Слуги приносят теплую одежду и отдают ее Герде).

Gerda: Thank you very much!


Story-teller: Everything is going excellently! Gerda is going in the carriage. The poor boy will be saved. (Внезапно раздается оглушительный свист.) What's there? Robbers! And the carriage is not guarded! (Ведущий скрывается за занавесом.)

Перед зрителями появляется лагерь разбойников в лесу. Старая женщина сидит у костра.

С сильным шумом и криками появляется группа разбойников. Они ведут Герду.

1st Robber: Look what we've got!

2n Robber: Here is a gold carriage!

3rd Robber: And this is a girl from a carriage!

Old Woman: Oh, how nice and fat she is! I think she will be very tasty.

(Достает огромный нож.)

Gerda: Don't kill me please! Wait a little. Take my muff, my coat, and my fur boots. Only let me go.

1st Robber: What a silly girl!

2nd Robber (Герде): You'll be killed.

Gerda: Dear robbers, listen to me please. Don't laugh at me. Let me go. Kay will die without me and he is a very, very good boy. (Сквозь слезы) Please, I beg you. Let me go.

Old Woman: No, I'm going to it you up. (Она поднимает свои руки и в этот момент появляется симпатичная розовощекая черноволосая девочка).

Little Girl Robber: Don't touch her! Oh, what a nice girl! She will play with me. She will be mine. (Обращаясь к разбойникам) All of you, go away or I'll kill you.( Герде) Oh, how pretty you are! You'll be my friend. Give me your muff, your coat, your hat. What is your name, girl?

Gerda: Gerda. You will take my clothes, but I am afraid I'll be very cold when I get to the Snow Queen's Kingtom.

Little Girl Robber: No, you go there. You will live with me. Look what I've got. (Она громко свистит.) Come, come here quickly! (Появляется олень.) Gerda, look how funny he is! (Она берет большой нож и пугает им оленя.)

Gerda: Oh, please, don't do it!

Little Girl Robber: But why? I like the way he trembles all over.

Gerda: May I ask him a question?

Little Girl Robber: Yes, you may.

Gerda: Tell me, Reindeer, did you live in the North?

Reindeer: Oh, yes.

Gerda: And have you ever seen the Snow Queen?

Reindeer: Yes, I have.

Gerda: He have seen her.

Reindeer: Yes, I have seen her. Once she passed me. She had a little boy by her side. He was white with cold, but he was smiling. The Snow Queen called him Kay.

Gerda: Kay, it was Kay! He is my brother. Oh, dear girl, let me go, please. I must save Kay. He was white with cold. He will die there, in the North.

Reideer: Do let her go. I'll take Gerda to the Snow Queen.

Little Girl Robber: All right! There is nothing to be done. Take your coat and your hat. But I won't give you your muff. I like it myself. Kiss me.

Gerda: Thank you, girl. (Целует ее.)

Reindeer: Thank you.

Little Girl Robber: Good-bye! Good-bye!


Story-teller: Oh, how sad I am! Poor Gerda! There is nothing but ice all around ! She is riding on the Reindeer through the endlees snow desert. Ride quickly, Reindeer! Help her to save Kay! Рассказчик исчезает. Голова Оленя появляется в середине кулис. Он смотрит по сторонам . У него нет сил идти дальше. Гер да идет за ним. Gerda: Tell me, Reideer, is this the Kingdom of the Snow Queen? Reideer: Yes, it is . But I can't go any farther. Aren't you afraid to go there? Gerda: Certainly, I am. But I have to go and set my brother free.

Reideer: There is one thing you must remember. The Snow Queen is very cruel and it is very difficult to get into her palace. Gerda: Nevertheless I will go there.

Reindeer: Hurry up, then! The Snow Queen is out today. (Олень исчезает.)

Gerda: Thank you, my dear friend!

Появляется дворец Снежной Королевы. Кай сидит на большом троне из льда. Он играет льдинками.

Gerda: Kay! Kay! Are you quite frozen? (Растирает его своими ладошками) Answer me! If you don't answer me, Г11 die with sorrow! Kay: Hush, Gerda! You bother me. Gerda: Kay! Dear Kay, it's me! Kay: Yes, I see.

Gerda: Kay, have you forgotten me? Kay: No, I have never forgotten anything.

Gerda: How can you speak to me in such a way? You didn't even say to me "Glad to see you" Kay: Glad to see you.

Gerda: You sound very cold and far away. L've been looking for you all over the world and now I an even afraid to come up to you. Are you really my brother Kay?

Kay: I am really Kay, but I am very busy now. I must make the word "eternity" out of the icicles. And the Snow Queen will give me the whole world as a present and a pair of skates. Gerda: Kay, my silly boy, let's go home. I can't leave you here, all alone. I don't like it here. You must remember, It's spring now. The sky is blue . The sun is shining. The birds are singing. Kay: You... you are disturbing me.

Gerda: Kay, let's go away! Our Granny is waiting for us. She 's been waiting for you all this time. She goes out to wait for you even when it's raining and snowing. (Рыдает и обнимает Кая.)

Kay: Our Granny! (Он вздрагивает.) I am cold , Gerda. Is it you? What's the matter with you? Why are you crying? How did you get here? (Оглядывается вокруг) It's so cold here. (Кай пытается подняться на ноги, но ноги его не слушаются.) I can't walk. Gerda: You can. Let's go. Never mind your legs. You'll learn to walk. You will get home. (Герда снимает свою шубку и накидывает ее на плечи Каю.)


Декорации такие же, как и в первой сцене. Бабушка сидит в кресле и вяжет. В комнате так же находятся Маленькая Разбойница, Принц и Принцесса , а также Ворон и Ворона.

Granny: Fve been waiting and waiting for them for such a long time. But I feel that tonight my children will come back at last.

Little Girl Robber: Can you hear? The stairs are creaking.

Gentleman Crow: They are coming!

Prince: Surely it must be Kay and Gerda!

Princess: The stairs are creaking so merrily. (Открывается дверь и в комнату вбегают Кай и Гер да, держась за руки.)

Little Girl Robber: Granny, look it's Gerda!

Prince: Granny, look it's Kay!

Princess: Granny, look they are both here!

Gentleman-Crow and Lady-Crow: Welcome home!

Granny: My dear children! You are come back at last! (Обнимает детей.)

Дверь открывается и в комнату входят Снежная Королева и Королевский Канцлер.

Snow Queen: You must give this boy back to me at once or I'll turn you into ice!

King's Counsellor: And after that Г11 crck you all into pieces and sell you.

Snow Queen: Kay, you must go with me!

Герда, Принц, Принцесса, Ворон, Ворона и Маленькая Разбойница берутся за руки, образуя круг, в котором бабушка крепко прижимает к себе Кая.

Gerda: Nobody is afraid of you here. You can't turn people with warm hearts into ice.

Snow Queen: Oh, we'll see! (Поднимает руки. Слышится завывание метели и свист ветра.)

Little Girl Robber: And I am not cold at all.

Princess: Usually I catch a cold easily, and now I haven't even got a running nose.

Gerda: Go away, you, two! We are not afraid of you. (Снежная Королева и Королевский Канцлер пятятся назад и убегают.) Thank you, dear friends. I would have never been able to save Kay Without you help. Now we all know that goodness defeats evil and friendships works miracles. (Все герои сказки выходят на сцену и исполняют песню "Jingle Bells").