Урок английского языка для учащихся 10-х классов по теме "По следам исчезнувших цивилизаций"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цели и задачи урока:

1. Совершенствовать навыки  поискового и просмотрового чтения

2. Совершенствовать речемыслительную деятельность учащихся через различные формы работы с текстом.

3. Совершенствовать навыки ведения дискуссии на основе первичных знаний учащихся по теме, развитие личностной активности учащихся

4. Обучать стратегиям работы с различными источниками информации.

5. Обобщить знания учащихся о древних цивилизациях

6. Расширить кругозор учащихся по теме

7. Формировать “стратегии понимания” и умения ориентироваться в логико-смысловой структуре текста.

Развивающие задачи урока:

1. Развивать языковую догадку и речевую наблюдательность.

2. Развивать мышление и память.

3. Развивать умения высказываться логично и связно, делать выводы и анализировать полученную информацию.

4. Совершенствовать умственную деятельность учащихся через анализ и умения сравнивать и делать выводы.

5. Развивать умения понимать содержание иноязычного текста, извлекать необходимую информацию.

Познавательные цели урока:

1. Обогатить словарный запас учащихся с первичной автоматизацией лексических единиц.

2. Обогатить учащихся новой информацией о древних цивилизациях

3. Обучать учащихся систематизировать лингвострановедческий материал по теме.

4. Обучать учащихся анализу, прогнозированию и выдвижению гипотез при работе с текстами культурологического характера

Воспитательные цели урока:

1. Воспитывать у учащихся интерес к истории древних цивилизаций

2. Привлечь внимание учащихся к проблемам современной цивилизации

3. Воспитывать активную гражданскую позицию к проблемам современного мира и поискам их решения


1. Введение в ход урока (SLIDE 1 “Following the Traces of Lost Civilizations”, Presentation the talking point of the lesson)

Today I’d like to invite you to make a journey into the depths of human history. I’d like us to have a look at the places where many centuries ago there were great empires and amazing cultures, whose artwork impressed and pottery could be really bewildered and whose temples amazed by their perfect proportions and marvellous constructions. But you can’t find these places on the maps now as they don’t exist any more.

However, we can read about them in books, watch some documentaries or see many wonderful exhibits in the world museums.

But you’ll agree that whole peoples can’t disappear for ever. Even if they go away, they leave us some traces telling a lot about their habits, crafts, ways of life and so on.

If to rise up the centuries (встать над веками), that is, to turn off separate events and individuals, how to measure the History itself? What are its most meaningful units (значимые единицы) like?

In the XIX th century philosophers and historians believed that the whole humanity had a common historic destiny. They considered that some day in the future the world would become unique and all the nations would follow one and the same way of the development consisting of several stages, the highest of which was CIVILIZATION.

2. The definition of CIVILIZATION (SLIDE 2—A short discussion on the topic “What is CIVILIZATION in your opinion?”). Teacher’s conclusion after the discussion

Let’s try to denote what CIVILIZATION is? What does the word itself mean in your opinion?

Pupils’ answers (after the pupils’ answers, some of them are shown on a slide)

1. a society that is well organized and developed (THE ANCIENT CIVILIZATIONS OF GREECE AND ROME)

2. a society, its culture and its way of life during a particular period of time or in particular part of the world (The Mayan civilization was at its height from 300 to 900 AD).

3. all the people in the world, and  the societies they live in,  considered as a whole—Environmental damage threatens the whole of civilization

4. the process in which societies become developed and organized—Our century has seen greater climate changes than any period since the dawn of civilization

5. HUMOUROUS a place such as a city, where there is a lot to do or where you have things to make you feel clean and comfortable—After a week in the mountains, all I wanted to do was get back to civilization. It’s good to be back in civilization after two weeks in a tent! 


Well, let’s draw a conclusion after reading all these definitions again. So, civilization means societies that are advanced in their development and have a particular type of culture and way of life: The Mayan civilization was at its height from 300 to 900 AD.

Don’t mix with the word “Culture” is the art, music, literature etc. that a particular society has produced, and the way that society lives. And…

3. Teacher: “What images and connotations arise into your mind when you hear the word “Civilization”?  Is it only the place you feel comfortable or anything else?

The pupils’ answers—pharaoh, pyramids, temples, scarab, Tutankhamen, hieroglyphics, amphora, sphinxes, cave paintings, ancient gods, ancient artwork, pottery with the scenes of mythology, Ancient Greece and Rome, of course, …

4. Teacher: Thanks for your answers; I agree with you, you are right. And as for me, the first thing which comes into my mind is the amazing Greek amphorae decorated with the mythological scenes depicting  different sides of daily life, no matter whether those scenes are real or not, whether those people lived many years ago or whether they were only in imagination of the amphorae creators.

You’ve named different things according to your connotations. Now, let’s have a look at some of these words and match them with their English definitions. (Handouts “Match the word and its definition)

Приложение 1

KEY: 1 B, 2 F, 3 A, 4 E, 5 D, 6 C

5. CIVILIZATION according to the historians and philosophers’ points of view

Teacher: Thanks for your answers about CIVILIZATION and your definitions of the words which were quite common in the ancient world.

