Разработка урока по английскому языку в 9-м классе для школ с углубленным изучением английского языка

Разделы: Иностранные языки

- Good morning, children! Today we are going to speak about teenagers. How does it feel to be young in the world which faces so many complicated and perplexing questions? If the grown-up world has some stability, the world of teenagers is full of doubts in themselves and their future.

What does the future hold for me?

Am I going to be happy? Shall I find a good job? All these questions and many others are of primary importance for you and your parents. Your future begins today and largely depends on what you are doing now.

And here is a good poem by William Shakespeare about youth.


Crabbed Age and Youth
Cannot live together:
Youth is full of pleasance,
Age is full of care;
Youth like summer morn, =morning
Age like winter weather,
Youth like summer brave, великолепный
Age like winter bare; пустой
Youth is full of sport,
Age’s breath is short,
Youth is nimble, Age is lame; проворный, ловкий
Youth is hot and bold, храбрый
Age is weak and cold,
Youth is wild, and Age is tame
Age, I do abhor thee; ненавидеть
Youth, I do adore thee:
O, my Love, my Love is young!
Age, I do defy thee - пренебрегать
O sweet shepherd, hie thee,
For methinks thou stay’st too long.

В. Шекспир Мадригал* (отрывок из «Влюбленного пилигрима»)

(перевод И. Палий)

Сварливой старости и юности прелестной
Вдвоем не быть: стихии несовместны,
Тревоги и заботы старость гложут,
А юность удрученной быть не может
И юность - утра летнего привет,
Цветенье лета, буйство красок лета,
А старость - это тусклый зимний свет,
Убогость оголенных зимних веток.
Резвится юность, вся - очарованье,
У старости короткое дыханье.
И молодость - огонь, мятеж, полет,
Как грациозны все ее движенья,
А старость, чуть жива, едва ползет
Без сил, без воли и без вдохновенья.
Ах, молодость, восторг мой и кумир мой,
Эй, старость, ужас ты невыносимый.
Презренной старости я вызов посылаю,
Моя любовь такая молодая!
Пастух любезный, поспеши немного,
Ты задержался здесь, пора в дорогу.

*Один из возможных переводов слова «мадригал»; с провансальского mandre; пастух.

II. Answer my questions.

1. Can you imagine yourself in ten years` time? What will your professional career and your family life be like?

2. What are your strong and weak points?

3. What features do you appreciate in people in general? Do you think you have  these features?What would you like to change in yourself?

4. What is the greatest dream you have?

5. How much are you doing for your future now? Are you doing anything to make your dream come true?

6. How much does your future depend on the future of your country?

III. Let`s revise the words you have learnt. Look at the blackboard and match the words with their definitions.

1. adult

а) a place to live, stay or work

2. cast

b) fully grown or developed

3. cast off

c) famous for sth. bad

4. dedicate

d) to throw sth. somewhere

5. notorious

e) unwanted by the original owner

6. obedience

f) to spend your time and effort doing something

7. participant

g) doing what one is told to do

8. provide

h) to walk or step heavily

9. rebel

i) to arrange for sb. to have sth.

10. refer

j) to fight against someone in a position of control

11. spread

k) to mention or speak about sth.

12. tramp

l) a person who takes part in an activity or event

13. voluntary

m) acting or doing willingly, without being forced

14. manly

n) the fact of being the member of a club

15. manliness

o) knowledge of forests and how to live in them by building camps finding food, the skill of making things from wood

16. membership

p) typical of the way that a man is traditionally expected to behave, especially by being strong

17. radical

q) having qualities such as strength or courage,that are considered to be typical of a man

18. tend

r) to arrange things so that they cover a large area

19. woodcraft

s) to be likely to do a particular thing

20. accommodation

t) new change or way of doing something very different from the usual way

IV. a) Name a few things or people that can be:

1) notorious;

2) rebellious;

3) obedient;

4) adult;

5) voluntary;

6) cast-off.

b) Name a few things that one can:

1) provide;

2) refer (to);

3) obey;

4) associate;

5) dedicate;

6) participate (in).

c) Name a few things that are associated with:

1) youth;

2) old age;

3) political activities;

4) history;

5) school life.

V.Match the synonyms in the two columns.

1) grown-up

a) refer

2) supply

b) dedicate

3) take part

c) rebel

4) oppose

d) voluntary

5) mention

e) adult

6) throw

f) participate

7) devote

g) cast

8) willing

h) provide

VI.Complete the sentences. Use your new vocabulary.

