Разработка урока по английскому языку "Be my Valentine"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Учебные цели:

  • Активизация  и закрепление лексических навыков по темам «St Valentine’s Day» и «Be My Valentine».
  • Развитие техники выразительного чтения и чтения по ролям.
  • Развитие монологической и диалогической речи учащихся.

Развивающие цели:

  • Развитие познавательного интереса к культуре и традициям англоязычных стран.
  • Развитие произвольного внимания.
  • Развитие абстрактного мышления, умения логически мыслить.

Воспитательные цели:

  • Воспитание внимательного и заботливого отношения к своим друзьям и близким.
  • Воспитание норм правильного поведения в магазине.

Оборудование: Ноутбук, проектор, колонки. Компьютерные программы: Power Point и Media Player.

Ход урока

1. Организационный момент

Teacher: Good morning, dear students! I’m glad to see you.
Students: Good morning, dear teacher! We’re glad to see you, too.
Teacher: Do you know what day is it today?
Students: Today is the 14th of February.

2. Вводная беседа с сообщением  темы урока и постановкой целей урока

Teacher: What holiday do English people celebrate this day?
Students: St. Valentine’s Day.
Teacher: What do English people send to people they love on St Valentine’s Day?
Students: Valentine cards.
Teacher: Do they sign their Valentine cards?
Students: Sometimes.
Teacher: Do you send your Valentine cards to your friends?
Students: Yes!
Teacher: Do you sign your Valentine cards?
Students: No!
Teacher: All right, dear students. And today we are going to talk about St. Valentine’s Day and valentine cards. We’ll read stories about St. Valentine’s Day, and learn how to make, sign and send valentine cards. We’ll remember how to take care of people whom we love.

3. История праздника

Do you know the legends of St. Valentine’s Day? Look at the screen and listen.

Учащиеся смотрят на экран и слушают историю о возникновении праздника (текст читает голос за кадром или сам учитель), представленную виде слайдов, для лучшего восприятия с полным пониманием ключевых моментов.

Legends about St. Valentine’s Day

There are several legends about St. Valentine’s Day. One of the legends says that Valentine was Christian priest who lived in the 3 century A.D. He was put into prison by Romans for his teachings. According to the legend he performed a miracle - he cured his jailer’s daughter of her blindness and wrote her a letter signed “From Your Valentine”. Another legend says that the same Valentine wrote to children and friends who loved him from the jail.

Now, St. Valentine’s Day is the day of sweethearts. On this day, people show their friends, relatives and ones that they care. People send candies or flowers to those whom they love. Most people send “valentines”, greeting cards named after St. Valentine’s letters written from jail. Valentines can be sentimental and romantic, or funny and friendly. Valentines can be anonymous. Valentines can be heart-shaped or can carry hearts on them. People buy valentines or make them themselves. [1]

Teacher: It’s a very sentimental story. But do you know how one of the first valentines looks like?

Появляется изображение валентинки.

A Prisoner's Valentine (by Millicent Olmsted)

Charles, Duke of Orleans, was the author of the earliest known written valentines. He left about sixty of them. They were written during his confinement in the Tower of London in 1415, and are still to be seen among the royal papers in the British Museum. One of his valentines reads as follows:

Wilt thou be mine?
Dear Love, reply.
Sweetly consent or else deny.
Whisper softly,
none shall know,
Wilt thou be mine, Love?
Aye or no? [2]

4. Фонетическая разминка

It’s very old and lovely message, isn’t it? It’s not so easy to read it. But today there are some valentines-tongue twisters in our mail box. Can you say them 10 times fast? Be carefully. Try not to break you tongue, please!

St. Valentine’s Day tongue twisters: Tina loved Tim, the thin, twin tinsmith. Quick kiss.  Quicker kiss.  Quickest kiss! Vain Violet's velvet valentine vanished. King Kong kissed Queen Kate. [3]

5. Речевая зарядка

Teacher: Do you want to send your valentines to your friends?
Students: Yes!
Teacher: And now I need your help. To send our valentines we should know what traditional things people usually present in St. Valentine’s Day. Look at the screen. There are some pictures. Name them.

