Урок по теме "The life used to be different" (7-й класс)

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 7

Цель: ознакомить и научить употреблять в речи структуру "used to"для описания прошлых привычек и действий, которые не имеют место в данный момент.


  • к концу урока учащиеся познакомятся с употреблением структуры "used to",
  • научатся применять структуру "used to", задавая вопросы и отвечая на них, выполняя упражнения,
  • научатся употреблять в речи структуру "used to", (составлять сравнительное описание по картинкам).

Оборудование: презентация по уроку, лист с упражнениями, компьютер, проектор, экран

Ход урока

I. Warming up.

II. Presentation.

III. Practice.

IV. Production.

V. Summing up.

Look at the picture and guess

what we are going to talk about. (Приложение1,слайд 2, picture)

T asks Ss the following qq to discuss the picture:

How many people are there?

What are they wearing?

Do people wear long dresses today?

T opens the sentences near the picture.

(Прил.1, слайд 3,4):

T explains the use of 'used to' (To talk about past habits or things that do not happen any more.)

Explain that 'used to' is followed by infinitive and has the same form in all persons, singular and plural.

(Прил.1, слайд 5,6,7):

T explains how 'used to' is formed in the affirmative, interrogative and negative.

(Прил1, слайд 8,9,10):

Do an oral substitution drill, giving different subject pronouns/nouns.

Tim used to live in a flat.

e.g. T: I

S1: I used to live in a flat.

T: my best friend

S2: My best friend used to live in a flat, etc.

Do similar drills for the interrogative and negative forms.

(Прил1, слайд 11):

T asks Ss to look at the picture (from slide2) again and at the prompts.

Prompts: ride horses, not drive cars, not watch TV, listen to the radio a lot, not go to the cinema, not live in flats, sit by the fire in the evening, light candels, etc.

e.g. S1: People used to ride horses.

S2: People didn't use to drive cars. etc.

(Прил1, слайд12):

T: Peter Gordon won a lot of money on the lottery last year. Look at the pictures and say what Peter used to do and what he does now.

Model: Peter used to live in a small house,

but now he lives in a big house.

(Прил1, слайд 13-16) : go to work by bus- go to work by car,

eat/at home - eat out,

watch TV- go to the theatre,

Spend/his holidays/ - spend his holidays/

at a camp-site travelling

(Прил1, слайд 17):

Complete the sentences with the correct form of used to and the verb in brackets.

Check the excersise on the Slide.

(Прил1, слайд 18):

T explains that in short answers we only use Yes/No + the subject pronoun + did/didn't. We do not repeat the whole question.

(Прил1, слайд19):

In pairs, ask and answer questions using the prompts as in the example.

SA: Did you use to play with your friends when you were five?

SB: Yes, I did. / No, I didn't.

1. play with your friends? 6. listen to fairy tales?

2. watch many cartoons? 7. have a bath every day?

3. go to bed late? 8. drink milk?

4. cry a lot? 9. dress yourself?

5. make your bed? 10. get pocket money?

(Прил1, слайд20):

Look at the pictures below. Picture A shows what people used to do in their free time sixty years ago and picture B what they do nowadays. In pairs, ask and answer questions using the prompts below as in the example.

e.g. SA: Did people use to watch TV sixty years ago?

SB: No, they didn't.

Prompts: watch TV - dress differently - spend more time together - talk to each other a lot - go out at night much - read more

(Прил1, слайд21):

Now, using the pictures and the notes from the previous activity, complete the text below.

(Прил1, слайд22):

Compare two pictures and speak about the life nowadays and it used to be 60 years ago.

Home task: speak about your life nowadays and what it used to be 10 years ago.

Ss give their ideas

Ss answer the qq

Ss repeat chorally and individually.

Ss substitute the subject, as in the example.

Ss make sentences using 'used to', as in the example.

Ss make similar sentences, working in pairs.

Ss make the excersise in written form in their sheets of paper (Приложение2), then exchange the sheets and check them.

Ss work in pairs: ask and answer qq

Ss work in pairs: ask and answer qq

Ss complete the text in their sheets of paper.(Прил2)

Ss speak , comparing pictures.

Приложение 1, приложение 2.