Разработка урока по теме "Австралия: география и природа"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

The aim: the development of the habits of oral speech.

The equipment: a cassette-recorder, computer slides.

The plan

I. The beginning of the lesson. What date is today? What season is it? What season is it in Australia now?

II. Teacher`s words: Today we are going to speak about Australia, a very wonderful land. People call it a green island in the blue see. Australia is unique in its geographical position as well as in its wildlife. To begin with, let`s revise the lexical units of our lesson.

To discover


coat of arms


southern hemisphere


is washed




to lauph

III. Audition.

Вefore listening to the text I'd like you to translate the following word-combinations from Russian into English:

Австралия была открыта

страна с разнообразной культурой

южное полушарие

Середина Австралии-пустыня


омывается двумя океанами

пёстрые попугаи

полмиллиона видов растений и животных

IV.Audition. Listen to the text about Australia and do the test that follows:

Australia is a very beautiful country. It is a country, a continent and an island at the same time. Australia was discovered by Captain James Cook in 1770. The first settlers of the continent were the British prisoners. People of 200 nationalities live on the island nowadays. It is a multicultural country. Australia is located in southern hemisphere. So it is summer there now. The Australians love their wildlife very much. Their best-loved animal is koala. You can find half a million species of birds, animals and plants on the continent. The Australian people are very proud of their wonderful land.

V. The test. Choose the correct answer and fill in the gaps

1). Australia was discovered by ---.

a). Cook, b). Columbus, c). Miklukho-Maclay.

2). The first settlers in Australia were ---

a). soldiers, b). English prisoners, c). aborigines.

 3). People of --- nationalities live there.

a). 500, b). 200, c). 50.

4). Australia is located in --- hemisphere.

a). northern, b). southern.

5). It is--- in Australia now. Wht is the largest oo in Australia?

a). winter, b). autumn, c). summer, d). spring.

6). The best-loved animal in Australia is ---.

a). kangaroo, b). koala, c). dingo.

VI. A conversation about Australia T--- P:

1). When was Australia discovered?

2). Who were the natives of the continent?

3). When did the aborigines come to the island?

4).Who were the first settlers of the continent?

5). Why did it happen that British prisoners became the first settlers?

6).What is the capital of Australia?

7).Which are the largest cities of the country?

8). Can you tell why Canberra but not Sydney or Melbourne though they are much larger was made the capital of the nation?

9). What can you say about the climate of Australia?

10).If you had a chance to go to Australia now what clothes would you take? Why?

11) You know that Australians are great sport lovers. What is the most popular sport in Australia?

12).What sport events took place in Australia? (addition about our kabardian sportsman Murat Kardanov,the Sydney Olimpic champion in wrestling).

13). What is the official language of the country?

14). What are the national colours? Where can you see the national colours?

15).What animals can you see on the Australian coat of arms?

16).What is the largest Zoo in Australia? Where is it?

VII. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English. (in written form on the blackboard and in the copy-books).

1). Австралия омывается Индийским и Тихим океанами.

2). В Австралии 50 видов кенгуру. Некоторые из них ростом с человека, некоторые маленькие, как кошки.

3). Некоторые выражения в австралийском английском идут от аборигенов.

4). В стране 55 видов попугаев. Они очень пёстрые и красивые.

5). Маленькая птичка кукабурра не умеет петь, но смеётся как человек.

6). Австралия шестая по величине страна в мире.

VIII. Test. Find the missing word and fill in the gaps

1).There are no --- mountains and long --- in Australia.

2). Australia is washed by the --- and --- oceans.

3). The urban population is larger than the ---.

4). You can see animals in Australian --- and ---.

5). In 1788 Captain --- commanded --- to Australia.

6). The middle of the country is a ---.

Teacher's words: Great Russian writers Leo Tolstoy, Anton Chekhov and Konstantin Balmont wrote much about Australia. They liked this country very much. In their imagination Australia was a very exotic place for rest and relaxation. K. Balmont was lucky. He happened to visit Australia. And when he saw the country with his own eyes he was greatly disappointed because he saw not only the country of his imagination but the reality of life there: noisy roads, smoky air and poverty. And under this imagination he wrote a very nice poem which he called " Australia".

Balmont "Australia"-a poem.

Австралийский чёрный лебедь на волне,
Словно в сказке на картинке, виден мне.
Настоящий, проплывёт предо мной,
Весь змеиный, весь узорный, вырезной.
И воистину влечёт меня в игру
Настоящими прыжками кенгуру.
И в хранимом зачарованном прудке
Светят лотосы во влажном цветнике.
Голубеет эвкалипта стройный ствол,
Куст невиданной акации расцвёл.
Как калибри, медонос припал к цветку,
Птица-флейта засвирелила тоску.
И хохочут зимородки по ветвям,
Словно в сказке, что сказали в детстве нам.
Только это всё лишь малый уголок-
Громче пенья птиц на фабрике гудок.
Нет Австралии тех детских наших дней,
Вся сгорела между дымов и огней.
И от города до города всегда
Воют, копоть рассевая, поезда.

