План-конспект урока английского языка в 10-м классе "Совершенствование навыков устной речи по теме "Рождество"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цели урока:

  1. Совершенствовать речевые навыки и умения монологической речи.
  2. Развивать умение сравнивать и обобщать, развивать внимание.
  3. Повышать мотивацию к изучению английского языка.


  1. Развивать содержательность и выразительность речи. Углублять знания по страноведению.
  2. Формировать умение выделять главное.
  3. Активизировать внимание учащихся на теме урока, создавать благоприятный психологический климат.

Оснащение урока:

  1. Кассета с текстом для аудирования.
  2. Картины.
  3. Диск с презентацией (Приложение 1).
  4. Мультимедийный проектор.

Ход урока

I. Организационный момент. Приветствие. Введение в тему урока.

Слайд №1-2

Teacher: “Good morning, everybody. I’m glad to see you. Today we are going to speak about one celebration which is very popular abroad. ”

Teacher: “What holiday do you associate with the dish in the picture? ”

Слайд №3

Pupil 1: This dish is associated with Christmas, one of the most favorite celebrations in Great Britain, the USA and other countries.

Слайд №4

Teacher: The British people celebrate Christmas on December 25. Christmas is a religious holiday and one of the happiest holidays of the year, because it is the day that Christians celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. They prepare for Christmas weeks before. They buy gifts for their family and friends. They choose a tree and decorate it with ornaments and lights. And they prepare special foods and cookies. Christmas is also the day that Santa Claus visits them and brings them presents in bright paper and ribbons. He delivers them on Christmas Eve, the night before Christmas, when they are sleeping. In the morning, they open their present together and then they go to church. People wish each other a “Merry Christmas!”

II. Аудирование.

Teacher: Now open your books on page 41. You’ll listen to the recording and choose the best answer.

Текст для аудирования.

What are the traditions most people celebrate in Britain?

I don’t know whether … erm … Christmas is traditional but I don’t know, I think, Christmas is such a big event I wouldn’t particularly call it a tradition. I would say traditions are, perhaps, smaller things. For example I think, for most people the smaller things are often most important so if you get married you wear ‘something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue’ – that type of tradition… .

Christmas in my family … we don’t really celebrate Christmas in my family that much, perhaps, not as much as most people… .

We do gather together but, I think, it is a kind of more political thing within our family. We all gather together because we feel we ought to, not really because we are celebrating a tradition … so, I don’t know, maybe the people will have different opinions on Christmas…

Учащиеся прослушивают текст и отмечают в учебнике упр. 5 (B) стр. 41 правильный вариант.

Andrew’s family gathers together at Christmas because:

  1. they are celebrating a tradition;
  2. they feel they should;
  3. all other people do it.

Teacher: Who knows the correct variant?

Pupil 2: I know. All the members of Andrew’s family gather together at Christmas not because they are celebrating a tradition. They feel they ought to and that’s all.

Teacher: Thank you. You are right.

III. Проверка домашнего задания. Обсуждение текста на стр. 43.

Teacher: Your task for today was to read the text and try to understand it. There is a table here. Let’s decide which bits belong to Lydia and which to Roy.

Текст, который учащиеся читали дома.

  1. The thing is, you can’t knock it, can you? It’s a great time of year. I definitely still wish it could be Christmas every day and I can honestly say I still like the song. It’s a good song, really.
  2. Of course, I love the way Santa looks: great beard, cool boots and wild hair. He rocks. And I would like to wear a Santa’s outfit on TV again. I’m definitely not into getting presents, although I do like to buy them. For me all I need is my mater, a nice relaxing time and a good laugh.
  3. I think Christmas is just an excuse for us to spend money in horrible stores that have horrible, overpriced objects that no one truly wants or desires. I try to shop as little as possible. I hate to spend my money supporting corporations or slave traders.
  4. I have everything about Christmas I think it’s the most horrible holiday based on gluttony and materialism. I didn’t believe in the Bible in the first place, and Christmas isn’t even the birth of Christ: it’s been totally misdated.
  5. I don’t go in for all of the trees and decorations and lights and that rubbish. It’s not that I’m against the commercialization of it. That doesn’t bother me, to be honest. No, I just think that it’s a time to be with your mates. So you don’t need all of that other stuff.
  6. I hate Santa Claus. It’s disgusting: a white-haired old man, a fat, jelly-bellied character coming down a chimney he couldn’t fit down anyway. Elves? Never believed in them. Reindeer? It’s animal exploitation. If a stranger with white hair and a red suit came into my house, I’d shoot him first and ask questions later. And then I’d steal all the gifts and sell them down at the local flea market.

(the case against turkey, toys and trees)


(the case for Santa, stockings and sleigh bells)

1. thinks that Christmas is a great time of year …

Teacher: Nastya, will you comment on your choice?

