Урок английского языка: "America. It's geographical position, political system and cultural life"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цели урока:

обучающая - закрепление материала по теме;
развивающая - развитие речевых навыков и познавательных способностей;
 воспитывающая – любовь к родному краю и уважение к культуре страны изучаемого языка.

Оборудование: учебник, карта США, картинки к стихотворению в диалоге, наглядный материал на доске, грамматическое предложение, вопросительные слова, картинки с изображением американских праздников, раздаточный материал к тексту домашнего чтения

Ход урока

Teacher: Good morning! Good morning pupils and dear guests. Let’s begin our optional lesson. I would like you to look at the board. The topic of our lesson is «America. It’s geographical position, political system and cultural life».

Before we start the discuss of our topic, I want to listen the dialogue "on duty" today. Please, don’t forget about English pronunciation. Who is on duty today?

(2 pupils).

1. Who is on duty today? (We are on duty today).
2. What date is it now? (Today is the 30-th of November).
3. What day of the week is it today? (Wednesday is  today).
4. What day of the week do you know? (I know…).
5. What day of the week was yesterday? (It was …).
6. What day of the week will be tomorrow? (It will be…).
7. What season is it now? (It is autumn).
8. How many seasons has a year? (The year has four seasons: winter, spring, summer and autumn).
9. What is the weather like in autumn? (In autumn the weather is usually cool. And today the weather is cool, wet, sky is cloudy, it is not snowing now, it is not raining now).
10. Who is absent today? (…. is/are absent today).
11. What is your favourite season? (My favourite season is summer).
12. What is your hobby? (My hobby is…).

Pupil reads a poem:


.Fall is here(2)
Yes it is
Yes it is .


We can see the leaves change
Then they fall on the ground
Blow away
Blow away.

T: Thank you for a good work. I give you “5”.

I give a “5” by V. For your good questions, a“4” by L , because  you have got some mistakes in your answer.

So, pupils, our correspondent will tell us some words about the USA.

P: Good morning, boys and girls, I’m Nikita.

T: Can you tell us about geographical situation of America?

P: Yes, I can.

The United States of America is one of the greatest countries in the world. It is situated on the North American continent and is washed by two oceans: the Pacific and the Atlantic. The USA borders only on two countries- Canada and Mexico. This great country has a lot of mountains, rivers, lakes, towns and beautiful cities, and it has a great history.( For example. Look at the map)I show you…

T: Thanks, N… I give you “5” for a good answer.

Now, what do you know about that country? Now, I want you to answer my questions about America. Listen these Questions carefully and during your answer don’t forget English sounds.

  1. Who and when discovered America? Christopher Columbus discovered America in 1492.
  2. Who was the first president of the USA? George Washington was the first president of the USA.
  3. What is the national symbol of America?( The  eagle became the official national symbol of the country in 1782.It was an olive branch a symbol of peace and arrows 9 symbols of strength.)
  4. Which is the United States capital? (Washington, DC is the capitol of the United States)
  5. Haw many stripes has the flag got? ( Flag has got 13 stripes  )
  6. What colour of the stripes?(The flag has seven red stripes and six white stripes)
  7. Where is the tallest building(skyscraper) in the world? The tallest building in the world is in Chicago. (Please, go to the map and show us this town. Thank you, Take your seat)
  8. What is the national sport in America?( Baseball is the national sport in America)
  9. What traditions come from the “Wild West” (guns, cowboy clothes: hats, boots and jeans did)
  10. Who is the president of the USA now?(Barack Obama  is.)
  11. Where does president of the USA live and work? (The president of the USA lives and works in the White House)
  12. Where was the statue of Liberty made and when was it given to the people of the USA?

( France gave the statue to America in 1884 as a symbol of friendship. Liberty carries the torch of freedom in her right hand. In her left hand she is holding a tablet with the inscription” July 4, 1776”-American Independence Day. The statue is in New York on the Liberty Island).

T: Thank you for your answer children. I see you know a lot of facts about America.
Now, my dear friends. It’s time to repeat our grammar. I want you to make up sentences and name the Tenses. 
Look at the black board. I’ve prepared cards(they are on the table).You must be very  ATTENTIVE. So, make up the sentence of the given words.  Please. Who wants to answer?

