Региональный компонент на уроке английского языка "Урок-экскурсия по Архангельской области". 9-й класс

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 9



  • обучение детей общению на иностранном языке на краеведческом материале;
  • активизация лексики по теме во всех видах речевой деятельности.

Общеобразовательная: развитие личности ребёнка, его интеллектуальных способностей.

Развивающая: развитие, памяти, внимания, логического мышления, формирование знаний и умений по данной теме.


  • приобщение детей к новому социальному опыту через использование иностранного языка;
  • знакомство с северными традициями, воспитание любви к родному краю.

Языковой материал: ранее изученная лексика, новая лексика в докладах.

Речевой материал: продуктивная грамматика и речевые образцы.

Оснащение урока: интерактивная доска, компьютер, мультимедиа проектор, обычная доска, иллюстрации, карта области, опорный конспект.

Ход урока

1. Подготовка учащихся к речевой деятельности на английском языке:

- Приветствие

Учитель: Hello! I am glad to see you. Today we are going to speak about our region, its history, geographical situation, climate, towns, industry and traditions. Look at the blackboard and you can see the plan of our lesson.

- Pomors and their life;

- M.V.Lomonosov, our countryman;

- The Arkhangelsk Region today;

- Arkhangelsk;

- Cultural traditions:Kargopol Clay Toys, Northern Kozoolyas and Wood – Carving.

Фонетическая зарядка: повторение необходимой изученной лексики за учителем и индивидуально.

Речевая зарядка:

- What region do you live in?

- Do you like your birthplace? Why?

2. Ознакомление с новым материалом:

Раскрытию темы способствуют карта Архангельской области, набор слайдов, опорный конспект, отражающий площадь, население, географическое положение, климат, природные ресурсы и промышленность.

- Совершенствование навыков аудирования (доклады учащихся):

1 ученик: доклад о поморах и их образе жизни (Приложение № 1)

Pomors and their life

Pomorye, or the land of the Pomors, is the Polar region in the European part of the Russian North. In ancient times this land was inhabited by Finno-Ugric tribes. Thr Pomors were brave hunters and fishermen. The Pomor family could consist of thirty people, the father was the head of the big family. Boys went fishing and hunting with their fathers.Girls learntembroidery, spinning, cooking and breadmaking. The Pomor houses were made of wood, with one room, the windows and the doors were small.The main women`s costume was sarafan, decorated with embroidery, buttons and lace. The most popular women`s headgear was kokoshnik. Girls liked to wear venets. The main type of footwear were lapti and valenki.The Pomor chief food was fish. They liked to eat rybnik and kulebyaka. Pancakes or blini were the traditional dish. The main drinks were kvass and kissel.

2 ученик: доклад об Архангельской области сегодня (по карте).

The Arkhangelsk Region

The Arkhangelsk Region is situated in the north of the European part of Russia. It has a territory of about 587 thousand square kilometers which is divided into twenty districts and includes the Nenets Autonomous Area. In the west the region borders on the Korelian Republic, in the east – on the Komi Republic, in the south – on the Vologda and Kirov regions. In the north the Arkhangelsk Region is washed by the seas of the Arctic Ocean: the White Sea, the Barents Sea and the Kara Sea. The largest rivers are the Northern Dvina, the Pechora, the Onega and the Mezen.The climate of the greater part of the region is moderate. (Приложение №2)

3 ученик: доклад о М.В.Ломоносове, нашем земляке. (Приложение №3)


Lomonosov is a father of the Russian science, an outstanding poet, the founder of Russian literature. He was born in Arkhangelsk Gubernia. Lomonosov was born in the family of a fisherman.

When he was nineteen, he left home and went to Moscow on foot, where he entered the Slavonic-Greek-Latin Academy. As he was the best pupil, he was sent to Petersburg to study at the Academy of Sciences. In 1736 the Academy of Sciences sent Lomonosov to Germany to improve chemistry.

When he came back to Russia, he gave lectures on chemistry at the Academy of Sciences. In 1755 he founded the first Russian University in Moscow. The main branches of his work are chemistry, physics, astronomy, geology, geography, linguistics, history, poetry and painting.

