Food and drinks. What is on the menu. (5-й класс)

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 5

Тема урока:  «Еда и напитки»

Цель урока:  закрепление лексического и грамматического материала.

Оборудование:  учебник, раздаточный материал,  аудиозапись, видео.

Ход урока

Сообщение цели урока учителем и введение в тему.

Учитель: The theme of our lesson is `Food and drinks` We have already learned many words and word combinations. We`ve done some exercises, we can act dialogues, we`ve watched video. Today we`ll go to restaurant, cook cakes and  sandwiches. So let`s start. We all know that we can have meal at restaurants, at café, at home and in many other places.

Look here!  You see an expensive restaurant with a few visitors.

Come here, gentlemen and take your places at the tables. Now we are going to watch and listen to their dialogues.

(Выходят ученики и разыгрывают диалоги  (см. Приложение 1))

Учитель: Thank you, gentlemen. It was very interesting.

As you know we can have meal at home as well. We all have fridges with food in them. Tell me please what is there in your fridge?  (показываю карточку с оборотом there is\there are) Be careful, remember that we use `there is` when we speak  about one subject and we use `there are` when we speak about many things(задаю вопрос What is there in your fridge?  Каждому ученику. Ученики отвечают).

Учитель: That`s very good. As far as I know different people like eating and drinking different food. Let`s watch video and answer the questions. All of you have copies with the questions.

(Ученики смотрят видео и отвечают на вопросы)

T. What`s his favourite snack?

P. Cheese and  toast.

T. What food doesn`t he like?

P. Mushrooms.

T.What`s her favourite food?

P. Pasta.

T. What food doesn`t he like?

P. Chicken.

T. Good . And now tell me please what do you like:

– for breakfast (ученики отвечают)

– for lunch (ученики отвечают)

– for dinner (ученики отвечают)

T. As far as I guess you know that people don`t only eat. We also can`t live without drinks. Let`s watch video and remember drinks. (Смотрим видео 2 раза: 1 раз просто смотрим, 2 раз – повторяем за диктором).

T. By the way, what drinks do you usually have:

– for breakfast (отвечают)

– for lunch (отвечают)

– for dinner (отвечают)

– at a café? (отвечают)

T. Some people like going on a picnic. Especially in summer when it`s hot and sunny. What do you usually take with you when you go on a picnic?

(Задаю вопрос каждому ученику, ученики отвечают)

T. You see, we have a lot of food. We can make a lot of dishes and we know that there will be Mum`s birthday soon. Her children are going to make a birthday cake for her. Аnd we are going to watch and listen to their dialogue.

(Выходят 2 девочки и разыгрывают диалог (см. Приложение 2))

T. Thank you very much. You see that we must be careful making food and should be careful eating food.

T.: As we have seen already the girls couldn`t make a cake for their Mum. May be we`ll try and make a cheese  and salad sandwich?  We are going to watch video and  put the steps in a proper way.

(Ученики просматривают данные предложения)

T.: Let`s watch the video and then make a sandwich.

(Смотрим видео 2 раза, проставляем номера и зачитываем результат (см. Приложение 3))

T.:  Right.  I think we are tired a bit. Let`s go to a café, look through the menu and order something to eat and drink. Now look at your copies (раздаю  карточки с меню) listen to the dialogue and fill the missing prices.

(Слушаем кассету 2 раза (см. Приложение 4))

T.: So let`s check what have you heard. (Проверяем результаты).

T.: Now listen to another dialogue, then, in pairs, act out your own dialogues using the names of the food and their prices from the menu below. (Слушаем диалог,затем ученики разыгрывают в парах свои диалоги, заменяя выделенные слова и фразы)

– Can I have a cheeseburger, please?

– Yes, of course.

– Thank you. How much is it?

– It`s  one pound ninety five.

– Can I have two orange juices, please?

– Sure.

– How much are they?

They`re one pound eighty.

T:  Good. We have done a lot at our lesson. You work hard.  Your marks will be good. Have a rest. Bye.


Приложение 1

– I want a burger and chips. How about you?

– I don`t fancy a burger.

– Why don`t you have a chicken sandwich, then?

– Yes, that`s a good idea.

– Hello. Can I take your order?

– Yes. I`d like a chicken sandwich, a burger and some chips, please.

– Would you like anything to drink?

– Yes, I`d like a Coke. Do you want a Coke too?

– I`d love one.

– Here you are. Four pound twenty, please.

– This is a lovely place, Jim.

– I  know. What would you like to eat?

– I`m in mood of something spicy. What`s on the menu?

– The fish is very good.

– I`m not keen on fish.

– What about  the spicy chicken, then?

– That sounds great.

– Yes, I think I`d like it too.

– How much does it cost?

– Don`t worry about it. This meal is on me.

Приложение 2

– Are you busy, Lora?

– Yes, I want to make a cake for Mum`s birthday.

– Can I help you make it?

– Sure. Give me the flour and the sugar, please.

– Here you are.

– Now get me some butter and five eggs.

– Where are they?

– In the fridge. Be careful.

– Don`t worry. Oops! Sorry!

– Oh, no! Look at this mess,

– And here`s Mum! Quick, tidy the kitchen!


Приложение 3

And finally another slice of bread.

Some nice English pickle.

First take a slice of bread.

Next two pieces of cheese.

Some lettuce, some tomato and cucumber.

Then put some butter on it.


Приложение 4

– Well, Dave, what would you like to eat?

– I`m not sure. How much are the burgers?

– Well, a plain burger is one pound seventy five and a cheeseburger is one pound ninety five.

– Right, I think I`ll have a cheeseburger and chips and a Coke.

– Do you want a large Coke or a regular Coke?

– What`s the difference?

– Well, a large Coke is one pound fifteen and a regular Coke is one pound.

– I`ll have a regular Coke. What about you?

– I think, I`d like orange juice.

– How much is that?

– 95p. Shall we have some popcorn? It`s one pound fifty.

– OK. Why not?