Открытый урок английского языка: "Традиции празднования Рождества в англоязычных странах"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цель урока: знакомство учащихся с традициями празднования Рождества в англоязычных странах.

Задачи урока:

  • введение и закрепление новой лексики по теме «Праздники»;
  • развитие навыка выразительного чтения;
  • активизация навыка чтения порядковых числительных;
  • разучивание традиционных рождественских песен;
  • знакомство с детской игрой “Chimney”;
  • воспитание уважительного отношения к традициям страны изучаемого языка.


  • учебник И.Н. Верещагиной, Т.А. Притыкиной «Английский язык» для 3 класса школ с углублённым изучением языка, лицеев, гимназий;
  • картинки с изображением элементов праздника;
  • аудиозаписи английских рождественских песен;
  • тексты английских рождественских песен;
  • магнитофон.

Ход урока

Teacher: Good morning, boys and girls.

Pupils: Good morning, Svetlana Mikhailovna.

Teacher: I’m glad to see you.

Pupils: Thank you, we are glad to see you, too.

Teacher: Thank you, sit down, please.

Now, what date is it today? Look at the blackboard and say.

Pupils: Today is the 15th of December.

Teacher:  And what day is it today? 

Pupils: Today is Thursday.

Teacher: Thank you. Let’s check your homework. You had to invite your friends to your birthday party. Please, come to the blackboard and read your invitation cards.

Pupils come to the blackboard and read their invitation cards

Teacher: Thank you, children. I like your invitation cards and I hope all your friends will come to your birthday party. And today we’ll speak about another holiday. We’ll speak about Christmas.

Christmas is one of the most favourite English and American holidays. It is a birthday of

Jesus Christ. People in England and in America celebrate Christmas on the 25th of December.

Some weeks before Christmas people are very busy. They buy a Christmas tree, presents and greetings cards. People decorate their Christmas tree with coloured balls, stars, crackers, tinsel and coloured lights. People put presents under the Christmas tree. Think, who gives presents for children?

Pupils: Parents, relatives and friends do.

Teacher: Yes, you’re right. And, of course, children believe that Father Christmas or Santa Claus comes at night and brings presents for them, too. When children go to bed they hang their Christmas stockings near their beds. And in the morning the stockings are full of presents: sweets, nuts, coins, toys, etc.  Look here. Who are they?

Pupils: They are angels.

Teacher: Yes, they are angels. People believe that angels fly at home and keep good mood and luck.

In the evening all the members of the family gather together and have Christmas dinner. The traditional Christmas dishes are Christmas turkey, Christmas pudding and mince pies. Look, all the dishes are decorated with an evergreen plant – holly. People decorate all their houses with holly and mistletoe.

There is a secret of Christmas pudding. When they make a pudding they put a penny into the pudding. The man who finds the coin is happy and lucky all the next year.

Now, let’s have a rest and dance a little.

Pupils stand up and dance a dance “Step – step, clap – clap”

Teacher: On Christmas British and American children like to play. Let’s play a Christmas game “Chimney”.

Pupils play the game “Chimney”

Teacher: On Christmas people sing many Christmas songs. Listen to one of them and let’s learn it by heart.

Pupils listen to the song “Christmas Is Coming” and then sing it together

Teacher: And now let’s read the text about Christmas. Open your books: page 147, ex.8

Pupils open their books, read the text and translate it one after another.

Then they answer the questions after the text.

Pupils listen to the song “We Wish You a Merry Christmas” and then sing it together

Teacher: We, in Russia, have Christmas too, but we celebrate this great holiday on the 7th of January.

We like this holiday very much.

Today we’ve spoken about Christmas in Great Britain and in America. I like your work. You all have good marks. And now, open your record books and write down your home task.

Our lesson is over. Thank you. Good bye!   
