Защита проектов из серии "Live Grammar" в 7-м классе

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Задачи: формирование учебно-познавательной, общекультурной, информационной, коммуникативной и социально-трудовой компетентностей.

Диагностируемые цели: Контроль усвоения языкового материала и употребление глаголов в Present Perfect и Past Simple и использования их в диалогической и монологической речи.

Оснащение: К уроку учащиеся в группах готовят компьютерные презентации на тему Past Simple и Present Perfect.Одна группа разрабатывает вопросы к фотографиям, вторая – отбирает лексику для составления рассказа по фотографиям.

Урок – обобщение делится на три части

1. The Academical Part – закрепление грамматического материала при помощи компьютерной презентации, разработанной учителем.

2. LJ (Live Journal) - презентация ученических проектов, подготовленная речь

3. Here and now – применение грамматического материала в речи, неподготовленная речь.

The Plot

I. The Academical Part.

Good morning, dear friends! I am very glad to see you. How are you today?Do you enjoy English grammar? Is it boring?Some people think that English grammar is boring, but today you have an opportunity to apply your knowledge in grammar and it is an unusual lesson. We have two teams today.

What tenses are we going to speak about? Girls, Please!

OK, Look at the pictures. These women are….

  • Elizabeth the I became queen at the age of 25.
  • Elizabeth the II has already signed a new bill.

What tense is connected with a present situation, an action in the past?

.Say after me sentences in the Present Perfect only.

I have just written my composition. We spent last week-end at home. She was ready at 18.00 p.m. He has already corrected his faults. I have never met him. Did you forgotten this story?

II. What time expressions do we use with the Present Perfect? the Past Simple? Choose the right time expressions.

1. They walked their dogs together

2. I have seen this picture.

3. He has eaten my cake!

4. She began to write a story.

5. She enjoyed her trip.

I suggest you to work with two verbs – to buy and to finish. Compare this verbs. Fill the gaps with these verbs properly.

Tom ____ just ______his work. Tom ________ his work two hours ago. Yesterday I ______ an interesting book. I _______just ______ bread and milk.

OK. We have some nice pictures to discuss. What tenses can you use? Why do you think so?

Make up a sentence to the picture! Which words do you need? Make up a list of words. OK, your sentences. Well done!

II. LJ (Live Journal).

I know, you have prepared your own short projects about our school life.

And now our two teams are going to present their Live Journal. Our team Super boys want you to answer some questions.

Слайд №1. Презентация

Слайд № 2

Слайд № 3

Слайд № 4

Well done! Have the boys shown the difference between the Present Perfect and the Past Simple?

And you girls? You are welcome with your story. You want boys to make up sentences to your photos.

Слайд № 5

Слайд № 6

Слайд № 7

III. Here and now.

It’s interesting and funny. Now, retell the stories!

1. Yesterday we wrote a test. Vlad didn’t write the test. Vasya wrote the test well. Today we have got our tests. Sergey has got a bad mark. Vasya has got an exellent mark. Vlad has become the worst student.

2. Yesterday we wrote a test. Nata was sleeping. Then she woke up. Today we have got good marks, and Nata has got a bad mark .We are cool!

Work in pairs, make up a dialog between Vlad and Vasya? Nata and the other girls. Use the words from the presentations.

Your presentations are full of humor and they explain how we should use these tenses correctly.

Did you enjoy to make the projects? Was is difficult? Is it useful to do projects?

Would you like to continuer this work?

And the last question – is grammar interesting or boring?