Учащиеся называют предметы на картинках. После произнесения слова для самопроверки на экране появляется английское название изображённого предмета. (см. приложение 1)

6. Конкурс чтецов

Teacher: Well done, students! But what do you say about sound-valentines? Can you read you messages with romantic voice? Let’s check it. Look at the screen. Here are three sweet valentines. Choose one. First read it to yourself then - aloud as lovely as you can.

You're a special friend of mine,
Friend of mine, friend of mine.
You're a special friend of mine.
Please be my Valentine.
Oh how I want you
for my Valentine!
Here's a card I made for you.
Won't you please be mine?

Look, listen, and you'll see
How much I like you!
Tell me now, oh tell me please,
That you like me too.
Will you be my valentine?
Valentine? Valentine?
Will you be my valentine
On this special day? [4]

7. Физкультминутка

Teacher: Wow! You were great! And now let’s have a rest. Enjoy you English, play the game and sing the song “Do You Know My Valentine?”

Do You Know My Valentine? (To the tune of "Do You Know the Muffin Man?")

Do you know my Valentine?
My Valentine? My Valentine?
Do you know my Valentine?
 For example, "He's wearing a gray shirt."

Suggestion: One child at a time sings the verse. On the last line of the song, s/he chooses a child in the classroom as his/her valentine and sings about a piece of that child's clothing. Other students must then guess the name of the valentine. Whoever guesses correctly becomes the next singer. [4]

8. Работа с текстом «The Prince's Valentine»

Teacher: Now we'll read a story about the Prince's Valentine.He is romantic and nice. Read the text and say what you think of the Prince's Valentine. Look at the screen. Here are some new words that can be difficult for you. Let’s read and translate them.

Ученики читают слова в сносках, затем учитель распределяет слова автора и действующих лиц(the Prince, the Princess, Court Wise Man, the Court Ladies, Court Chancellor, the pastry cook иthe bird seller) и читают текст по ролям. Для снятия трудности при нахождении  своей роли в тексте реплики героев выделяются  маркером. Текст сопровождается иллюстрациями на экране. Затем  учитель проводит беседу по содержанию  текста и делает акцент на мораль.


  • neighboring kingdom – соседнее королевство
  • priceless heart – бесценное сердце
  • jeweler  – ювелир
  • necklaces – бусы
  • ruby - рубин
  • sapphire - сапфир
  • emerald - изумруд
  • diamond - бриллиант
  • pastry shop – кондитерская
  • dove – белая голубка

The Prince's Valentine (Adapted from an Indian Folk Tale)