  • (Gave France  the statue in 1884 to America)

France gave the statue to America in 1884 (Past Simple)

  • (in the White House President and works of the USA lives)

President of the USA lives and works in the White House (Present Simple)

  • (Nick for 10 years in Washington has  with his family      lived)

Nick  has lived with his family in Washington since 10 years .  (Present Perfect)

Thank you very much for your work, I see you know English Tenses good. Now, continue our work
Can anybody ask questions for this sentence?

Can you help me to ask questions for this sentence?
Are you ready? Let’s begin. WH-questions or special questions

QUESTIONS. Listen to me.

  • WHO has lived with his family in W. since 10 years?                                                                         
  • WHAT has he done in W. since 10 years?
  • WHO has Nick lived in W. since 10 years WITH?
  • WHERE has Nick lived with family since 10 years?
  • HOW LONG has Nick lived with his family in W.?

T: Thank you for your answers, will you continue our work
General question

  • HAS Nick lived with his family in Washington for 10 years?

Well, that right! Please,  continue our answer.

Alternative question, please.

  • HAS Nick or Vera lived with his family in W. for 10 years?

T: Thank you for your answers. I’ve seen had seen, that  Nadya, Nikita,Sergei, Masha, Vova, Anzhela   can ask questions very good. You can continue our work at the lesson and get good marks. Sasha and Sergei have done some mistakes because you mustn’t forget English sounds, English Tenses and listen to the pupils and teacher very carefully.


Up ,down, up, down
(поднимаем и опускаем руки)
Which is the way to Washington Town?
(Шагаем на месте)
Where? Where?
(Повороты в сторону)
Up in the air,
(Смотрим вверх)
Close your eyes
(Закрываем глаза руками)
And you are there!
(Разводим руки в стороны)

T: I think, you’ve rested next some minuets and now, let’s continue our work. I want to show you some pictures and your task is to name American holidays. Look on my pictures and name American holidays.

  1. On the 1-st of January in many cities and towns there are (football games and parades)
  2. The most  popular presents on St. Valentine’s day are ( flowers, cards and chocolate hearts)
  3. The traditional colour on St. Patrice’s Day is (green)
  4. On  Easter people give each other (coloured eggs)
  5. On the 4-th of July families usually have (picnics)
  6. On Columbus Day there are many (flags in the street)
  7. Children shout “Trick or Treat”( on Halloween)                                                                     
  8. The traditional meal during Thanksgiving dinner is ( roast turkey and pumpkin pie )                                                                                        
  9. On the Christmas children wait for ( Santa Claus)

T: Thank you for you interesting answer. I enjoyed your answers greatly. In conclusion on our lesson I want to listen a beautiful poem
God   Bless  America.

God bless America
Land that I love.
Stand beside her
And guide her
Through the night
With a light from above,
From the mountains,
To the prairies,
To the oceans,
White with foam.
God Bless America
My home, sweet home.
Thank you-thanks.

T: It’s time to check up your homework. As far as you remember our homework was Home reading №15“TOM THUMB”.                         
Now, I want to discuss with you the fairy-tale about Tom Thumb and then we’ll answer my questions and work with different exercise for this text
Now answer my questions:

  1. Do you like this fairy-tale?
  2. How big was the tailor’s son?
  3. Do you know any Russian fairy-tale about a boy who was also very small?

 Open your reading books now at page52
Let’s read the new words before the text
Please, be very attentive, don’t forget about English pronunciation.
T: Now, read and find the nouns, the verbs, the adjectives.

1. The Nouns: a thumb, a knight, a palace, a magician, a couple, a yard, a market.
2. The verbs: to notice, to smile, to tie, to struggle. Who wants to answer?
3. The adjectives: even, windy.

Thank you for your work. Now, children, look at the blackboard and read the words in your lists:

1.magician                                            1. days
2.a couple of                                         2. in to the yard
3.the knights of                                     3.Merlin
4.to run out                                           4.weather
5.windy                                                 5.in the palace
6.to tie                                                   6.parents
7.to miss                                               7.to a leaf
8.to live                                                 8. the Round Table

Now, match the words from two lists and make up the word combinations.
(Magician Merlin, a couple of days, the knights of   the Round Table  ,  to run out   in to the yard, windy     weather,  to tie    to a leaf,    to miss parents,  to live in the palace).                                                                     

Well good, thank you for your answers, now ask the questions using these words. Please, Who helps me?

