Активизация речемыслительной деятельности с использованием социо-культурной информации на уроках английского языка

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Topic: Great Russians in Australia.

Objective: Improving speaking and listening skills based on the text reading. Getting familiar with the history of Great Russians in Australia.

Equipment: textbook, cassette player, pictures of Chaliapin, Pavlova, Miklouho-Maclay.


1. Warming-up

Today we are going to speak about Russians that have been to Australia. We will sum up all the information on this topic.

Can you name famous Russians that visited Australia and fell in love with that country? (Chaliapin, Pavlova, Miklouho-Maclay, Tolstoy).

2. Listen to the dialogue and act it out. “Meeting a Russian in Sydney”.

3. Answer the questions to the dialogue.

  1. Who was the first Russian to settle in Australia? When did he come?
  2. Which famous Russian visited Sydney in 1878? What did he do in Australia?
  3. Where is he buried?
  4. Where do his descendents still live?
  5. Which other prominent Russians travelled to Australia?
  6. Who has a cake named after her? Is the cake popular in Australia?

4. N.Miklouho-Maclay is of course the most famous Russian in Australia. We’ll speak about him in detail. You have read the text about his life and now you are ready to do some exercises( match parts of the sentences: the teacher reads the beginnings and the students find the endings in their cards).

  1. The people of New Guinea remember the first European … who stepped on their land.
  2. The bay where he lived … has been named “Maclay Coast”.
  3. His continuing ill-health forced Maclay … to move to a more temperate climate of Australia.
  4. He came to Sydney in 1878 … where he took part in the intellectual and scientific life of the city.
  5. Nikolai Miklouho-Maclay won the trust … and admiration of the local people in New Guinea.
  6. He also proposed the establishment … of a marine biological station in Sydney.
  7. Maclay eventually returned … to Russia to supervise the publication of his researches.
  8. In honour of the 150th anniversary of Maclay’s birth … a bronze sculpture was brought to Sydney from Russia.

5. Answer the following questions.

  1. Where and when was Miklouho-Maclay born?
  2. What was he?
  3. Who was the first European to visit New Guinea? When did it happen?
  4. Why do you think Maclay was called a humanist?
  5. What did he do in Sydney?
  6. Why did he come back to Russia?
  7. When did he die?
  8. Where can you find Maclay’s publications?

6. Give titles to the parts of text.

  • Maclay in New Guinea.
  • Maclay in Sydney.
  • Maclay’s return to Russia.

7. Make reports on the topics (“Maclay in New Guinea”, “Maclay in Sydney”).

8. F.Chaliapin toured Australia too. I’m sure you’ve learned a lot about this great Russian. Are these statements true or false?

  1. Chaliapin was one of the greatest Russian painters.
  2. His father was a doctor and he had wonderful education.
  3. He made his debut in Moscow.
  4. In 1896 he starred as Boris Godunov and Ivan the Terrible in Moscow.
  5. Going to the West he appeared at La Scala, the Paris Opera and Covent Garden.

9. Make a report about F.Chaliapin. Listen to “Flea”.

10. And one more famous Russian that we can’t help mentioning is Anna Pavlova.

  1. What was A.Pavlova?
  2. How many times did she visit Australia?
  3. When did she make her first trip there? Which cities did she tour?
  4. Who accompanied her on her first tour?
  5. When did she return to Australia?
  6. Who was her partner during the second tour?
  7. Where did she train in Russia?
  8. Where and when did she make her debut?
  9. Where did she perform in 1909?
  10. Which countries did she visit?

11. Sum up everything you know about A.Pavlova.

12. I would like you now to enjoy F.Chaliapin’s voice. Let’s listen to an excerpt from his records.

13. Time to mark the end.

H/W. Make a project «Famous» Russian writers in Australia.
