Урок английского языка в 8-м классе по теме: "Novorossiysk is my native town"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цель урока: рассказать об истории Новороссийска и провести воображаемую экскурсию по городу.

Задачи урока:

  1. Развитие навыков аудирования, чтения.
  2. Формирование коммуникативных навыков, умения работать в группах, умения логически излагать свои мысли, аргументировано отстаивать свою точку зрения
  3. Развитие креативных способностей учащихся
  4. Воспитание патриотизма, любви к своей большой и малой родине

Оборудование: Фотографии из истории Новороссийска, фотографии с видами города, рисунки учеников, мультимедийный проектор.

На доске: “There is no place like my home”, “East or West – Home is best”

Ход урока

I. Вступительная часть

1) Организационный момент (на экране 1 слайд презентации)

T.: Hello! Nice to meet you. Today we will speak about our native place, native town. The topic of our lesson is “Novorossiysk is my native town”.

2) Речеваязарядка

T.: Answer the question: Do you like your native place and why?

II. Основная часть

а) Проверка домашнего задания «История моего города» (ученикам на дом было дано творческое домашнее задание – представить город в различные исторические эпохи)

T.: At home you had to prepare some interesting facts about Novorossiysk which has a long and interesting history. There is no same place like Novorossiysk and its neighborhood on Russian territory where so many historic monuments of different epochs and people are concentrated.

Survived ancient edifices – dolmens (stone burials) are considered to be contemporaries to Egyptian Pyramids. The history of the town began more long before its birthday. The town arose in that very place that on different times attracted the attention of the Greeks, Romance, Scythians, Turks and Genoans. They made their settlements, fortresses there developed trade and crafts. Our Tsemesskaya bay, resistant to freezing is extremely convenient to navigation. So from time immemorial to contemporaneity this territory has been the center of intersection of geopolitical and economic interests.

Выходят ученики в греческом одеянии и рассказывают о греческом городе Бате, который находился на месте современного Новороссийска (презентация (слайды 2-4), звучит греческая музыка).

Ps: The first were Greeks. At the IV-V centuries AD on the place of modern town appeared one of the new Greek colonies - settlements. One of the settlements was ВАТА. Bata became a border town of the Bosporus kingdom. Bata had some trading with Metropolis. The main reasons which attracted Greeks were fertile soil and soft and warm climate.

At the first century AD the conquest of Normandic people destroyed Bata and stopped the development of civilization here. These were Greeks who gave the name of Tsemesskaya Bay. It means the forests with many insects.

T.: Well done. What can you tell us about the birthday of Novorossiysk?

Выходят ученики, которые представляют собой Лазарева и Раевского. Они рассказывают об основании г. Новороссийска. (Презентация (слайды 5-7))

Ps: The 12th of September 1868 was the birthday of our town. Novorossiysk appeared as a result of the Russian victory over Turkey in the 1828-1829 War. On 12 September 1838 when according to the conditions of the Peace Treaty Russia started expansion of the Black Sea Coast, the first landing party disembarked headed by Vice-Admiral Michael Lazarev and lieutenant-general Nikolay Raevskiy. They carried out a historic mission: established a new town, the town was called in the name of New Russia.

T.: Thank you. Rapid growth of Novorossiysk as a commercial port began at the last quarter of the XIX century. This involved intensive railway construction, building of oil pipeline structures, sea berths. First the main export product was grain and the largest in Europe elevator was built here. Then the increase of dispatching oil began. The town business potential increased with discovering of the new layer of the valuable stone marl. Thanks to this stone it became possible to produce cement. Starting from the XIX century as one of the major world commercial ports, Novorossiysk was packed with banks, offices and agencies that specialized in commission and dispatching activities.

Now tell us about our town during the World War Second.

Выходят ученики и рассказывают о городе в период Великой Отечественной войны. (Презентация слайды 8-12 и музыка.)

Ps. : During the World War Second Novorossiysk being the last Sine of defense stopped the impact of the fascists troops and didn't let them breakthrough to the Caucasian area. The landing force and the seizure of the bridgehead, named lately Malaya Zemlya played the great part in the defense of Novorossiysk. For the military valor and courage of its defenders the city of Novorossiysk was awarded the rank of the "Hero City". The day of liberation from the enemy 16.09.1943 is considered to be the day of the city rebirth. People's heroism is perpetuated in stone and metal in many monuments and memorials.

T.: Thank you very much.

б) Беседасучащимися

Т: And now answer some questions:

  1. Who were the first founders of Bata? (the Greeks were)
  2. Why did they found Bata in Tsemesskaya Bay? (Because of fertile soil and soft and warm climate.)
  3. What means Tsemesskaya Bay? (It means the forests with many insects)
  4. When was Novorossiysk founded? (12th of September 1868)
  5. Who was the town founded by? (It was founded by Michael Lazarev and Nikolay Raevskiy.)
  6. Is Novorossiysk a Hero-city? (Yes, it is)
  7. Why? (Because of courage of its defenders during the war)
  8. Are there many monuments in our town? (Yes, there are. They are mainly connected with the Second World War.)
  9.  Is Novorossiysk a port? (Yes, It is. It's a large maritime town)
  10. Do you like you town? (Yes, I do)

в) Работа с видео эпизодами фильма о Новороссийске

T: Now Novorossiysk possesses the status of the major Russian Black sea port and the center of international cooperation.

T: Now let's see how well you know the history of our town. Match the dates and the events.

(Каждому ученику дается карточка с датами и событиями из истории города.)


The Turks built the fortress Sudzhuk-kale


The birth of the town of Novorossiysk


Novorossiysk got the status of town


The Squadron of Chernomorian Navy was sank.


Novorossiysk became the part of the Krasnodar territory


The beginning of the defensive operation


The landing in South Ozereyka


The liberation of the town.


Novorossiysk was awarded the rank of the Hero-City





Novorossiysk got the status of town

1973 September,14



The landing in South Ozereyka




The liberation of the town.




Novorossiysk was awarded the rank of the Hero-City




The Squadron of Chernomorian Navy was sank.




The birth of the town of Novorossiysk

1846 December, 15



 The Turks built the fortress Sudzhuk-kale

1838 September, 12



 Novorossiysk became the part of theKrasnodarterritory




The beginning of the defensive operation

г) Развитие диалогической речи: Проведение виртуальной экскурсии по городу. (Можно использовать презентацию слайды 12-15.)

Т: Well, and now let's see how well do you know you town. Act the dialogues "In the streets of our town" (Use the photos on the blackboards).

III. Заключительная часть

T: Well, our lesson is over. You were good at the lesson. Your marks are:______