Интегрированный урок (английский язык + история) по теме "Политическая система Великобритании и России"

Разделы: История и обществознание, Иностранные языки

Цели урока:

учебная: совершенствование лексических навыков, развитие речевого умения.

развивающая: развитие умения понимать схемы, сравнивать и делать выводы из схем; развитие коммуникабельности; развитие творческого мышления, логичности.

воспитательная: формирование демократических представлений о политическом устройстве государств (России и Великобритании); формирование гражданской позиции; формирование потребности к самостоятельному труду.

Ход урока

Teacher: Good morning, boys and girls. I’m glad to see you. How are you today? I think everything is O.K. Are you ready to start our work?


Teacher: I want to draw your attention to the blackboard, where you can see the topic of our lesson. It is called: “Political system of Great Britain and Russia”. At our lesson we’ll know, how Parliamentary Democracy works and what Political System Russia belongs to. Last lesson you found out, that Great Britain is a parliamentary monarchy. This term means that Great Britain is governed by Parliament, and the monarch is the head of State. And the expert from Russia will tell us about the political system of Russia. Let me introduce Olga Vasil’yevna to you.

Учитель истории: Англия - это страна, имеющая богатую политическую историю. В начале XVII века англичане пережили революцию и гражданскую войну, казнили своего короля Карла I, объявили в 1649 году Англию республикой. Но очень быстро разочаровались в республиканской форме правления и в 1688 году восстановили монархию, ограничив власть короля парламентом и законом. С того времени Англия - одна из самых влиятельных парламентарных монархий, где уважение к традициям и корона уживаются с правами человека и демократией.

У России несколько другая политическая история. До 1905 года это абсолютная монархия, в которой власть императора ни кем и ни чем не ограничена. Подданные лишены всяких политических прав.

А затем великую империю потрясает череда революций: 1905-1907 года, февральская 1917, октябрьская 1917 года. Монархия была уничтожена, омывшись кровью, Россия стала республикой: с 1918 по 1991- это РСФСР в составе СССР, а в 1991 году Россия - суверенное государство. В 1993 году всенародным голосованием была принята Конституция РФ, которая определила основы общественного строя РФ: это демократическое правовое государство с республиканской формой правления.

Teacher: Each political system has its peculiarities. You have made the projects about the political system of Great Britain. Let’s listen to them.

Pupil 1: Great Britain is a parliamentary monarchy. Power in GB is divided among three branches: the legislative branch, the executive branch and the judicial branch. Officially the head of the state is the king or queen. The power of the monarch is not absolute but constitutional.

Pupil 2: The monarch, be it king or queen, is the head of the executive body, an integral part of the legislature, the head of the judicial body, the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of the crown, the head of the Established Church of England and the head of the British Commonwealth of Nations.

Pupils 3-4: project “the Queen” (см. приложение 1 и презентация).

Учитель истории: Россия – это смешанная республика. Глава государства – Президент. Президент избирается всенародно и обладает большими властными полномочиями: он – гарант конституции, прав и свобод граждан; Президент определяет основные направления внутренней и внешней политики, охраняет суверенитет страны, он – Верховный Главнокомандующий; назначает с согласия палат Федерального Собрания высших должностных лиц государства. Может отправлять правительство в отставку, распускать Государственную Думу, назначать референдум и т.д.

Президентом может стать каждый – существует только ценз гражданства, оседлости и возраста.

Pupil 1: The legislative branch is represented by Parliament, which consists of two chambers, or houses: the House of Lords and the House of Commons. Parliament in Britain has existed since 1265.

Pupils 5-7: project “the House of Lords; the House of Commons; functions of Parliament” (см. приложение 2 и презентация).

Pupil 2: Parliament in Britain has existed since 1265. Peers sit in the House of Lords; in the House of Commons representatives of the people of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland take their seats. The two leading parties in Great Britain are the Labour Party and the Conservative Party.

Pupils 8-10: project “political parties: the Conservative Party; the Labour Party; the Liberal Party” (см. приложение 3 и презентация).

Учитель истории: Законодательная власть в России представлена парламентом – Федеральным Собранием. Федеральное Собрание состоит из двух палат – Совета Федерации и Государственной Думы. Совет Федерации представляет интересы субъектов Федерации: утверждает изменения границ между ними. Утверждает в должности Генерального прокурора; судей Конституционного Верховного, Высшего Арбитражного судов; отрешает Президента от должности; решает вопрос об использовании Российской Армии за пределами страны. Деятельность Совета Федерации, его компетенция, права и обязанности установлены конституцией и Федеральным законом. Государственная Дума представляет интересы всего населения России. Она состоит из 450 депутатов, которые избираются по пропорциональной избирательной системе на 4 года. Она принимает законы, утверждает бюджет страны, объявляет амнистию, может выдвинуть обвинение против Президента.

Pupil 1: The executive power in the country is exercised by the Prime Minister and his Cabinet. The Prime Minister is advised by a Cabinet of about twenty other ministers. The Cabinet includes the ministers in charge of major government departments or ministers. Departments and ministers are run by civil servants, who are permanent officials. Even if the government changes after an election, the same civil servants are employed.

