Тип урока: закрепление ЗУН.
Триединая дидактическая цель:
Воспитательный аспект
- прививать детям любовь и понимание необходимости изучения страны изучаемого языка
- создавать условия для формирования коммуникативной культуры
- формировать потребности и способности к учебному сотрудничеству и партнерству
Развивающий аспект
- развивать навыки грамотного и логически связанного изложения мысли
- развитие языковых, интеллектуальных и познавательных способностей
- развитие самостоятельности, усидчивости
- развитие творческой активности
Образовательный аспект
- систематизация языковых знаний
- формирование умений и навыков коллективного речевого взаимодействия
- автоматизация лексических навыков
Формы организации познавательной деятельности
Методы обучения: репродуктивный, продуктивный, частично- поисковый
Средства обучения: наглядность, дидактический материал, ИКТ
Ход урока
1. Организационный момент:
Good morning,
Good morning,
Good morning to you!
Good morning, dear children,
I am glad to see you!
P: Good morning,
Good morning,
Good morning to you!
Good morning, dear teacher,
We are glad to see you!
T: How are you today, Masha?
Masha: I’m fine! Thank you.
T: How are you today, Seryozha?
Seryozha: I’m super! Thank you.
T: How are you today, Natasha?
Natasha: I’m not bad! Thank you.
T: Sit down, please.
The Englishmen always begin their conversation with the strangers about the weather. And it’s also traditional to begin our lesson with the conversation about the weather.
T: Ksyusha, do you like the weather today?
Ksyusha: Yes, I do
T: Tolya, what is the weather like today?
Tolya: It’s cold and windy.
T: Vika, what date is it today?
Vika: It’s the 28th of October.
T: Anya, what day of the week is it today?
Anya: It’s Wednesday.
T: Today we’ll speak about schools in Russia and Great Britain? About your school life, your school subjects and a school of your dream. Let’s start our lesson with a phonetic exercise.
2. Фонетическая зарядка
T: Recite the poem «A Good Rhyme» all together. Begin, please! (дети все хором рассказывают стихотворение, которое при помощи картинок изображено на доске. Приложение 1).
Mind the clock and keep the rule
Try to come in time to school!
T: Well done!
We’ve learned a lot of words and word combinations about school. Let’s repeat them after me. (слова-карточки висят на доске)
Subject |
Drama |
to study |
to get marks |
T: Tikhon, what lessons do you have today?
Tikhon: We have Russian language, Maths, I.T., Russian literature and English today
T: Dima, what is your favourite lesson?
Dima: My favourite lesson is Maths because I get good marks in Maths.
T: What about you, Nikita?
Nikita: My favourite lesson is Information Technology because we can use computers.
3. Основной этап
T: Children, today we have a guest at our lesson, Barbara Grey from Britain came to visit us. (появляется ученица в роли Барбары Грей). Let’s greet her!
- How do you do, Barbara!
- Nice to see you!
T: Recently we have read the dialogue about her and learned some information about her. Now you have a good opportunity to ask her questions and learn more information about British schools and students. Imagine you are the reporters of our school newspaper. (Ученики задают вопросы Барбаре Грей)
Развитие навыков диалогической речи
- Where are you from, Barbara?
- How old are you?
- Have you got a nickname?
- When does the school year start in Britain?
- Do the British children wear a uniform to school?
- How many holidays do the British children have at school?
- What are they?
- At what age do the students go to a secondary school?
- How long does the lesson last?
- Do students in Britain learn foreign languages at school?
- How many lessons do the children have every day?
- What subjects do the students learn at school?
T: It’s so an interesting question. To answer this question you should do the crossword puzzle. Find 9 subjects British students have at school.
Контроль лексики по теме (кроссворд выдается каждому ученику)
S | C |
I |
E |
N |
C |
E |
W |
U |
M |
I |
J |
P |
H |
Q |
U |
X |
B |
G |
A |
G |
D |
R |
A |
M |
A |
Y |
E |
K |
T |
E |
L |
O |
S |
F |
R |
E |
N |
C |
H |
R |
A |
H |
I |
S |
T |
O |
R |
Y |
S |
M |
U |
S |
I |
C |
F |
G |
L |
M |
O |
A |
B |
F |
E |
L |
I |
Y |
Z |
W |
E |
N |
N |
E |
N |
G |
L |
I |
S |
H |
Q |
Ответы: 1)Science 2)Maths 3)German 4)Drama 5)French 6)History 7)English 8)Art 9)Music
T: Well done! I see you are tired. Let’s do some exercises.
(звучит песенка Head and shoulders, ребята под музыку выполняют упражнения. Приложение 2)
Head and shoulders,
Knees and toes,
Knees and toes,
Knees and toes.
Head and shoulders,
Knees and toes,
Eyes and ears, mouth and nose.
T: Ok. Barbara, our children are ready to demonstrate to you their projects about schools of their dream. Would you like to watch them? (ученики заранее поделены на 2 группы, каждая группа показывает свою презентацию) (Приложение 3 - размер приложения превышает 60 мб. За этим материалом просьба обращаться к автору)
T: Thank you for your presentations. The schools of your dream are very unusual, comfortable and modern. I think it will be interesting to study there. Do you agree, Barbara?
Barbara Grey: They were great and I liked them very much. I suppose you are clever pupils and always ready with your homework. But now I have to go away. My British students are waiting for me. Good bye!
P: Good bye, Barbara Grey!
4. Подведение итогов
T: Children, do you like our lesson today?
P: Yes, we do.
T: And I liked it too. Thank you for your active work at the lesson. I give good and excellent marks today. And I want to finish our lesson with the song «Go To School». (Учитель включает видеоклип песни и все хором поют на мотив песни «Учат в школе» Приложение 4)
песня” Go to school”
Where do children learn to read
Write and count, draw and speak?
In the classes, in the classes, in the classes.
Where do children learn to play,
Hopscotch, tag and other games?
After classes, after classes, after classes.