Урок английского языка "Subcultures. What are pros and cons?" (10-й класс)

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 10

  • Познавательный аспект – знакомство с мнениями людей о субкультурах.
  • Развивающий аспект – развитие способности к обобщению, развитие логичности и доказательности.
  • Воспитательная цель – формирование уважительного отношения к мнению другого человека, потребности в высказывании своего собственного мнения.
  • Учебный аспект – совершенствование речевых навыков.

Сопутствующая задача – развитие умения вести диалог с обменом мнениями с использованием речевой функции agreeing/ disagreeing, уметь решать проблему, поставленную на уроке.

Речевой материал:

Рецептивный: a subculture – субкультура, Punk – панки, Goth – готы, Skinhead – скинхеды, Emo – эмо, Hippies – хиппи

Продуктивный: Internet – Интернет; junk – ненужная вещь, хлам; Fascinating – захватывающий, увлекательный, interesting – интересный.

Конструкций для выражения функций согласия и несогласия agreeing (That’s right. I also think so…)

Disagreeing (On the contrary…, It is said that…, I think, it is absolutely right/ wrong to…)

Оборудование: компьютер, мультимедийное оборудование, подключение компьютера к Интернету, магнитофон.

Приложение 1

1. Организационный момент. Good morning, boys and girls! How are you today?

– How are you keeping?
– How are you getting on?
– How are you feeling today?
– How are things at school?
I’m glad to hear you are all right.

2. Установка учителя. Постановка цели и проблемы:

Teacher: Today we are going to speak about things which are very familiar and interesting for you. Subculture. What is such? What kind of people there enter and than they are engaged?

The teenage subculture is the culture created by teenagers for. It is included in base culture of a society and is its component, but as against base culture is subject to very fast changes and frequently the aspiration to uniformity acts as innovative area for base culture for which in an industrial society primitiveness is characteristic. To the teenager the attention as the high-grade social status at it still is not present is vital to be allocated, draw to itself. Slangy language, a fashion, music, the moral climate reigning in the teenage environment, in many respects are characterized, shocking adults (for example, piercing of various parts of a body, etc.), but they help teenagers to learn adherents in the environment and by that help them to be included in a real life.

They usually come out in groups. They wear unconventional clothes, attributes and accessory like chains, badges. They put on heavy make-up and often have their bodies pierced almost everywhere. They have unusual hairstyles, sometimes dyed in different colours. On the whole, they look extraordinary, and even provocative…

Of course, you have seen those strange young people in the streets. They are informals. Punks, Goths, metallists, skinheads, hiphoppers or something like that. They are adherents of different youth movements called subcultures.

What do you feel when you are watching them? Is it fright or disgust or irritation, or maybe curiosity or approval? Have your ever tried to understand their image and behavior?

Subcultures have a strong impact on modern society, on our life and on young people’s behaviour. This phemomenon can’t be ignored, it is spreading into all areas of social life all over the world. Yet it seems that the community itself doesn’t know what to do and is even afraid of those strange people, who belong to different subcultures.

The members of youth cultures are everywhere. If you look attentively you will notice at least one of them among people around you. Most of them are young people, that’s why we more often talk about “youth subcultures”. Everyday more and more teenagers decide that they belong to a group of people with similar interests and tastes. They put on special clothes and attributes or just make up their mind and say: “I’m a Goth” or “I’m an Emo” etc.

Why are there so much of them? What makes them change their habitual way of living and join one of youth subcultures? What is their subculture for them? Is it the music they listen to or special clothes they wear? Is it their ideology? Or is it a form of a protest, the wish to destroy the existing order, modern material and spiritual values? Or maybe it is just a way to show off? The aim of this project is to try to answer these questions and to form an understanding of the place of youth subcultures in the life of modern society.

But to answer all these questions we first of all have to know what exactly a subculture is, to give a full definition of this term, to learn what are the main and the most widely spread subcultures nowadays, to learn the history of their appearance and development in modern world, to understand what is the difference between a subculture and a counterculture

So our purposes for today’s lesson are:

  1. To know different opinions about Subculture and their role in the life of people.
  2. To give your own opinions, arguments for and against
  3. To discuss some statements: (Проблемные утверждения в течение урока высвечиваются при помощи мультимейдийного оборудования)

1. Введение незнакомой и редко употребляемой лексики

a subculture – субкультура
Punk – панки
Goth – готы
Skinhead – скинхеды
Emo – эмо
Hippies – хиппи
Internet – Интернет
Invaluable – бесценный
Junk – ненужная вещь, хлам
Essential – необходимы
Rely – доверять
Not reliable – не заслуживают доверия

2. Работа в группах

(выполнение упр. 1, с. 232, задание 1, 2)


  1. So, work in groups. Name 3 things that you can hardly live without and 3 things that you can live without. (2–3 мин.)
  2. Compare your list with the list of your classmates. Which things were named most often in the first category? And in the second category?