Pupil 11: project “the Government” (см. приложение 4 и презентация).

Учитель истории: Исполнительная власть РФ осуществляется Правительством. Правительство возглавляет Председатель Правительства, который назначается Президентом с согласия Государственной Думы. Правительство разрабатывает бюджет и обеспечивает его исполнение; оно обеспечивает проведение единой финансовой, кредитной и денежной политики, управляет государственной собственностью, обеспечивает оборону страны.

Правительство может само подать в отставку, а может быть отправлено в отставку Президентом или Государственной Думой.

Pupil 2: Great Britain is a monarchy, but the powers of the Queen are limited by the Parliament. Everything in the country officially is done in the name of the Queen, but in reality, the Prime Minister is responsible for the policy conducted by the Parliament.

Pupil 1: The judicial branch interprets the laws. The highest judicial body is the Supreme Court of Judicature, which consists of two divisions: the High Court of Justice and the Court of Appeal. It is often said that English law is superior to the law of most other countries. Indeed, the English judicial system contains many rules which protect the individual against arbitrary action by the police and the government.

Учитель истории: Судебная власть в РФ самостоятельна, и действует независимо от законодательной и исполнительной властей. Ее цель – обеспечить судебную защиту прав и свобод человека и гражданина от возможных нарушений кем бы то ни было. В РФ действуют федеральные суды: Конституционный Суд РФ, Верховный Суд РФ, Высший Арбитражный Суд РФ; областные краевые суды; районные суды. К судам субъектов федерации относятся уставные суды субъектов федерации и мировые судьи. Создание чрезвычайных судов не допускается. Граждане России участвуют в отправлении правосудия в качестве судей или присяжных заседателей. Суды действуют гласно, обеспечены также состязательность и равноправие сторон. Судьи независимы и подчиняются только Закону.

Teacher: You have just listened to some projects about the political system of Great Britain and now you’ll do the next exercise. Look at the blackboard and read these sentences. You need to put in the words in the correct form.

1. Before bills can become laws both Houses of Parliament must ….. them.

(revise, approve, delay)

2. ……. meets in the Palace known as the Houses of Parliament.

(the Cabinet, the Government, Parliament)

3. The House of Commons is …. by the people.

(elect, examine, rule)

4. The Monarch officially ….. life peers.

(dissolve, appoint, vote)

5. The Monarch …… the Prime Minister.

(appoint, vote, pass)

6. The Cabinet …… government departments.

(coordinate, represent, elect)

7. The House of Lords ….. bills from the House of Commons.

(oppose, determine, revise)

8. The Queen ….. the bills.

(sign, determine, draft)

9. Parliament ….. the legislative branch of power.

(elect, represent, rule)

10. The Prime Minister ….. Non-Cabinet Ministers.

(delay, examine, choose)

Teacher: Our expert, Olga Vasil’yevna has told us a lot of new information about the political system of Russia. Now, look at the blackboard and read the letter of the English boy. He asks you to write to him about the political system of Russia. (см приложение 5 и презентация)

It is your home task. It’s a pity, but time flies, and our lesson is over. Your marks are …

Приложение 1

The Monarch

“Her Most Excellent Majesty Elizabeth the Second by the Grace of God, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and of Her other Realms and Territories Queen, Head of the Common-wealth, Defender of the Faith” is the official Head of State and, for many people, a symbol of the unity of the nation. For a thousand years England (and later the whole of the United Kingdom) has been united under one sovereign. The hereditary principle still operates and the Crown is passed on to the sovereign’s eldest son (or daughter if there are no sons). The Queen has a certain role in state affairs, not only through her ceremonial functions, such as opening Parliament, but also because she meets the Prime Minister every week and receives copies of all Cabinet papers. Functions of the Sovereign are as follows:

- opening and closing Parliament;

- approving of the appointment of the Prime Ministers;

- giving her Royal Assent to bills;

- giving honoures such as peerages, knighthoods and medals;

- Head of the Commonwealth;

- Head of the Church of England;

- Commander-in-Chief of the armed Forces.

The powers of the monarch are not defined precisely, however. Theoretically every act of government is done in the Queen’s name – every letter sent out by a government department is marked “On Her Majesty’s Service” – and she appoints all the Ministers, including the Prime Minister. In reality, everything is done on the advice of the elected Government, and the Monarch takes no part in the decision-making process. Many members of the Royal Family undertake official duties in Britain and abroad. Their various responsibilities reflect tradition, there own personal intersts and Britain’s former imperial status.

On the one hand the Queen is certainly one of the richest women in the world, while on the other her power is limited by the fact that so many of her expenses are paid for by government money.

