Урок-праздник "Christmas Traditions"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

So many countries, so many customs.

If we celebrate the same holidays we are very much alike.

Класс 5

Формы работы: фронтальная, групповая.

Оборудование: магнитофон, мультимедийный проектор и экран, атрибуты праздника - католического рождества.

Дополнительные пособия: раздаточный материал - карточки с заданиями, альбомные листы, маркеры для работы в группах, медальки, свечи, звезды для обозначения групп (Stars, Candles, Crackers), сладкие призы, маски.


  • познакомить учащихся с праздничными традициями стран изучаемого языка;
  • развить интерес к изучению английского языка.



  • дать информацию о традициях празднования Рождества в Великобритании и США,
  • закрепить в речи учащихся необходимые лексические единицы по теме,


  • развить навыки аудирования, устной речи, чтения по теме,
  • развить память, мышление, языковую догадку,


  • создать условия для воспитания уважительного отношения к культуре другой страны через ознакомление с ее традициями, поэзией, музыкой,
  • сформировать способности участвовать в межкультурном диалоге путем сравнения традиций нашей страны с традициями англоязычных стран,
  • научить работать в команде, выполняя задания по теме.


I. Начальный этап

1. Оргмомент

Good morning, my dear friends! I am glad to see you. I hope everybody is ready to work. Sit down, please. Let's start our lesson.

What date is it today? (It's:)

You know in some days people in England and America will celebrate a great holiday. What holiday is it? (It's Christmas)

Right and what is the weather like usually on Christmas? What do you think? (It's:)

I agree, usually we have lovely winter weather. Now, ask one another how you are and we'll start to work. (How are you? I'm fine/OK/ and so on)

I'm glad you are fine. I'm fine, too. That's great, as we have a lot to do today.

2. Целеполагание.

First of all, listen to our aims and our plan. (Презентация. Приложение 1.)

Well, our aim is to learn more about Christmas in England and America. Our plan is to get new information about symbols of Christmas, to compete doing exercises, to compare Russian and English Christmas traditions.

We'll work in groups today. We have 3 teams: Stars, Candles and Crackers.

3. Фонетическая зарядка.

OK, boys and girls, let's start! Here are Christmas Tongue Twisters for you.

  1. Seven Santas sang silly songs.
  2. Bobby brings bright bells.
  3. Ten tiny tin trains toot ten times.

Repeat after me!

Can you say these three times fast?

4. Речевая зарядка.

Good of you! Now let's talk! Answer my questions, please. We'll see what you know about Christmas traditions. (Word-web "Christmas")

  1. What do people do on Christmas? (They have Christmas dinner. People give presents.)
  2. How can you decorate your house? (We can decorate a Christmas tree.)
  3. Who comes to children on Christmas? (Santa Claus comes to children)

Yes, you are right! Look, we have a small lovely Christmas word-web.

II. Основной этап.

1. Аудирование.

I see, you know much about Christmas. But today we'll learn more. We are going to listen to Jana and Tolja (the students of the 10th grade). They have some new information for you. Your task is to add new traditions into your word-web while listening.

(презентация, аудирование, запись в тетрадь)

Thank you, Jana and Tolja. You are brilliant as usual.

Do you like the talk? It's interesting, isn't it? Whose word-web is the biggest? Show me, please.

Now, say: do we celebrate Christmas in Russia? (Yes, we do.)

Let's compare English and Russian traditions of celebrating this holiday.

Listen to me and choose: TRUE or FALSE. (+/-)

Are you ready?

Number1. The English celebrate Christmas on the night from the 24th on the 25th of December. Do we celebrate Christmas on the same day? (-)

Number2. In England and America Christmas is a religious holiday. What about Russia? Do people go to church on this day? (+)

Number3. The English decorate their houses before Christmas. Do we decorate our houses before Christmas? (+)

Number4. It's a tradition in England to send Christmas cards. What about Russia? Do we send Christmas cards? (+)

Number5. The English put their presents into a stocking. Do we put our presents into a stocking? (-)

Number6. Santa Claus brings Christmas presents in England and America. And in Russia, is it Santa Claus? (-)

That's all questions. Have you managed? OK. Close your exercise-books.

2. Выполнение упражнений.

Let's go on. People celebrate Christmas all over the world. Every country has its customs and traditions, but one thing is the same everywhere: it's a gay and happy holiday. So, let's play!

Welcome our jury: Tolja and Jana.

The first task for our teams: look, match the words and the pictures! You have about 2 min.

(presents fur-tree stocking reindeer carol snowman candle Santa Claus сracker)

Let's check! Who has no mistakes? Who has one or two mistakes?

(Jury: we give :points to: .)

The second task is "Meet Santa"

(учитель надевает шапочку Санты)

Ho! Ho! Ho! Merry Christmas! I'm an elf. I help our dear Santa Claus to give presents. I see a beautiful Christmas Tree, a fire-place with many stockings, nice pictures and these boys and girls are clever, pretty and so funny! Do you know poems about Christmas?

(садится около камина, слушает стишки и раздает конфеты)

Thank you my dear boys and girls, but I must go away! I want you to be healthy, to be good students! Merry Christmas! (снимает шапочку Санты)

OK. Our dear jury, how many points can we give to our teams? (Crackers get : points. Stars get : points. :)

Now the third task: read the text about Christmas and find the answer. You have about 5 minutes to do the task, write down the answer and give to our jury.



  1. For Stars - What is a traditional Christmas meal in England?
  2. For Candles - What is usually left on the fire-place on Christmas Eve?
  3. For Crackers - What do people do on returning from church?

All right. You are rather quick. Now the forth task: Decorate the Tree with the symbols of Christmas. You have different words, choose the Christmas words only! Be attentive! You have 2 min. (Stick them with glue)

Участники находят слова, относящиеся к Рождеству, и украшают ими елочку.

Are you ready? Show your Christmas Trees to our jury!

3. Физкультминутка.

Our jury finds out who is the best now and we sing a song! Stand up, let's dance! (Jingle Bells)

Excellent! Wonderful!

Well, our dear jury, who is the winner? (Candles have: points. Crackers :, Stars:You are very good students.)

III. Заключительный этап.

1. Подведение итогов.

Let's sum up! What have you leant today?

  1. What new words do you know now?
  2. What Christmas traditions do you know now?
  3. What information is interesting for you?

2. Оценка деятельности учащихся.

You have worked hard today. Thank you for your job. You get prizes now. (Вручение медалек в виде пряничных человечков)

Paint the smile on the paper-faces. (мониторинг)

3. Объяснение домашнего задания.

Your home task is

  • to write what presents you would like to get for Christmas and why. Example: I would like to have a ball because I like playing football. (5 sentences),
  • to write a Christmas card to your friend.

Christmas is a happy day. People sing and hear many songs that create the special atmosphere of the holiday. Let's sing "We wish you a merry Christmas"

Good of you! Stand up. The lesson is over. Good- bye. Merry Christmas!

При подготовке были использованы материалы газеты "Первое сентября" (English), Фестиваля Педагогических идей "Открытый урок", журнала "АЯШ" и Интернет ресурсов.