Once upon a time there was a little Prince, and he wanted to give a valentine to a little Princess who lived in a neighboring kingdom. She was a very beautiful little Princess indeed, for her smile was as bright as her golden hair, and her love for her subjects was as deep as the blue of her eyes.
"What kind of a valentine shall I get for the Princess?" the Prince asked.
"A heart, your Highness; nothing but a heart will do!" said the Court Wise Man.
"A beautiful heart, your Highness; nothing but a beautiful heart will do!" said the Court Ladies.
"A priceless heart, your Highness; nothing but a priceless heart will do!" said the Court Chancellor.
So the Prince started out to get a heart valentine for the little Princess that would be both beautiful and beyond price, and he did not know where to find it.
Before long, though, he came to a jeweler’s shop that was full of pretty, costly things to wear. There were pins, and bracelets, and necklaces made of silver and gold, and set with rubies, and sapphires, and emeralds, and diamonds. "This is the place to find a valentine for the little Princess," thought the Prince, and he selected a diamond heart hung on a gold chain as thin as a thread for the little Princess to wear about her neck.
The Prince gave the jeweler his bag of gold and started out of the shop with the diamond heart in his hand. But he stopped at the door, looking at the heart. It was dull, and no longer shining. What was the matter with it, he wondered. Then he remembered. It was not the right valentine for the little Princess because it had been bought with his bag of gold. So the Prince gave the diamond heart back to the jeweler, and went on again.
After the Prince had gone quite a distance he came to a pastry shop. It was full of delicious things to eat, jam tarts, and little strawberry pies, thickly frosted cakes, and plum buns. In the window of the pastry shop was a huge cake baked in the shape of a heart. It was rich with sugar and spices, and the icing on the top was almost as thick as the cake itself.
"This is the place to find the valentine for the little Princess!" thought the Prince, and he pointed to the great heart cake in the window. "How much must I pay for that cake?" he asked of the pastry cook. "Oh, you could not buy that cake!" the pastry cook replied. "I made it as a decoration for the shop for Valentine's Day. But I will give it to you, your Highness."
So the Prince thanked the pastry cook, and started out of the shop with the great cake in his arms." This must surely be the valentine for the little Princess, because I could not buy it," he thought.
Then the Prince almost dropped the cake. It had suddenly grown too heavy for him to carry. What was the matter with the rich, huge cake, he wondered. Then he remembered. It was not the right valentine for the little Princess because something rich to eat is not beautiful. So the Prince gave the cake back to the pastry cook, and went on again.
Now he went a long, long way, and he came to a bird seller beside the road. He had little gold birds, and bright-colored ones in green basket cages. They were all singing as if their throats would burst, but the Prince could hear one soft note above the others, because it was so clear and sweet. It was the cooing of a little dove who sat in her cage apart from the others. The Prince thought he had never seen such a beautiful little dove, as white as snow, and with rose red feet.
"Why does she sing so much more sweetly than the others?" the Prince asked, pointing to the little white dove.
The bird seller smiled. "She sings because of her heart," he said. "The other birds sing in the sunshine, but look"- he held up the dove's cage, and the Prince saw that the little white dove had closed, blind eyes. "She sings in the dark because of her happy heart," the bird seller said.
"May I buy her," the Prince asked, "to give as a valentine to a little Princess?"
"Oh, I will give her to you," the bird seller said. "Very few people want to take care of a blind bird."
But the little Princess did. She liked the white dove better than any of her other valentines. She hung her cage in a pink rose tree in the sunniest part of the garden, and she often invited the Prince to sit with her under the tree and listen to the dove's sweet song. [5]

Teacher: Now let’s have a talk about this story. Предполагаемые ответы учащихся:

Did you like the story about the Prince's Valentine? (Yes, I liked the story, because it’s about love. /No, I didn’t like it because of...)

What do you think about the Prince's Valentine? (I think the Prince's Valentine is very sentimental and romantic becausehe fell in love with the Princess and wanted to get a valentine for her.)

What kind of a valentine should he get for the Princess? (He should get a beautiful and priceless heart.)

What kind of hearts did he find first? (He found a diamond heart and a great heart-shaped cake first.)

What kind of a valentine did he really get for the Princess? (He got a little blind dove for her.)

Why was a little dove beautiful and priceless? (She sings because of her heart.)

Who else was beautiful and priceless? Why? (The Princess was because of her heart. She took care of a blind bird.)

What kind of a valentine do you want you get for yourself or people you love? (I want to get a beautiful and priceless heart (a dove).)

9. Изготовление валентинок.

Teacher: Now it’s real time to make lovely valentines for your friends, family, and loved ones.
Учащиеся получают образцы валентинок  с поздравлениями и пожеланиями и конверты (см. приложение 2), раскрашивают,  а затем подписывают их. Готовые валентинки складываются в почтовую коробку по желанию. По окончанию урока почтальоны разносят письма-валентинки по адресам.

10. Итог урока

Teacher: You have done great work today. The lesson is over. Happy St. Valentine’s Day!  Bye!
Учитель подводит итоги, оценивает работу учеников.

11. Домашние задание: Изготовить валентинки и поздравить свою семью по-английски.

Список использованных интернет ресурсов:

  1. www.probelov.net
  2. www.apples4theteacher.com
  3. www.bethanyroberts.com
  4. www.theholidayzone.com
  5. www.apples4theteacher.com
  6. blestiashky.narod.ru