Приложение 2

The House of Commons is made up of 635 elected members, known as Members of Parliament (MPs). The House of Commons is presided over by the Speaker, a member acceptable to the whole House. MPs sit on to sides of the hall, one side for the governing party and the other for the opposition. The first two rows of seats are occupied by the leading members of both parties (called ‘front-benchers’), the back benches belong to the rank-and-file MPs (‘back-benchers’). Each session of the House of Commons lasts for 160-175 days. Parliament has intervals during its works. Although there is some space given to other than government proposals, the lion’s share of parliamentary time is taken by the party in power. A proposed law, a bill, has to go through three stages in order to become an Act of Parliament. These are called readings. If the majority of MPs still vote for the bill, it is sent to the House of Lords for discussion. When the Lords agree, the bill is taken to the Queen for Royal assent.

The House of Lords. The other House of Parliament is the House of Lords. The House of Lords has more than 1,000 members, although only about 250 take an active part in the work of the House. This House consists of those lords who sit by right of inheritance and those men and women who have been given life peerages which end with the life of their possessors. Members of this Upper House are not elected. The chairman of the House of Lords is the Lord Chancellor and he sits on a special seat called the Woolsack. The members of the House of Lords debate a bill after it has been passed by the House of Commons. Changes may be recommended, and agreement between the two Houses is reached by negotiation. The Lords’ main power consists of being able to delay non-financial bills for a period of a year, but they can also introduce certain types of bill.

The main functions of British Parliament today are as follows:

- to pass laws

- to vote on financial bills so that the government could carry on his work

- to discuss the government’s administrative policies- foreign affairs, the state of agriculture, educational problems, etc.

- to debate important political issues of the day.

Приложение 3

Political parties first emerged in Britain at the end of the 17th century. The Conservative and Liberal Parties are the oldest and until the end of the 19th century they were the only parties elected to the House of Commons. The Conservative Party is the present ruling party, the Labour Party – the opposition to the Conservative – and the party of Liberal Democrats is called ‘conservatively oriented’. The Social Democratic Party was formed in 1981 and made an alliance with the Liberal Party in 1988.There are also some other parties: the Scottish National and Welsh National Parties, the Communist Party of Britain and The Communist Party of Great Britain. Because of the electoral method in use, only two major parties obtain seats in the House of Commons.

The Conservative Party, often called the Tory Party, is one of those, which can trace its roots back to this early period. Today the Tory Party is that of big business, industry, commerce and landowners. Most of the money needed to run the party comes from large firms and companies. The party represents those who believe in private enterprise as opposed to state-owned undertakings. There is some division within the party itself: the more aristocratic wing and the lower-middle-class group. The Tories are a mixture of the rich and privileged-the monopolists and landowners. The Conservative Party is the most powerful and is often called a party of business directors.

The Labour Party, formed in 1900, was the one which drew away working people’s support. It was founded by the Trades Unions. When the Labour Government was first elected on 1945 it showed a considerable change in policy from the Tories. Since 1924 the Labour Party has been in and out of power four times with the Conservatives forming the government for the rest of the time. The social system has remained unchanged. As a result of divisions within the Labour Party its right-wing members broke away in 1981 to form a new organization, the Social Democratic Party. The latter fought the 1983 election in an alliance with the Liberals, but only a small number of their MPs were elected. They would like to change the electoral system because they think the present system unfair.

The Conservative Party and the Liberal Party are more than three hundred years old. The Tories called the Liberals Whigs. In the middle of the 19th century the Liberal Party represented the trading and manufacturing classes. Its slogan at that time was Civil and Religious Liberty. Many working people looked at the Liberal Party as an alternative to the Conservatives and their policy. At the end of the 19th century and in the first two decades of this the Liberals lost the support of working-class voters. In 1988 the Liberal Party made an alliance with Social Democrats and the Party of Liberal Democrats was formed.

Приложение 4

The executive branch is headed by the Prime Minister, who is appointed by the king (queen). According to tradition, the Prime Minister is the leader of the party that has won the elections and has the majority in the House of Commons. The Prime Minister appoints the ministers to compose the government. After that the newly appointed ministers are presented to the monarch for the formal approval. The most important ministers of the government (about twenty) form the Cabinet. Members of the Cabinet make joint decisions or advise the Prime Minister. The main function of the executive branch of the government is to administer the laws (to see to it that the laws are carried out, actually to rule the country). So, the most important part of a Prime Minister’s job is Cabinet- making. The Prime Minister has considerable individual power to introduce and control policies and to change the Cabinet by appointing new ministers. The Prime Minister lives and works in the official residence, № 10 Downing Street, London. This is a large house in a small street, where many of the departments have their offices, a very short distance from the Houses of Parliament.

Приложение 5 (Letter)

Hi, Sasha!

You asked me about the political system of the United Kingdom. My country is a parliamentary monarchy. We have the Queen and the Parliament. The Queen is the official head of state. The Queen is not elected. Our Parliament has two Houses: the House of Lords and the House of Commons. The members of the House of Commons are elected for 5 years. The members of the House of Lords are permanent. The head of the Government is the Prime Minister, who is appointed by the Monarch. The Prime Minister chooses all other ministers.

Could you write me about the political system of Russia?

Bye, John.