But as for philosophers and scientists, there are different opinions on this point, both in the number of civilizations themselves and in the way of their denoting.

(SLIDE 3 — определения некоторых ученых, работающих по этой теме)

Osvald Shengler (1880—1936), a German philosopher, called them “the most developed countries”

Pitirim Sorokin (1889—1969), a Russian-American philosopher and sociologist, called them “metacultures”

As for Arnold Joseph Toinby (1889—1975), an English historian who wrote a 120volume scientific work on this matter, called them “civilisations”, but even he varied in their number from 13 to 21

Teacher: Let’s recollect some of the most famous civilizations that perished in a course of time and now are considered to be LOST CIVILIZATIONS

(SLIDE 4 — список древних цивилизаций, указанных на сайте www. lost _civilizations.net)



Ancient Greece




Easter Islands







(+SLIDES 7, 8—some ancient civilizations, pictures)

Teacher: (Some questions to the pupils to discuss the topic): “Can we denote the borders of those civilizations? Are civilizations and states or settlements where people lived one and the same thing or not? What is your opinion?”

Pupils (some of the answers):

a) No, because the borders of civilizations didn’t coincide with the borders of states and territories of peoples’ settings. For example, the civilization of Ancient Rome united tens of countries and hundreds of people that were parts of great Rome Empire. As an example, the British Isles were occupies by Rome, we can still see the traces of ancient Roman influence in Britain—the roads, built by them, the baths in the town of Bath, the ruins of Hadrian Wall etc. Peoples, living in different parts of the world had to follow the laws of Rome Empire.

b) Teacher: OK, that’s right and “What do you think, where all these great civilizations were located?"

Pupils: Along the rivers

c) Teacher: Yes, you are right, and “What rivers were the cradles of great civilizations” Can you recollect them from your history lessons?”

Pupils: The Nile, the Tiger, the Evfrat, the Don, the Volga, the Mississippi, the Chuanche…

d) Teacher: “Why do you think so?

Pupils: Well, there are many reasons:

  • The rivers were, first of all, a source of food, people could do fishing there and feed their families
  • The rivers were transportation systems for people, materials and goods
  • People could develop a lively trade along the rivers
  • One of the most important thing is that people used rivers for agriculture, using great water supplies for growing crops in the areas which needed irrigation

e) Teacher: And as a conclusion, adding your answers, a Russian geographer and historian Leo Mechnikov (1838—1888) was the first one who paid attention to this fact, especially in connection with huge water supply, later Thur Heyerdahl, a Norwegian explorer, said that all great civilizations had been born along great rivers. He named the Volga among these rivers as well.

6 Tracing one of the great civilizations

SLIDE 9—The River Nile

Teacher:  Let’s have a more detailed look at the civilization of Ancient Egypt as the longest-lived civilization of ancient world. This civilization existed from 3300 BC to 30 BC. You know this civilization was located along the Nile. Read attentively the following statements about the Nile and choose those ones that prove that the Nile had really been a very important natural factor which had influenced also ancient Egypt’s political and economical factors. So, the Nile __________________________ (handouts)

Приложение 2

KEY: 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 10

Teacher’s conclusion after checking the given task: So, you see that besides the fact of being the place of this ancient civilization’s settlement, the Nile was one of Egypt’s natural factors which influenced also its economic and political factors, protecting the country from the enemies’ attacks. Two other natural factors were the desert to the west and the seas to the north and east.

7 The Great Pyramids as one of the symbols of ancient Egypt

Teacher: So, great harvests and successes in agriculture let the Egyptians think about their rulers, pharaohs, and begin to build Pyramids for their afterlife period, that is after their death.

Let’s answer the questions of a quiz and try to clear out HOW MUCH WE REALLY KNOW ABOUT PYRAMIDS as one of the symbols of ancient Egypt  nowadays though many centuries ago the Pyramids  were a symbol of prosperity and success in agriculture (Handouts)


Приложение 3

KEY:  1 b, 2 c, 3 b, 4 a, 5 a, 6 c, 7 a, 8 b

8 Bits of history…Rulers of ancient Egypt

Teacher: The rulers of ancient Egypt were pharaohs—kings and queens. Some of them are well-known all over the world because they were really very popular or, maybe we know about them thanks to the works of some writers. The great Shakespeare who was keen on ancient history described Cleopatra, one of the most beautiful queens, in his famous tragedy “Anthony and Cleopatra. Besides, there was a picturesque film about the time Cleopatra lived, based on a book written by a German writer and, of course, you also heard the names of Nephritis and her husband, Tutankhamen, who is considered to be one of the best kings in the history of ancient Egypt. He ruled Egypt around 1358 BC; his tomb was discovered almost intact by Howard Carter in 1922.


