Урок английского языка в 3-м классе по теме "My family"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Учебная задача: Активизация лексических навыков, совершенствование навыков монологической и диалогической устной речи.

Цели урока:

  1. образовательная: учащиеся должны знать лексику по данной теме и умело её использовать.
  2. развивающая: учащийся должен уметь применять лексику в монологической и диалогической речи.
  3. воспитательная: воспитание уважительного отношения ко всем членам семьи, чувства любви, заботы и доброжелательности к окружающим людям.

Оснащение урока: Плакаты, картинки, магнитофон.

Ход урока

I. Мотивационно-ориентировочный этап.

Т. Good morning, children. Sit down, please. I am very glad to see you. How are you? I hope you are well. Today we have guests. They are from Great Britain. We are pleased to meet them. Let's start our lesson. Today we are going to talk about your family. I think it's very interesting for you. When I talk about my family I always remember the rhyme:

Get up, little sister
The morning is bright
The birds are all singing
To welcome the sunlight

And what about you, children? What poems do you know about the family?

P: Yes, we know many of them.

T:. Who wants to begin?

(Дети читают стихи)

P1: This is my mother ...

P2: I have a father ...

Р3: Good night father ...

P4: Who said me good night...

P5: My dear, dear Mummy ...

Р6: Everybody says ...

P7: How is your mother ...

T: Very good. You are good boys and girls. You love your parents.

I hope you are good children. Now, look at the pictures and name them.

P1: It is a father. He is strong.

P2: This is a mother. She is kind.

Р3: This is a son. He is young.

P4: It's a daughter. She is nice.

P5: This is a grandmother.

(They are not old.)

Р6: This is a grandfather.

T: Well, this is a family.

II. Исполнительный этап.

Т. Children, your homework were the text about an English boy. Well, let's read and retell this text.

(Дети читают и пересказывают)

Т. Well done. We know many professions. Now, let us play. One of you will be a teacher. Show, please, pictures to the pupils and ask them:

Who is she / he?
What is she / he?

P1: This is my sister.
She is a doctor.

P2: This is his father.
He is a driver.

Р3: This is my aunt.
She is a teacher.

P4: It's my uncle.
He is a worker.

T. Fine! But I want to know more about your families. Work in pairs. Tell your classmates about your family. Act out the dialogue.

P1: Have you got a father?

P2: Yes, I have.

P1: What is his name?

P2: His name is Sergey.

P1: What is he?

P2: He is a driver.

P1: Have you got a mother, a sister or a brother?

Р2: Yes, I have a mother and a sister.

P1: Do you like to play with them?

P2: Yes! I like.

– That's good.

T. Look at the blackboard. These are the answers. What are the questions? Then we'll check your questions and answers.

  1. Who is she? She is my mother.
  2. What is she? She is a doctor.
  3. Have you got a sister? Yes, I have got a sister.
  4. How old is she? She is five.
  5. Do you like to play with you sister? Yes, I do.
  6. Have you god a cat? No, I haven't got a cat. I have a dog.
  7. Do you want to be a doctor? No, I want to be an engineer.
  8. Do you like your family? Yes, I like my family.

T. Well done! Let's continue our lesson. We spend a lot of time together with our family. Some of us like to read books with the mother. Boys like to play chess or football with the father. But sometimes we get together, drink tea, milk or coffee and tell funny stories. Many people like funny stories, because they are very interesting. Children, tell me, please, what is your favourite story?

(дети рассказывают)

Т. Are you tired? Let us play a little.

(зарядка, игра, песня "If you are happy")

T. Children, are you ready to tell us about your family? Good! But before you begin, I want to say a few words about my family.

(фото и рассказ)

Затем дети рассказывают о своей семье.

III. Рефлексивно-оценочныйэтап.

Now it is time to finish our work. I give to some of you a sheet of paper. Write one sentence about your family. Then I'll make a flower. For example:

My mother is the best in the world.
My father is the strongest.
My grandmother cooks well.
His brother is a good swimmer.
Her sister is very nice.
I like my family.

(Собирают цветок на доске)

Т. This is an ideal family.

Children, thank you for the lesson. You are good boys and girls. Remember my dear:

  • A family is a thing that helps you to live.
  • Your parents are people who are always good to you.
  • They try to understand.

They are helpful when you are in trouble. Your mother and father teach you how to get along with other people, they spend a lot of time together, share their secrets and experiences. They are kind and generous. They love you. Now write down your homework, your marks are.