We are proud of him, because our countryman devoted his life to Russia and its people. On the blackboard you can see the words about him (на обычной доске выписаны слова великих людей о Ломоносове):

Lomonosov was a great man…He founded the first Russian University; or to express it more correctly, he himself was our first university. (Pushkin)

Our literature begins with Lomonosov; he was its mother and father, he was its Peter the Great. (Belinsky)

4 ученик: доклад об Архангельске и его достопримечательностях.


Arkhangelsk is one of the oldest Russian towns. It is situated on the banks of the Northern Dvina, not far from the White Sea. Its population is more than 400 thousand people. It was founded in 1584. Before the foundation of Petersburg it was the only sea merchant port of Russia. Arkhangelsk is a centre of Russian shipbuilding. Peter the First founded the first shipbuilding yard in Solombala in 1693. Today Arkhangelsk is an important industrial centre. There are many sawmills here now. Arkhangelsk exports timber to many regions. Its pulp-and-paper mill is one of the biggest in the country. Another important industry is shiprepairing. The “Krasnaya Kuznitsa” shiprepairing plant repairs many ships every year. Arkhangelsk is the centre of education in the north. In the town there are several universities, many general secondary and vocational schools, theatres and cinemas.

Задание: на интерактивной доске найти соответствия между слайдами с изображением достопримечательностей Архангельска и их названиями. (Приложение №4, Приложение №5)

Учитель: How are these sights called? If you can, say it in English.

Ответы учеников по цепочке:

  • Number one is the Monument to Lomonosov.
  • Number two is the Northern Obelisk.
  • Number three is the Drama Theatre.
  • Number four is the Monument to the Victims of Intervention of 1918-1920.
  • Number five is “Krasnaya Kuznitsa”.
  • Number six is the Victory Monument in Peace Square.
  • Number seven is Gostiny Dvor.
  • Number eight is the Pulp-and-Paper Mill.
  • Number nine is the State Technical University.
  • Number ten is the Monument to Peter the Great.
  • Number eleven is Pur-Navolok.

5 ученик: доклад о Северных народных ремёслах (Каргопольская игрушка, Северная козуля и резьба по дереву) с использованием слайдов на интерактивной доске. (Приложение №6, Приложение №7)

Northern Folk Crafts

- Kargopol Toys

The art of making toys goes back to ancient times. The toys were made in the shape of women, men, cows, horses and ducks. Kargopol is known for its toy-makers: Ulyana Babkina and the Druzhinin family: Ivan Druzhinin and his wife Yekaterina. Toy-making is the old tradition which is developed very well now.

- Northern Kozoolyas

Baking pryaniks is very popular in the north. The tradition of pryanik-making in Russia has a long history. Among the pryaniks the so-called kozoolya has a special place. The most popular shape of such pryaniks was that of a sheep or a goat. But now they are made in different shapes and colors.

- Wood-carving

Wood-carving is developed in our region. Often you can see a bird under the ceiling. This bird is the symbol of happiness.

3. Отработка нового материала:

- Учитель закрепляет материал, подводя итог всему, что было сказано, с помощью опорного конспекта (Приложение №8 )

- Совершенствование навыков говорения (схема области убирается).

Учитель: Now let`s check up what you have learnt. Please, answer my questions.

Where is our region situated?

What is its territory?

What regions and republics does it border on?

What is our region rich in?

What are the main industries?

What oceans and seas is it washed by?

What are the largest rivers?

What can you say about the climate?

What do you know about the history of the region?

Does our region play an important role in the life of the whole country?

- Проверка уровня запоминания материала.

Task: Choose the correct variant.

What is the main town of the region?

a) Velsk
b) Severodvinsk
c) Arkhangelsk

What is the largest river?

a) Northern Dvina
b) Pinega
c) Mezen

What region does our region border on?

a) Yaroslavl
b) Sverdlovsk
c) Vologda

What is the main industry?

a) textile
b) oil
c) timber

When did Lomonosov found the first university in Moscow?

a) 1755
b) 1745
c) 1752

Учитель открывает на интерактивной доске правильные ответы, и учащиеся проверяют друг друга.  

4. Завершающий

- Подведение итогов.

Учитель: All of us are the inhabitants of the Russian North which has very interesting history and rich culture. Remember everything about your native place. Thank you for your work.

- Домашнее задание (подготовить рассказ по схеме Архангельской области ).

The lesson is over. Good-bye!