Урок в 9-м классе "The friend who understands you creates you"

Разделы: Иностранные языки


  • Развивать речевые умения и навыки устной речи (умение формулировать, выражать свое мнение и мысли по данной тематике, писать короткие стихотворения по схеме).


  • Мотивировать учащихся к изучению английского языка;
  • Способствовать развитию учебных, коммуникативных умений и навыков;
  • Развитие коммуникабельности учащихся.


  • Воспитывать у учащихся уважительное отношение к близким и друзьям;
  • Организовать общение учащихся так, чтобы в их жизни вошли понятия толерантности, уважения;
  • Способствовать формированию дружного коллектива;
  • Гармонизация отношений.



Dear friends, I want to tell you that the topic of our lesson is "The friend who understands you creates you". Today we are going to discuss a very interesting and important theme for all people.

But we are going to have an unusual lesson.

Today we'll make a Cake of friendship. This is a plan of our lesson.

  • A project "My close friend"
  • A project "An emblem of friendship".
  • Proverbs and sayings
  • Poems about friends and friendship (cinquan poems)
  • Rules for making friends.

Well, let's start.

A Cake of Friendship.

The first shortbread is called "My close friend"

Every person has a close friend. Who is he or she? Is he or she a real friend?

You've got some reports on this occasion to present in class. Let's listen to you.

Учащиеся представляют свои проекты. Вот один из вариантов:

I'm not a very sociable person. But I want to have a lot of friends. I've got a few friends.

One of them is Cheinesh. She is fifteen. She is my classmate. She likes to study and she does it very well. Our teachers love and estimate her.

Cheinesh is always ready to help everybody who needs. She can give good advice.

She is very pretty. Her hobby is painting. Cheinesh goes to the musical school. She plays the guitar. One day I went to the musical school to listen to her play. It was splendid.

I was impressed very much.

In one hand she is good, thoughtful, industrious and sociable. In the other hand she is modest, trustful, calm and tactful. She is a very reliable friend. She loves her parents very much. We often spend pastime together. We like to discuss many problems, watch films, listen to modern music, go for a walk. I'm happy to have such a good friend as Cheinesh.

Thank you very much. Your interesting stories are a basis of the cake.

Every person strives to contact with other people. The philosopher Socrat said: "Никакое oбщение с другими людьми невозможно без дружбы".

Friendship arises if people have much in common. Do you agree with me?

What personal qualities should your friend have?

What kind of person should your friend be?

Let's divide our the class into two groups. The first one will do acrostic. Write down an adjective on each letter of the word "friend".

Another group will make a word-web. Write down adjectives characterizing the positive qualities of a friend. You may use the list of adjectives. I give you three minutes.


  • F -
  • R -
  • I -
  • E -
  • N -
  • D -


My friend should be:

Now let's check. Go to the blackboard and write down the adjectives.

(После выполнения задания учащиеся пишут на доске прилагательные, озвучивая свои ответы).

These adjectives will be a portrait of the ideal friend.

3). Complete the sentences:

The ideal friend is a person who:

If you want to be a friend of the Earth:

Предполагаемые ответы учащихся:

  • :can help in a difficult situation.
  • :takes care of us always.
  • :be tolerance.
  • : trust your friends.
  • :be able to forgive.

Трудно без дружбы в жизни
Порой одиноко жить,
И научиться надо
Дружбою дорожить.

Let's make the second shortbread of the cake. It is called "An emblem of friendship"

Some our friends prepared their own emblems of friendship. Let's listen to them.

(Двое учащихся защищают проекты "Эмблема дружбы"

It's fantastic! Thank you very much. Our symbolic cake looks tasty and it's important to spread it.

I think you like proverbs and sayings. It will be the next shortbread of the cake.

Now we shall have possibility to check up your knowledge. You have a list of proverbs and sayings about friends and friendship

The first task: give Russian equivalents.

