Путешествие по англоязычным странам (7-й класс)

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 7


  • обучающая: совершенствование навыков устной речи посредством коммуникативных ситуаций; развитие умений общаться, используя различные виды речевой деятельности; формирование умений самостоятельно работать с иноязычным текстом;
  • воспитательная: воспитание толерантности и уважения к другой культуре; чуткости и интереса к феноменам иной ментальности; воспитание личностных качеств (активность, умение работать в сотрудничестве с другими, коммуникабельность, уважение к себе и к другим);
  • развивающая: развитие у учащихся способности и готовности к самостоятельному (автономному) и осознанному изучению языка и освоению иноязычной культуры; развитие способности к установлению смысловых связей; развитие фонематического слуха, психических функций, связанных с речевой деятельностью (восприятие, внимание).

Учебно-методический комплект: М.З. Биболетова, “Enjoy English-7”

Технические средства: компьютер; аудиозапись текста;

Дидактический материал: раздаточный материал с названиями стран, столиц изучаемого языка; образец написания письма; текстовый материал; тесты; презентация.

Тип урока: урок систематизации изученного материала (обобщения)

Вид урока: урок практических работ продуктивного характера.

Приложение 1

Ход урока

1. Организационный этап. Дидактическая задача этапа – подготовить учащихся к работе на уроке; психологически настроить учащихся на урок

The beginning of the lesson: Good afternoon, boys and girls! I’m glad to see you! Do you like traveling! What countries would you like to visit? Why do you travel? Pay attention to the motto of the lesson:

I’d like to travel all over the world
I’d like to learn about everything I want
The more I know the cleverer I am!
The questions I ask: What? Where? When?

2. Подготовка учащихся к активному и сознательному усвоению учебного материала. Дидактическая задача этапа – организовать и направить познавательную деятельность учащихся на работу над языковыми средствами

Let’s begin our traveling in the world of knowledge.
Are you good geographers? Do you know these countries? Name them. What are their capitals? What language is spoken in them? What can you say about people?

Jamaica – Kingston
Trinidad – Port of Spain
Barbados – Bridgetown
Guyana – Georgetown
The USA – Washington
The UK – London
Canada – Ottawa
New Zealand – Wellington
Australia – Canberra
Eire – Dublin
the Americans
the British
the Canadians
the New Zealanders
the Australians
the Irish

You are bricks. I see you are very good at Geography.

3. Этап всесторонней проверки знаний учащихся. Дидактическая задача этапа – глубоко и всесторонне проверить знания учащихся; побуждать учащихся к овладению рациональными приёмами проверки знаний и самообразованию

We have a good opportunity to travel to English – speaking countries.

Some guests were invited to our place. You are welcome. Who’ll begin?

Speaking. (A pupil tells about Canada)

(The presentation of Canada is on the screen)

I’m from Canada, the second largest country in the world. My country borders on the USA in the north and in the south. Canada shares with the USA seven of the world’s largest lakes. The capital of Canada is Ottawa. In Canada there are people of many nationalities. There are two official languages in Canada: French and English. English spoken in Canada is a bit different from British English. The red and white Canadian flag shows a leaf of the maple tree which grows in North America. The maple leaf is the official emblem of Canada.

Thank you for your story.


Do you want to make friends with a Canadian? (It is a sample of a dialogue)

How do you do? – How do you do? My name is… – Pleased to meet you… My name is … – Pleased to meet you…Where Are you from?

– I’m from Montreal. It is in Canada. – Are you? Fine. How are you?

– I’m quite all right. Thanks. And you? – Not bad. Thank you. What about your country?

– It’s great. But it’s too cold. Welcome to my country. – Thank you.

(The presentation of New Zealand is on the screen)

Listening and speaking.

– Hi…Where are you from?

Hi, I’m from a small and quiet country in the Pacific Ocean. My country consists of two main islands and some smaller islands. It is called New Zealand. My country looks like Italy upside down. When it is summer in Europe it is winter in New Zealand. When it is time to go to bed in Europe it is time to go to work in my country. The capital of my country is Wellington. The population of my country is mixed. Some Maori people lived here before The British. There are two official languages: English and Maori. English spoken in New Zealand is called Kiwi English . My country is sometimes called “The World’s biggest Farm”. It’s famous for its products: butter, cheese, meat. These are natural, ecologically clean, pure products.

– Thank you for your story. Would you like to ask some questions to our guest?
– What’s your hobby?
– Can you speak Maori? Is it very difficult to understand Kiwi English?
– What language do you learn at school?
– Do you enjoy traveling?
– Which country would you like to visit?
– I want to invite you to visit my country.

Another guest is from Australia. Welcome to our place.

