Урок-практикум по английскому языку по теме "A voyage around the world"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цель урока:

  • Формирование навыков критического мышления
  • Научить рассказывать о кругосветном путешествии Ф.Дрейка.


  • Образовательные: Расширить кругозор учащихся, обобщить знания учащихся по географии средствами иностранного языка.
  • Развивающие: Развивать навык работы с картой, совершенствовать навыки устной речи
  • Воспитательные: Формировать стремление быть успешным в жизни

Средства обучения: интерактивная доска, политическая карта мира, аудиозаписи, Учебник Spotlight 8

Раздаточный материал: схема карты мира

1. Организационный момент:

Good morning, boys and girls. Today we are having an unusual lesson . We are having guests. Let's greet them and start our lesson. Before sitting down use the geographical names with article " the" or without it , find it on the map and stick .

(:) Atlantic Ocean, (:) England, (:) Plymouth, (:) Africa, (:) South America,(:) Pacific Ocean,

(:) North America, (:)Iceland, (:) Black Sea,(:) Moluccas Islands, (:) Australia, (:) Moscow

2. Фонетическая зарядка

(Приложение 1. Слайд 1)

3. Введение в тему:

I.a) Вызов

(Приложение 1. Слайд 2.)

T: What can you see in this picture? Start your sentences using these phrases (учащиеся начинают свои предложения фразами на таблице: I think: ; As I see it:; I would say, that:; I guess:;

In my opinion:; To my mind:; It seems to me:)

P1: (I think the lady asks the man to do smth.)

P2: (In my opinion the man asks the woman for smth.)

P3: (To my mind the man has done smth wrong)

T: And who is this woman?

P1: (I think she is a queen)

P2: (It seems to me that she is his mother)

P3: (In my opinion she is his :.)

T: Who is this man?

P1: (I think he is a slave).

P2: (To my mind he is her son)

P3: (I would say, that he is her relative)

(все ответы записываются на доске)

b) Работа с текстом:

T: These all were your suggestion. Now let's find out what is happening in this picture. Open your books on page 55 and listen to the text. Listen and follow the reading. (Приложение 1. Слайд2. Звуковой сигнал. Учащиеся слушают запись текста)

T: We have just listened to the text. Can we answer what is happening in this picture .

I'm sure, you know

The woman is :..(Queen Elizabeth I)

The man is :: (Sir Francis Drake)

T: Find from the text the sentence describing this picture

P: After returning F.Drake was knighted by Elizabeth1

II. Ocмысление

T: And now let's represent the information from this text using a cluster

Answer the questions:

(Приложение 1. Слайд 3)

(Ученики отвечают на вопросы, а я записываю в кластер)



(Приложение 1.Слайд 4. Звуковой сигнал.)

And now let's imagine we are sailing around the world with F.Drake. (играет тихая музыка с шумом волн на море)

Sit comfortably. Close your eyes. Breathe in. Breathe out. Imagine you are in a boat. You are sailing in the Pacific Ocean. The ocean is quiet. The Sun is shining brightly. You can hear nothing but only the noise of the water. And light gentle breeze is touching your face. You're lying in the boat and enjoying the quietness. You're relaxed. There is calm in your body. You hear the cry of a seagull and open your eyes.)

(Приложение 1.Слайд 5)

T: Now let's follow F.Drake's route on the map using the cluster.

Who wants to go to this map to show his route and tell us about it showing on the map.

P: (рассказывает о путешествии Дрейка, показывая его путь на карте)

T: Well done. You answer was wonderful. Go to you place, please.

(Обращаюсь к классу) Now take the map lying on your desks. (Приложение 2)

What is written on it?

P: The route of circumnavigator

T: Do you know what does the word circumnavigator mean? Then try to guess.

F. Drake was a circumnavigator. He sailed around the world. A circumnavigator is who sails around the world.

T: Work in pairs. Draw Drake's route on the map and tell each other about it. (ученики рассказывают о путешествии Ф. Дрейк друг другу. Я хожу между рядами и слушаю)

T: Who is glad with the work of his deskmate, please, hands up. I see most of pupils have managed to do this task successfully. You are brilliant.

T: We have found out about F.Drake, about that he was knighted by Elizabeth 1. But he wasn't the first man who had circumnavigated. If you solve this rebus you'll find out the name of the first circumnavigator. (Приложение 1. Слайд 6)

(Дети отгадывают ребус. Когда отгадают на экране появляется портрет Фернанда Магеллана (Приложение 1. Слайд 7))

T: What country was he from?

P: Portugal

T: He was the man who gave the Pacific Ocean it's name. While they were sailing in this ocean during 3 months, the ocean was very quiet and there weren't any storms.

T: Well, Magellan was Portuguese, Drake was English. But there were some Russian circumnavigators too. Guess one of them. (Приложение 1. Слайд 8)

(Дети отгадывают ребус. Когда отгадают на экране появляется портрет Ивана Фёдоровича Крузенштерна (Приложение 1. Слайд 9))

T: We know his name, we know what country he was from. We know he sailed around the world. What questions can we ask else?

P1: When did he sail around the world?

P2: How long was his circumnavigation?

P3: What was his route?

T: Your homework is to find the information about this Russian circumnavigator and show his route on the map. Copy out his name on the back side of your map.

III. Рефлексия.

(Приложение 1. Слайд 10)

T: And now let's write cinquains about F.Drake

(Ученики сочиняют синквейны , записывая на обратной стороне карты)

T: Read your cinquains to the class. (ученики читают свои синквейны)


Brave, confident

Circumnavigated, attacked, captured

He sailed around the world


IV. Итог урока

T: Well, children. If we went around the world together we would make a good company. Thank you for your work. Your marks are:..The lesson is over. Good bye.