Nevertheless, we must say that Australia is a very unique country. You've heard much about it. Now I'd like you to speak about this continent according to the plan:

1). The Land. (Geographical position).

2). The population. (addition about the Russian and kabardian population in the country).

3). The wildlife.

(The computer slides are used)

You know that the best-loved animal in Australia is koala. Now we shall read a text about this funny animal. At first let's pronounce the words from the text on the blackboard.

Eucalyptus, to obtain, to feed-fed-fed, entirely, life-span, marsupial mammal, captivity, diet, sunset.

Reading of the text, page 234.

Questions to the text:

1). What is the best-loved animal in Australia?

2). What does koala eat?

3). Do koalas drink much? Why?

4). Where does koala live?

5). When is it most active?

6). What kind of animal is koala?

7). What is koala's life-span?

8). Where can you see koala in Australia?

IX. A mini-dialogue.

Teacher --- P

---If you went to Sydney what would you visit?

--- A zoo.

--- What zoo?

--- The Taronga zoo.

--- Why?

--- To see a koala.

--- Have you ever seen a koala?

--- Only in a picture.

--- Do you like it?

--- Sure.

--- Why?

--- Because it's small and funny.

Now I'd like you to speak about visiting the zoo in order to see a koala. (use the information from the text).

P1---- P2

P1--- Hello!

P2 --- Hello! Glad to see you.

P1 --- So am I. Are you having a good time here in Australia?

P2 --- Sure. I'm very impressed by the nature here.

P1 --- And have you been to the Taronga zoo, the largest zoo in Australia, I wonder?

P2 --- Oh, not yet.

P1 --- How do you like the idea of going there? There are so many wonderful animals to see.

P2 --- Oh, it's a great idea. I'm so eager to see a koala. I've never seen it. Koala is known to be the best-loved animal here.

P1 --- Yes, Australians love this wonderful bear very much.

P2 --- Oh, you are mistaken. It's not a bear.

P1 --- Really? But it's so like a bear.

P2 --- You are right. But it is not related to a bear family at all. It is a marsupial mammal, not a placental.

P1 --- How interesting! And do you know that koalas eat eucalyptus leaves and seldom drink?

P2 --- Why do they seldom drink?

P1 --- Because they obtain enough water from the leaves.

P2 --- Koalas are so small and funny. How long do they live,I wonder?

P1 --- They are known to live 12 years in the wild and 15 years in captivity.

P2 --- The Taronga zoo is worth visiting. Let's go tomorrow.

P1 --- OK. See you tomorrow then.

P2 --- Good-bye. See you.

Teacher: There are many wonderful verses about the Australian wildlife. An Australian student Marco Luis likes to write poems. He wrote a very nice poem which he called "Sunsets".

                "S u n s e t s."
Beautiful sunsets, heavenly skies,
If you listen closely you can hear animals cry.
They are calling their daughters, they are calling their sons.
And when they hear it , they run to their mums.
Night is arriving.
Animals are preparing to sleep.
Owls are awakening, they are starting to creep.
A lot of dark hours pass.
Mothers wake up to say,
"Wake up, little cubs,
Be prepared for the new brand day".

I'm pleased to say that our 11th grade student Vorokova Fatima has translated this nice poem into Russian and I'd like you to listen to it now.

Прекрасные закаты, райские небеса.
Прислушайся к звукам природы.
Зверей раздаются вокруг голоса,
Детишек своих они ищут повсюду.
Зовут они нежно своих дочерей,
Зовут они снова своих сыновей.
Услышав детишки своих матерей,
Они прибегают, как можно быстрей.
И вот приближается ночь к ним опять,
И снова зверюшки готовятся спать.
Лишь совы проснутся в ночной тишине,
Начнут скрежетать, забывая о сне.
И много проходит тёмных часов,
И матери снова отходят от снов:
"Вставайте, детишки, откройте глаза,
Готовьтесь к приходу нового дня".

X. Yes, Australia is a very beautiful continent. And as any other country in the world Australia has its anthem which glorifies the beauty and the richness of the country.

Two pupils recite the Anthem under the melody on the cassette-recorder.

Australians all let us rejoice.
For we are young and free;
We've golden soil and wealth for toil;
Our home is girt by sea;
Our land abounds in nature's gifts
Of beauty rich and rare;
In history's page, let every stage
Advance Australia's Fair.
In joyful strains then let us sing,
Advance Australia Fair.
Beneath our radiant Southern Cross
We'll toil hearts and hands;
To make this Commonwealth of ours
Renowned of all the lands;
For those who've come across the seas
We've boundless plains to share;
With courage let us all combine
To Advance Australia Fair.
In joyful strains then let us sing,
Advance Australia Fair.

The summary.

On this point I'd like to finish our lesson. Now you know a lot about this country and if you visit Australia some day I think you'll know where to go and what to see.

XI. Home task. Page 242, to learn the topic "Our Environment."