1. Since I left school my parents have started to speak to me like to an…person. (adult)

2. The travel agent arranged our…in London. (accommodation)

3. Nowadays they …schools with good modern computers. (provide with)

4. James…his first book to his mother. (dedicate)

5. Sometimes teenagers…against their parents. (rebel)

6. Caroline gave her …clothes to her younger sister. (cast off)

7. He made a …statement to the police. (voluntary)

8. Who`s been…all over the carpet in muddy shoes? (tramping)

9. The fisherman …the net into the sea. (cast)

10. In many families parents expect absolute…from their children. (obedience)

VII. At home you read the text “Youth Movements”.Let`s discuss this topic.Look at the screen. Children prepared a small report about youth organizations.

1. The world`s first voluntary youth organization was the Church-based Boys` Brigade, founded in Glasgow, Scotland, in 1883 by William Alexander Smith (1854-1914) and dedicated to religious education and developing the habits of Obedience, Reverence, Discipline, Self-Respect, and all that tends towards a true Christian manliness.

In England, Major-General Robert Baden-Rowell(1857-1941)founded a uniformed woodcraft movement- the Boy Scouts- in 1908.Like the Boys` Brigade, the Scout movement has spread around the world. A sister organizations to the Scouts, the Girl Guide Association, founded in 1910, also has a large membership worldwide. These organizations train boys and girls in various useful skills, such as lighting a fire, cooking, fishing, and for developing their character. Scouts traditionally carry a penknife and their motto is “Be prepared”.

2. Since World War II the media have spoken a lot about the activities of various notorious youth cults, thus spreading information about them. The Teddy Boys of the 1950s, with their long jackets, velvet collars, drainpipe trousers and crepe-soled shoes were the first of the rebellious working-class youth cults.

In the early 1960s came new groups such as the Mods, dressed in Italian-style clothes, and their leather-clad rivals, the Rockers, associated with motorcycles and rock-and-roll music.

3. Skinheads developed in the 1970s in England out of an older cult, the Mods.They imitated black mannerism and fashion and danced to reggae. At the same time the white teenagers who loved the music and copied the clothes of the Afro-Asian immigrants were violent to them. They wore heavy boots, jeans and braces, and shave their hair out or very short. In the main, Skinheads dreamed about the revival of the traditional working class culture. Their preference is listening to rock music: punk and hard rock. Their favourite groups are:”Biohazard”,”Exploited”.

Punk Rockers achieved notoriety through the attention o0f the media in the late 1970s,with their unique “Mohican” hairstyles, vivid make-up, cast-off clothes and aggressive music. Several of these youth cultures were recycled in the 1980s.

4. The Hippies of the late 1960s were more middle-class. They experimented with drugs, lived in communities, grew their hair long, and were attracted to radical politics. Hippies belonged to the opposing young people of the late 1960s.They rebelled against the values of their society. Their idol was J.R.R.Tolkien, who created the fairy tale of the twentieth century. His trilogy “The Lord of the Rings”became the guidelines for Hippies. The good old times for most of our hippies were the 1970s.Their ideal include love, peace and freedom for self-expression. It is not so difficult to look like a traditional hippies: a pair of worn-out blue jeans, long hair tied with bit of string and a couple of decorative chains. Today hippies are more socially active. They set up environmental groups and join charity projects.”Everything that brings people together is good, everything that draws them apart is evil. Love is the most powerful thing that brings people together.”Their favourite groups are-“The Creadence”,”Grateful dead”,early groups-“Beatles”,Rolling Stones”.

5. Punks appeared in Britain in 1970s as a reaction to the glamour of the pop star world of the 1960s.Punks like the Skinheads, are regressive, but inactive and politically indifferent. Their real attraction to the young has been their ability to insult middle-aged opinion, especially among the guardians of social values .They have done it by using vulgar language, wearying green and pink hair, dressing in torn clothes, mutilating their bodies with safety pins. They rebel against the society. Their  favorite groups are”Biohazard”,”Clash”,”Dead Kennedy`s”,”Exploited”. They are full of dignity, think much themselves, but in fact they only reject against the society, the moral principles, the goodness ,they show extremism when they fight with negative facts.

6. Goths wear their hair very long and dyed black,and dress in cheap,loose clothes.They put on make-up,looking very pale with cosmetics around the eyes.They are not aggressive, and seem to feel nostalgia for the youth culture and music of the 1960s.The members gather together to read Bram Stoker and talk about being vampires.

Teacher: And what about you?Are you a member of any subcultures?What subcultures appeal to you?Thank you for the lesson.You`ve worked very well.

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