  • Did King Arthur lived in the palace?
  • Do you want to run into the yard?
  • What did  tailor and his wife give for Merlin?) 

Thank you for your questions. Now we’ll read the sentences to illustrate the pictures

The next task for you is to match the parts of the sentences. You can find them on the desk
I give you 2minutes.

  1. The big fish ate the boy up. 4
  2. Merlin helped the tailor and his wife and the tailor’s wife had a son.2
  3. Tom loved his parents and missed them.6
  4. The tailor and his wife didn’t believe that Merlin could helped them.1
  5. King Arthur laughed at Tom’s tricks and liked him a lot.5
  6. Tom was very small and he was in danger several times.3

It’s time, to read , please, your variants. Thank you, that  is right
Активизация вопросов из текста сказки

- As you know there are some characters in this fairy-tale. Can you name them?( The tailor, his wife, Tom Thumb, King Arthur, his knights) Well, good.. On your desk you can see the card with words and your task is to say WHO SAID THE FOLLOWING? I give you 10 seconds to do it.

Задание на карточке


  1. Tell me, Tom, how big are your mother and father? What do they do?( King A)
  2. I would love to have a son of my own, even if he was not bigger than my husband’s thumb( the tailor’s wife)
  3. What would you like to have most of all?(Merlin)
  4. Have you noticed how sad my wife is?(the tailor)
  5. I’m inside the cow’s mouth…Get me out(Tom Thumb)
  6. We have lived here for ten long years and we have no children( the tailor)

Now, other pupils will work together with me and the girls will prepare the dialogue. I give you some minutes, girls. Your task is to prepare the dialogue, using these word combination. And other pupils will work together with me. Welcome.

 I want you to listen to my Russian sentences and find English equivalents. Be attentive.

  1. Он ходил по всей стране и помогал бедным людям.                                                               
  2. Несколько дней спустя  у хорошей жены портного появился сын.
  3. Однажды мама Тома была на кухне. Она готовила торт.
  4. Том испугался, потому что мама хотела поставить торт в печь.
  5. Рыбак поймал рыбу и отнёс её на рынок, где королевский повар купил её.
  6. Король много смеялся.
  7. Том конечно же вернулся к королю, но он никогда не забывал о своих родителях и часто приходил в отчий дом чтобы навестить их.

What proverbs do you know about native land?

  • Like father lie son

Каков отец таков и сын

  • My house is my castle

Мой дом –моя крепость.

  • It is an ill bird that fouls its own nest

Плоха та птица,что гадит в своё гнездо

  • Wash your linen at home

Не выноси сора из избы

  • East or West home is best

На своей сторонушке поклонишься и воронушке .

  • There is no place like home.

В гостях хорошо,а дома лучше

T: Well, thanks for your answer. You are well dons! –Умницы,молодцы. I would like you to listen the dialog. Please, girls!

Use these word combinations and act out dialogue between Tom Thumb and his mother
(to go to the field, windy weather, to see a cow, to run, jump and have fun in the field, to open its mouth, to be careful)

  • Tom, what are you doing?
  • I’m playing with  a ball.
  • Will you go to the field with me?
  • I think it’s boring to go there. You are not right, Tom. You can run, jump and have fun there. You will see the beautiful flowers in the field
  • What will you do there?
  • Oh, I will see the cow. It’s great!
  • The weather is windy today. Be careful, Tom! I think it’s better to tie you to leaf.
  • I like to be on the leaf. …But Mother….The cow is opening it’s mouth. Help me! I’m inside the cow’s mouth! Get me out!
  • Where are you, Tom? What’s happened to you? Oh, my poor boy.

Very good, I like  your dialogue. I give you “5” mark. I give you exhalent mark.

And it’s time to play and do exercises now.

Step, step, clap, clap,
Step, step, clap, clap,
Nod your head and turn around
And then you clap, clap, clap,
Nod your head and turn around
And then you clap 3

T: Thank you my dear friends. Our lesson is over. What did we do during the lesson.
First of all:

  • We retold some material about America,
  • We recited poem,
  • Answered many questions
  • repeated our grammar
  • we made up dialogues
  • repeated the proverbs about home
  • found English equivalents
  • worked with the fairy-tail “Tom Thumb”
  • We spoke English a lot during the lesson.

Now what about your marks. Open your record-books and put down your marks. You are very active, attentive and bright. I enjoyed your work at the lesson today. Thank you good buy.