Урок-игра для учеников 6-го класса ("УМК New Millennium English")

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Урок можно проводить в конце четверти или в рамках предметной недели.

Для проведения урока-игры класс делится на три команды.

Каждая команда имеет название и приветствие.

Задания выдаются командам в виде карточек, домино и листов А4.

Подсчет баллов ведется на доске.


Guess the person

1 He was the first man in space.(Gagarin)

2 She was the first woman in space.(Tereshkova)

3 He was the first man on the Moon.(Armstrong)

4 He was the first to walk in space.(Leonov)

5 It was the first dog in space. (Strelka)


Read the description of the man and draw him.

The man is quite young. He is tall and fat. His face is oval. He has got a scar on it. His hair is dark and short. It is curly. His eyes are small and brown. His nose is long and his ears are big. He has got a short beard and moustache. He often wears light blue trousers, white shirt and a red tie. He has got a grey sweater with black stripes, a purple scarf and red and black trainers.


Put the cards onto the right part of the UK.(England,Scotland,Wales or Northern Ireland)


Do the domino puzzle


Colour the apples with school things red and colour the others green.

6. ZOO

Guess the animals and write their names in the   “cage”

It's a wild animal. It is green and long. It has got sharp teeth. It eats other animals.  It lives in Africa and America.(crocodile)

It's a wild animal. It looks like a horse but it has got black and white stripes. It lives in Africa. (zebra)

This animal lives in Australia. It is very funny. It has got a bag for children.(kangaroo)

It's a wild animal. It's black or brown. It is small. It lives in Africa. It lives in a family. It talks with is  its hands and face.(monkey)

This wild animal is yellow and brown. It lives in North and South America. It hunts small animals. It jumps and climbs very well. (puma)

It's a wild animal. It is very clever. It lives in Africa. It hunts small animals. It has got spots. It hides in the jungle. It's the fastest animal. (cheetah)