Приложение 4

KEYS: 1 who, 2 when, 3 by, 4 by, 5 made, 6 on, 7 where, 8 that

Conclusion: Why did this civilization fall? (Pupils’ answers)—

a) the forests were cut down because of the ambitiousness of Egyptian rulers who made the slave built pyramids which were filled with everything necessary for afterlife period

b) the land was turning into deserts, the harvests of crops were not so rich, the huger began

c) the climate changed, it became colder

d) there was overpopulation

e) more powerful nations came into being and they defeated Egyptians

10 Ancient civilizations located in America

Teacher:  Well, girls a boys, we have just recollected some facts about the flourishing  and the fall of the ancient Egyptian civilization, which still interests a lot of people all over the world. That’s why every year a lot of tourists visit this wonderful country to have a look at it by themselves. But we learn English at school, so let’s pass over to the other lost civilizations located on the other side of the globe, in America, which existed in pre-Columbian period.

The most important civilizations there were the civilizations of the Aztecs, Maya and Incas. They existed till the Spaniards’ arrival in 1522, who destroyed them completely.

The oldest civilization was the Maya one. It started to form about 1000BC and only about 900 AD it began to decline. In the 15th century the Maya civilization fell. The specialists say that it was caused by different factors, including overpopulation, exhaustion of natural resources and invasion of Spaniards.

Well, read the text about Maya who were masters of mathematics, masters of astronomy, invented the calendar we use today and claimed themselves in many other fields of human activities, but could not protect themselves against the greedy Spaniards

(Различные стратегии работы с предложенными текстами)

Приложение 5

Key: 3, 1, 7, 8, 4, 6, 5, 2

(After checking the task, the teacher’s question “What new information have you learned from this text?) + SLIDES

a) As for the Aztecs, we all know the words of AVOCADO, CHOCOALE, TOMATO, CHILI. They all came from the language of the Aztecs, not speaking about the names of Mexican cities which are still on the world maps and which belong to the Aztecs language

Приложение 6


1. American
2. developed
3. destroyed
4. religion
5. built
6. sculptures
7. impressive
8. asked

b) Incas civilization was located in the Andes Mountains, in the country we now call Peru. The Incas built a beautiful and dramatic city called Machu Pichu (Old Peak) on a high plain between two mountain peaks. It was a natural fortress as it was protected by steep slopes and high mountains.

Read the text about this city and fill in the gaps with the missing parts of the sentences.

Приложение 7

Key: 1 c, 2 e, 3 d, 4 a, 5 g, 6 f


11.  Discussion, conclusion, comparing the cultures, their reasons of fall and our CIVILIZATION. Are there any threats to the future of our civilization?


So, we have just traced the height and the fall of some ancient civilizations. Some of the reasons of their fall are clear. American civilizations were destroyed by foreign invaders. As for the other reasons, they were mainly created by people themselves. Recollect only the huge pyramids of Egyptian rulers and the way the Egyptians prepared their rulers for future life after death. Do you remember what they placed inside the pyramids? Well, even great ships which reached 20 meters in length, not speaking about anything else.

And if we try to trace the destiny of our own planet, our own civilization we live in now, are there any threats to our future? Can we find any parallels between their and our existence? Are there any factors that can destroy our civilization? What are they?

Pupils’ answers:

  • Air pollution which can lead to many diseases
  • Water pollution which can make seas, lakes, rivers and oceans dead for fish and other sea animals
  • Rainforest that are cut and in this way the habitat of many animals and birds is destroyed
  • Deforestation that can lead to the climatic changes which can not only destroy the habitat of many animals and birds but also can lead to droughts in may parts of the world
  • Global warming caused by human activities can cause the floods because of changing the sea level
  • Natural resources are exhausted
  • The Volga, the Aral, the Caspian Sea are the places of ecological disaster even now
  • Ecological balance of the planet is disturbed

Teacher: (CONCLUSION) Thank you for your work, now we are sure that we have to think about our civilization just now or it will be too late

Home work: Text “A Lost City”, Student’s Book, page 118—119


1. Энциклопедия для детей, ТОМ 13 «Страны. Народы. Цивилизации», Издательство «Аванта +», ЗАО «Контакт РЛ», Москва, 1999

2. Л. И. Романова «Английская лексика в тестах», Москва, АЙРИС ПРЕСС, 2003

3. Л. И. Романова «Английский язык. Будь готов к Единому Государственному Экзамену», АЙРИС ПРЕСС, Москва, 2005

4. G. Agapova, N. Agapova “An Easy Way to English”, Москва, издательство «Менеджер», 2000

5. Olga Afanasyeva, Virdginia Evans, Victoria Kopylova “Practice Exam Papers for the Russian National Exam” (Единый Государственный Экзамен, Тренировочные задания. Английский язык.), CenterCom,  Express Publishing, 2007

6. Fiona Mackeith “Living in History”, A Funfax Book. Funfax Ltd, 1997

7. Michael Harris, David Mower, Anna Sikorzynska, Irina Larionova, Oksana Melchina, Irina Solokova “New Opportunities” (INTERMEDIATE), Russian Edition, Student’s Book, Pearson Longman, 2007

8. Материалы сайта www.lost.com