(Учащиеся выписывают на доске наиболее повторяющиеся вещи.)

3. Аудирование и обсуждение прослушанного текста

(Выполнение упр. 1, с. 72.)

1. Учащиеся поочередно прослушивают и читают тексты о субкультуре, о панках, готах, об эмо и т.д. Отвечают на вопросы к текстам (задание 2, страница 72), отмечают истинные и ложные факты из текстов (задание 2, с. 72)

– Один учащийся выходит к доске для заполнения таблицы, остальные вычитывают из текстов факты и записывают их в тетради.

  For Against

4. Развитие монологической речи

Учащиеся выражают свое отношение к субкультурам, что им нравиться, что их привлекает, что они не приемлют.

Teacher: Which arguments do you agree or disagree with?

Учащиеся выражают свое отношение, к записанным фактам, используя конструкции согласия и несогласия.

It is said that…
I also think so.
I don’t agree.
On the one hand it is…, but on the other hand …

5. Релаксационная пауза

Если компьютер подключен к Интернету, можно выйти на сайт Hello, online! – Интернет журнал, для изучающих английский язык.

Если компьютер не подключен к Интернету, можно заранее записать все материалы сайта по данной тематике, учащимся очень интересно узнавать новое, угадывать. Неплохую роль для релаксации играют предложенные картинки.

6. Беседа с учащимися по данной теме

  1. Teacher: Express the opinion on subcultures
  2. Teacher: How you consider, what subculture is the most popular among teenagers?
  3. Teacher: What subculture do you belong?

Teacher: Volodya and Sasha, I asked you to prepare a short conversation about the Goth. Are you ready?

The Goth subculture is a contemporary subculture found in many countries. It began in the United Kingdom during the early 1980s in the gothic rock scene, an offshoot of the post-punk genre. The Goth subculture has survived much longer than others of the same era, and has continued to diversify. Its imagery and cultural proclivities indicate influences from nineteenth century Gothic literature along with horror movies and -according to Cesar Fuentes Rodriguez and Carol Siegel – to a lesser extent, the BDSM culture

The Goth subculture has associated tastes in music, aesthetics, and fashion, whether or not all individuals who share those tastes are in fact members of the Goth subculture. Gothic music encompasses a number of different styles. Common to all is a tendency towards a lugubrious, mystical sound and outlook. Styles of dress within the subculture range from death rock, punk, androgynous, medieval, some Renaissance and Victorian style clothes, or combinations of the above, most often with black attire, makeup and hair.

Teacher: Tanya, as far as I know your friend is Hippies. Tell us some words about this subculture.

Tanya: Hippies sought to free themselves from societal restrictions, choose their own way, and find new meaning in life. One expression of hippie independence from societal norms was found in their standard of dress and grooming, which made hippies instantly recognizable to one another, and served as a visual symbol of their respect for individual rights. Through their appearance, hippies declared their willingness to question authority, and distanced themselves from the "straight" and "square" (i.e., conformist) segments of society.

At the same time, many thoughtful hippies distanced themselves from the very idea that the way a person dresses could be a reliable signal of who he was, especially after outright criminals, like Charles Manson, began to adopt hippie personas, and also after plainclothes policemen started to "dress like hippies" in order to harass legitimate members of the counter-culture. Frank Zappa admonished his audience that "we all wear a uniform": the San Francisco clown/hippie Wavy Gravy said in 1987 that he could still see fellow-feeling in the eyes of Market Street businessman who'd dressed conventionally to survive.

As in the beat movement preceding them, and the punk movement that followed soon after hippie symbols and iconography were purposely borrowed from either "low" or "primitive"

cultures, with hippie fashion reflecting a disorderly, often vagrant style. As with other adolescent, white middle-class movements, deviant behavior of the hippies involved challenging the prevailing gender differences of their time: both men and women in the hippie movement wore jeans and maintained long hair, and both genders wore sandals or went barefoot. Men often wore beards, while women wore little or no makeup, with many going braless.