Pupil 3: I’ve put numbers 3, 4, 5 in the first column and numbers 1, 2 into the second. Lydia doesn’t like Christmas and Roy likes it very much.

Слайд №5

Teacher: Let’s answer the questions and discuss the content of the text.

Фронтальный опрос: What’s Lydia’s attitude to Christmas? Does Roy have the same opinion? What’s the most pleasant thing in celebration for Roy? Why doesn’t Lydia like to buy presents? Does Lydia decorate her house? How does Roy feel about Santa Claus? What’s Lydia opinion about Santa Claus?

IV. Письмо. Заполнение схемы.

Teacher: Thank you. Now, we’ll find what words in the text show their likes and dislikes.

Слайд №6

Поисковое чтение текста. Учащиеся на доске и в тетради выписывают слова из текста.




Totally negative

Totally positive

horrible objects, hate, disgusting, horrible holiday agree at time, like to buy, nice relaxing time, good laugh, love

Teacher: Who is the first to read?

Pupil 4: Читает слова, которые выбрал из текста. These words show, that Lydia’s attitude to Christmas is totally negative and Roy’s one is totally positive

Teacher: That’s right, thank you

V. Ролевая игра:

Teacher: Now, it’s time to play. Who wants to play the parts of Lydia and Roy?

Двое учащихся выходят к доске, остальные расспрашивают их о празднике. Диалогическая речь P1 – Lydia, P2 – Roy. Учащиеся отвечают поочередно на каждый вопрос, вопросы учащиеся задают с места.

Pupil 3: Do you think Christmas unites all the members of the family?

Pupil 4: Do you like to buy presents on the Eve of Christmas? Why?

Pupil 5: Who is the most important person on the celebration for you?

Pupil 3: Where do you usually spend Christmas?

Pupil 4: This holiday is commercialized, isn’t it?

Teacher: You are great, thank you. You see, tastes differ. Who can speak about 2 points of view?

VI. Монологическая речь.

Pupil 5 подводит итог, кратко пересказывая мнение Лидии и Роя о Рождестве: “Lydia has a totally negative attitude to Christmas. She doesn’t decorate her house, she doesn’t buy present and thinks that it is a usual day. She stays at home; the holiday doesn’t bother her at all. Roy thinks that Christmas is a great time of the year. He likes everything song, present, decorations, tasty food, Santa Claus. He needs a nice relaxing time and a good laugh”.

VII. Групповая работа. Письмо. Диалогическая речь.

Задание: выяснить мнение одноклассников о праздновании Рождества и заполнить таблицу в учебнике. Учащиеся работают группами, выясняя мнение одноклассников о Рождестве.

Слайд №7


Attitude to Christmas?

What/mostly (dis)like?

Attitude to Santa Clause/ Father Christmas?

Student 1      
Student 2      

VIII. Монологическая речь.

Teacher: Let’s see what opinions about Christmas our student have.

Слайд № 8-9

Двое учащихся по очереди комментируют таблицу, высказывая свое мнение и мнение одноклассников о празднике (Pupil 3, Pupil 4). Используются выражения:

  • I just think it’s time to…
  • It’s not that I’m against…
  • The thing is…
  • I do like…
  • I can honestly say…
  • I hate everything about…
  • That’s what I love best about.

IX. Группировка лексики вокруг одного понятия. Составление кластера. Фронтальная работа.

Teacher: What words are associated with Christmas?

Ученик пишет на доске слова, которые диктуют ученики.

Слайд № 10

X. Итог урока. Выставление оценок.

Для оценивания ответов учащихся используется таблица.

Слайд № 11

Teacher: Our lesson is going to finish. Everything was well done. You are great. Thank you for the lesson. We discussed the information about people’s attitude to Christmas. Your marks are the following: Pupil 1 – 5; Pupil 2 – 4; Pupil 3 – 5; Pupil 4 – 5; Pupil 5 – 5; Pupil 8 – 4; Pupil 9 – 4.

XI. Домашнее задание.

Teacher: At the next lesson you should tell about celebrating of Christmas in your family.

Подготовить рассказ о праздновании в вашей семье Рождества. Высказать свое мнение.

Используемая литература

  1. УМК О. Л. Гроза, О. Б. Дворецкая и др. “Учебник английского языка для 10 класса общеобразовательных учереждений”, Обнинск, Титул, 2005г.
  2. Т. Н. Химунина, Н. В. Конан, И. А. Уолм “В Великобритании принято так” Л., “Просвещение”, 1975г.
  3. Е. А. Маслыко, П. К. Бабинская, А. Ф. Бузько, С. И. Петрова “Настольная книга преподавателя иностранного языка” М, “Высшая школа”, 1997г.
  4. http://www.funpix.moskva.com
  5. http://www.evbar.ru/fordesk/
  6. http://www.etoday.ru/tag/
