Урок английского языка "The Natural World" (6-й класс)

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 6

Цели урока:

  • Активизация и закрепление лексики в речи учащихся и в различных видах контроля.
  • Развитие памяти  и логического мышления.
  • Воспитание бережного отношения к природе и ее обитателям.


1. Начало урока. Организационный момент

Учитель: Good morning children! Sit down please. I am glad to see you. You are clever, brave, creative and logical creatures! It`s time begin to lesson. You see some pictures, the words on the blackboard. Do you guess we`ll speak about? What is the topic of our lesson? You are quite right. The theme of our lesson is The Natural World. And we`ll try to answer two questions:
– Why is the natural world in danger?
– How are we able to protect the nature?

2. Речевая зарядка

– First I want you to speak about the weather. (Диалоги о погоде.)
– What sayings about the weather do you remember?


A  sunshiny shower
Won`t last an hour.
If bees stay at home,
Rain will soon come.
If they fly away,
Fine will be the day.

3. Активитизация и закрепление лексики по теме с опорой на текст

Учитель:You have  read the text «Natural world in danger». Translate the word-combinations from the text:

Вымершие животные – extinct animals.
Виды подвергающиеся опасности – endangered species.
Человек разрушает жилища – a man destroys habitats.
Все леса могут быть разрушены – all the forests can be destroyed.
Леса помогают контролировать погоду – the forests help to control the weather.
Растения производят много кислорода – the plants produce much of the oxygen.

Учитель: And now say why many species of animals and plants are endangered. (Учащиеся отвечают, пересказывая текст)
– What has happened with dodo?

Ученик: It is an extinct bird. We know the proverb «As dead as dodo».

4. Учитель: And what another extinct animals do you know?
Ученики: The dinosaurs, the mammoth, the sea cow…
Учитель: I hope you have heard about the godsend: the little mammoth Dima and Luba.
Ученик: I visited the Shimanovsky Museum and saw the little mammoth Luba. The guide told us that the mammoths were found on the bank of the river Ob not far from Salekhard. It’s great!

5. Учитель: And what about dinosaurs?  I can only tell you that the  dinosaurs’ skeleton is in Natural History Museum in Great Britain.
But we have the text about this extinct animal. Your task is to fill in the suitable words to complete the text and then read it.

Учащиеся работают с текстом “Dinosaurs: why they disappeared?”.  

6. Просмотр фрагмента фильма о стерхе

The dinosaurs, the mammoths are extinct animals. But nowdays a lot more endangered creatures: fish, birds, mammals may disappear before you have children. You watch a short part of the film about our bird living in Siberia. Have you know this bird?
– What have you read or heard about this bird?

Ученики: It is the Sibirian crane – a wonderful snow – white bird with black wing edges and a silver voice. I saw the crane in the museum.
For Khanty and Mansy people the Siberian crane is a sacred bird. We name it «sterkh».
There are many legends and fairy-tails and songs about sterkh.
I have heard that the cranes are the souls of the soldiers killing in the battels.

Учитель: Unfortunately,  Siberian crane is one of the most endangered bird in the world. It is included in the International Red Book. Now the number of the population is hardly 20 cranes. Of course people try to save the birds and there is the Kunovatsky reserve where scientists try to save ill birds. The found «sterkh» was created in Salekhard.

7. Учитель: What must people do to protect the natural world?

Ученики отвечают:

– Do not cut the trees
– Feed birds in winter
– Grow the plants, flowers at home and gymnasium.
– Turn off the light, TV sets to save natural recourses
– Keep our school, town, club clean.
– Take care of cats and dogs
– Don’t write graffity on the walls.
– Save water, gas and other natural recourses.
– Don’t catch the insects
– Don’t collect birds’ eggs.

Учитель: Animals are like people. They eat, drink, grow but they cannot complain to us that they are in danger. If animals become extinct in the world, people will die out too.

8. Now I see that you know some ecological problems. And you are tired a little. Let’s rest and listen a poem. I think you love our Motherland, our town, our Russian nature. Imagine summer, foresters… Close you eyes… listen…

Come to the woods
On a sunny day,
Come to the woods
Some day in May
Look at the grass
At the busy bees,
Look at the birds
In the green, green trees.

9. We’ll continue our work. Active book Ex. 3 p. 20. Read the task.

a) Find the words connected with animals and their life.
b) Match the proverbs and saying with their meanings.

10. Подведение итогов урока

– In a few minutes the lesson will be over. We discussed some ecological problems. I hope it was useful for you. You know lexics well. And your marks are good and excellent. But I want to know your opinion about this lesson.

Ученики: I have known a new information. It was interesting for me. I want to learn English better.

11. Hometask

Write a short story (5-6 sentences) about the time when the mammoth lived in the world. What was the weather, climate and nature in those times.