Hippies often chose brightly colored clothing and wore unusual styles, such as bell-bottom pants, vests, tie-dyed garments, dashikis, peasant blouses, and long, full skirts; non-Western inspired clothing with Native American, Asian, Indian, African and Latin American motifs were also popular. Much of hippie clothing was self-made in defiance of corporate culture, and hippies often purchased their clothes from flea markets and second-hand shops. Favored accessories for both men and women included Native American jewelry, head scarves, headbands and long beaded necklaces Hippie homes, vehicles and other possessions were often decorated with psychedelic art

Teacher: Sergey, you wrote, that you are Punk. Tell, pleas, yourself.

Sergey: Punk fashion is the clothing, hairstyles, cosmetics, jewelry, and body modifications of the punk subculture. Punk fashion varies widely, ranging from Vivienne Westwood designs to styles modeled on bands like The Exploited. The distinct social dress of other subcultures and art movements, including glam rock, skinheads, rude boys, greasers, and mods have influenced punk fashion. Punk fashion has likewise influenced the styles of these groups, as well as those of popular culture. Many punks use clothing as a way of making a statement.

Punk fashion has been extremely commercialized at various times, and many well-established fashion designers — such as Vivienne Westwood and Jean Paul Gaul tier — have used punk elements in their production. Punk clothing, which was initially handmade, became mass produced and sold in record stores and some smaller specialty clothing stores by the 1980s. Many fashion magazines and other glamour-oriented media have featured classic punk hairstyles and punk-influenced clothing. These have caused controversy, as many punks view it as having sold out.

Teacher: Olga, you told me that you know about emo. Tell pleas.

Emo occurs from the English word "emotion" and it is translated as emotional. It is the term designating a kind of hardcore – music. It is characterized by strong emotions of the vocalist and chaotic music during execution. Distinctive features emo – quickly varying whisper, cry squeal, shout and groans. Songs contain personal character of the author, its experience and feeling, and in some cases about a policy.
The subculture of emo -admirers refers to эмо-киды. Image эмо-кидов is characterized by a traditional hair dress as a slanting, fragmentary bang up to a nose, covers one eye, behind short hair of black color sticking out in the different parties. Girls usually carry nurseries хвостики with bright заколочками. Frequently эмо-киды make piercing, it is especial on the person. Can paint lips with a light voice-frequency cream under color of a skin. Eyes and nails красят in black color. Эмо-киды carry black-pink clothes with two-color patterns. Black means depression, misfortune, isolation. Pink – the joyful moments, denying emo with Gothic subculture and approach the priest – punk.

Symbolic is the pink heart which has been broken off in клочья, a skull with bones, a black five-pointed star on a pink background. Attributes: a collar, the badges attached to clothes, glasses in a wide bright frame, a large bright beads.

The emo – culture means itself aspiration to bright experiences and their boundless expression. The basic values are a reason, feelings, emotions which need to be combined. Emo disagree with the unfair validity of world around which presses on them. Emo simply express a pain which is tested by each person more brightly. They are allocated from grey weight with the appearance, search same as they, and dream of the true love. From other subcultures of them distinguishes overlapping extreme measures – such, as pleasure and a pain

7. Работа в группах


1. What are your arguments for and against the subculture? Work in group. Make a list of arguments.

Учащиеся записывают новые аргументы за и против субкультур.

8. Развитие диалогической речи

Teacher: Discuss your arguments with other group mates. Let them agree or disagree with you.

Учащиеся слушают и соглашаются или не соглашаются с мнениями одноклассников, используя конструкции:

That’s right. I also think so.
I must agree that…
You are right.
On the contrary, it is … I think it’s absolutely wrong to…
On the one hand it is…, but on the other hand …
Don’t forget about the other side of the problem.

9. Развитие монологической речи

(Если не успевают на уроке, можно дать в виде домашнего задания.)

Teacher: We have many other versions of subcultures. What can you add?

10. Завершение работы. Выводы. Решение проблемы, поставленной на уроке

Teacher: Well, students. Let’s do the conclusion. Do you remember the purposes of our lesson?

Look at the blackboard.

You can see here some arguments. And they are approximately equal. What are your decisions according these statements?

Учащиеся делают выводы:

11. Оценка работы учащихся на уроке

I’m quite satisfied with your work at the lesson today. I’m pleased with your answers and work. Thank you for your participation. Thank you for today’s lesson.

Your marks are:
See you in a week.