Интегрированный урок английский язык + обществознание (10-й класс)

Разделы: История и обществознание, Иностранные языки

Класс: 10

Оборудование: проектор, печатные издания(газеты разной политической направленности)



  • формирование гражданской позиции у учащихся;
  • формирование личностного отношения к политической печати;


  • активизация в речи политической лексики;
  • составление монологического высказывания по теме;
  • ознакомление с понятием "политическая идеология";


  • расширение понятия "политическая партия";
  • формирование умения анализа;


  • повторить структуру политической системы США;
  • ознакомить с новыми понятиями по теме "Политическая жизнь общества";
  • формировать умение анализировать печатные издания;
  • формировать умение аргументировать свою точку зрения;
  • составить анализ печатного издания;

Ход урока

Актуализация знаний по теме "Политическая система США

- I am glad to see you, my friends. Today we are going to speak about branches of power existing in any political system. Let's remember the USA. Can you tell me what institutions represent the legislative branch of this country. Could you tell me about functions of the legislative branch.

(Приложение 1)

- There are executive and judicial branches in the political system of this country. I'd like to listen to their functions too.

(Приложение 1)

- All these branches are controlled by each other. This is the system of check and balances.

(Pupils are discussing the aim, advantages and disadvantages of this system)

(Приложение 1)

Ознакомление с новыми понятиями.

- But just in any country there is an other branch of power. It is called "The Fourth Branch". The power of Mass Media. What do you think what the aim of this power is.

(Pupils express their opinions:

to take part in political life;

to support political parties;

to express political philosophy of its political party)

- We speak about policy, political parties, political ideology too much. Supporting sheets discuss in groups and answer the following questions.

(Приложение 2)

The teacher explains "Political ideology". It is necessary to explain features of main blocks of parties: "center", "left", "right". Also it is necessary to add that there are many other parties, which take their features from different blocks.

Анализ печатных изданий.

- I have brought some newspapers. Now I want you to determine the political line of each newspaper. To do this task you have to answer the following questions.

(Приложение 1)

Построение монологического высказывания.

- What do you think of the expression: "The words have more power than the President"?

(Pupils tell their points of view supporting on the facts from life)

- Why mass media are called "the fourth branch"?

(Pupils express their opinions)


For the final moment of the lesson, it is possible to ask pupils if Mass Media play an important role in pupils' life. Ask to comment.