(Работа строится "по цепочке". Учащиеся читают пословицы и высказывания и дают русский перевод.

The next task: Choose one of them you like most of all and reproduce it by heart.

The last task: Complete the proverbs and sayings. (Учитель читает начало фразы, учащиеся продолжают).

Well, everything is all right!

Now we'll make the last shortbread of the cake. It's called "Poems of friendship"

Ваш друг - это ваши удовлетворенные нужды. Он - ваше поле, которое вы засеваете любовью и пожинаете благодарностью. И он - ваши стол и очаг.

Вы приходите к нему голодный для того, чтоб насытиться покоем.

Do you like poems?

There are a lot of poems, songs and compositions about friends and friendship.

Дружба - ценное чувство,
На душе человека.
Без нее было б пусто.
Это ценность каждого века.
Человек без дружбы умрет.
В доброте и мире
С ней его душа живет.
Дружба должна быть
В каждой квартире!

It is a poem by one of the pupils. I know you prepare some poems too. Let's listen to you.

Pupil 1:


|By Edith Segal
Friendship is a thing for two,
Three or four, even more,
Like a song that's made to sing
Friendship is a doing thing.

Pupil 2:


By Ogden Nash
To keep your friendship brimming
With love in the loving cup,
Whenever you're wrong, admit it;
Whenever you're right, shit up

Pupil 3:


Чтобы тени и сомнения
Дружбу врозь не развели,
В чем ошибся - признавайся;
В чем ошиблись - не кори.

Pupil 4:


The one who friendship holds
more dear,
Who feels a helping shoulder
Will never fall throughout
the fight
Is never lost in any plight.
But if he stumbles on the way,
A friend will help him any way,
A trusty friend upon the way
Will lend the helping shoulder.

Pupil 5:

Стихи о дружбе.

Кто в дружбу верит горячо,
Кто рядом чувствует плечо,
Тот никогда не упадет,
В любой беде не пропадет.
И если и столкнется вдруг,
Всегда ему надежный друг
В беде протянет руку.
Не только в радости, но и в печали
Мы верных друзей повсюду узнавали.
Нас школьная семья недаром породнила,
Мы школьные друзья, и в этом наша сила.
С. Маршак

Pupil 6:

A Friend

A friend is like a flower, a rose to be exact,
Or maybe like a brand new gate
That never comes unlatched.
A friend is like an owl, both beautiful and wise.
Or perhaps a friend is like a ghost
Whose spirit never dies.
A friend is like a heart that goes strong until the end.
Where would we be in this world
If we didn't have a friend.
Read your clinquants poems

(Учащиеся читают стихи собственного сочинения в форме синквейна)

Faithful, attentive
Help, trust, defend
Makes my life better
A mate.

Thank you very much. Poems are very fantastic!

Rules for making friends.

Умение дружить - качество, которым обладает не каждый. Хорошего друга ценят, им дорожат и такой человек редко бывает одинок.

Let's decorate our cake with the rules for making friends.

I think the main rule is

Tolerance is the pledge of friendship

And how do you think?

  • Show that you are interested in others
  • Don't be naughty
  • Help each other
  • Be honest

(Все вместе составляем правила дружбы)

ROUNDING OFF. (Заключительная часть урока).

Well, I think we have made an excellent cake. I'm sure you like it too.

To my mind the lesson was interesting and useful for all, you and me and our friends.

Now we know a lot about friendship.

What negative qualities would you want to get rid of. And at the end of the lesson try to write down your personal negative qualities, if you have them. 

Эмоционально-музыкальная концовка.

Dear friends, listen to the musical composition by Ugor Krutoy "My friend" and name the main words of the lesson

(под музыку учащиеся называют ключевые слова урока : friends, friendship, tolerance, cake of friendship, happiness, emblem.

.. и выражают свое эмоциональное состояние).

Подведение итогов урока.

Thank you for the lesson. See you next week.