(The presentation of Australia is on the screen)

If I am not mistaken your name is Laura. Are you American?

No, I’m from Australia.

My country is the biggest island and the smallest continent in the world. Australia occupies a whole continent and some islands. It lies between the Pacific and Indian oceans. The population of the country is only 18 million people. There are “original Australians” who lived here long ago. Most of the population came to Australia from Britain, Ireland, Russia and other countries. The capital of Australia is Canberra. English is the official language of Australia but it’s a bit different from American and British English. Australia is famous for its unique wild nature. The symbol of Australia is a kangaroo. I invite you to visit my country some day.

– Pupils want to ask you some questions.
– Do you like living in your country?
– Are you proud of your country?
– Welcome to the upside down country!

(The presentation of the USA is on the screen)

Answer my questions, please.

  1. How do you think what country is one of the most powerful and advanced countries in the world?
  2. Where is it situated?
  3. What is it washed by?
  4. What countries does it border on?
  5. Does the USA border on Canada?
  6. What is the financial and cultural city in America?
  7. Is New York the capital of the USA?
  8. What is the official language in the USA?
  9. What is the second important language in America?
  10. What is the motto of the country?
  11. How many states are there in America?


Were you attentive? Let me see. There are five questions about English – speaking countries.

Let’s do a test.

Choose the right variant. Circle or tick it.

1. What is the capital of New Zealand?

a) Washington
b) Ottawa
c) Wellington

2. What is the emblem of Canada?

a) a maple leaf
b) a red rose
c) an eagle

3. How’s Australia called?

a) the melting pot
b) the world’s biggest farm
c) the lucky country

4. Which country has the largest population in the world?

a) the USA
b) the UK
c) RF

5. Which is the seventh biggest city in English – speaking countries?

a) Moscow
b) London
c) Canberra

Change your papers and check the tests up. (Pupils check their tests; the right answers are on the screen)


The task is to look through the text and fill in the gaps. Use the geographical names in the box. (Pupils are given a text about the UK)

The UK
The United Kingdom of Great Britain
And Northern Ireland
Great Britain
Northern Ireland
The British

All these words can be used only once

It is an island state. The full name of the country is the -------- --------- of --------- ----------- and -------------- -----------. Usually it is shortened to the -------- or -------- --------. It is one of the world’s smallest countries in the world. The country consists of four parts: ------------, --------,

– ---------- and --------- -----------. In ----------- you can meet people of different nationalities. The capital of the country is -------- which is situated on the Thames river. It is the seventh biggest city in the world. -------- is the official language of the country. People who live in the country are called the ---------. They are polite, reserved and very conservative. They are proud of their country, the richest country in the world.

Let’s draw a conclusion about the English language. Opinions can be different. Use as many words and expressions as possible. Try to do your best, pay attention to your grammar.

Why do you learn English?

– To my mind, English is the most popular language in the world. English is spoken in many countries, 30 or more. In different countries English is a bit different, but people can easily understand each other. English is an international language. It is used in international conferences and seminars. It is a language of business, culture, politics and finance. It is used in the Internet communication.

– I think English is a necessary and important subject at school. As for me I do my best for learning English. It will help me in my future. If you want to get a good job you should know English perfectly well. The more I learn English the better my English will be.

– You know I’m a real football fan. I would like to visit Manchester one day. It would be great to watch a football match of my favorite football team “Manchester United”. It would be fantastic to see the play of my beloved football player Rooney. The more I learn English the easier I can understand the British. I do want to master my English.

– As a matter of fact I’m a real traveler. Nothing is more pleasant than traveling round the world. It’s fascinating to come to know about a country, its people, their traditions and customs. I would like to visit Britain one day. I wish my dream came true. It would be cool to make friends with a British girl or boy. Why not communicate on the Internet with him or her, it’ll be a good chance to practise my English. It’ll be a chance in a million. I will never miss it.

The more I travel the more I learn. The more I master my English the better I speak and understand it.

4. Заключительный этап. Подведение итогов урока. Информация о домашнем задании (написать письмо) и инструктаж по его выполнению. Дидактическая задача этапа – подведение итогов урока, сообщение о домашнем задании и объяснение методики его выполнения.

Thank you for the lesson. You are bricks. I am very pleased and satisfied with you. I’m proud of my pupils. Next time we’ll speak about our country. Your home task is to write a letter to our new friends about Russia.


Dear Friend!

I’m -------- from Russia. I’m a Russian boy (girl) living in Noyabrsk. It is in the North of our country. I’m learning English at school. It’s my favorite subject. I enjoy learning English. I’d like to visit your country just to practise my language. The more I speak English the better my English will be.

Write me please
With best wishes, your new Russian friend.